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Somewhat new. Somewhat not.


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So, as unpleasant an experience I've watched multiple others have here in days long since gone...
I've heard this place has been finally "under new management" for the most part, as of a small while back. So I'm giving my time spent here another shot entirely! Shouldn't be too bad, I'm sure. 

Anyway, allow me to introduce myself! 

I am AvaikaofStarfox. 

Av, Avai, Avvy, AOSF, and Avaika are acceptable nicknames. Just don't call me Ava (it's... kind of annoying, and very far off the mark in terms of understanding how I intend for the name "Avaika" to be pronounced ^^; ). 

I've been into StarFox since I was about 5 or 6 and haven't truly let it go no matter what turns its taken for better or for worse. It's hard to pick an absolute favorite in the series for certain, but Assault holds a really strong place in my heart, nevertheless (despite 64 being my first SF game). 

I also draw... A LOT! So if you've caught sight of my works elsewhere, then congratulations! >XD;; 

Nice to meet you all, and I look very forward to hanging around here somewhat more often, if possible. (No guarantees, certainly, as life offline is very unpredictable, but still.) XP 

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Haha, thanks! ^^ 

I see it’s rather quiet here these days. Interesting change of pace. XD;;

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

Yeah, the site has become quiet as of lately. Everyone's on discord now. It was Skype before that.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/31/2019 at 8:16 PM, Sideways said:

Yeah, the site has become quiet as of lately. Everyone's on discord now. It was Skype before that.

Ah, Discord, huh? Seems forums in general are a dying art, aren't they? <|D;;

On 2/19/2019 at 8:37 PM, Kursed said:

Hello, Avaika

Well hi there, Kursed! Been some time, hasn't it? ^^

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 as for  forums  being a dying art, not entierly, but i guess so in this case...


yeah has been a long time...i think too much has changed though.... and not enough starfox... did  blackbear screw up on your Oc in his last group picture? because I thought your OC didn't have a muzzle...


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Yeah, it's a little sad. I might go and check out the SF-O Discord at some point later on (just for a little exploration's sake), but for sure nowhere near now. 

Ah. Yeah, time's a little brat sometimes. ^^; 

Well, Avaika didn't wind up in the Fall Party one. I pulled her out because someone I had blocked showed interest in it too and I couldn't bear to ever see them wind up in the same picture again, considering the history (thus she's nowhere in it). She was in the Beach Party one from before it though, and her muzzle-less-ness remained thankfully intact. 

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Hmm Nari one of my Oc's was in his fall one.. thought i saw your OC ,but guess it must have been someone else oh well.

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