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Conall Drest

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I always keep watch on these guys and look what they MAY do if they do it. Im just informing you all to keep on alert in case it does happen.


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Hah, I'm a nutjob. Looks like our buddy Zicka really is a troll.

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It looks like I must do the unthinkable.

I'm.... Going back.... to... OTG.... :nervous:

Since this is the work of Zicka, he has been banned.

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It blows my mind that people who are supposedly on our side (Star Fox site) would have nothing better to do than attack other Star Fox sites.

I have no idea how you found that Shawn, but good job. I had problems with Zicka, but I thought it was because I was taking it personally.

What does OTG mean, DZ?

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Ohh, it was OTG? Man, I remember when that place was cool. :nervous: I miss it.

FYI, dwight, as I recall, it's Outside The Greatfox.

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I've been looking for a solid reason to ban Zicka. This was it.

OTG is where I got my start in the world of Star Fox. Was a nice place back then. But, the admin was afraid of power abuse and appointed no mods. He didn't mod it himself much, unless there was a troll. But, things went downhill. It started with a group of elitists.

Back when I joined OTG there were no "jihads." No threads with X rated words in the titles. There were a few assholes, but every community has them. But these assholes took over. I tried to stay, even after I discovered Arwing Landing and SFO.

If I remember correctly, OTG is the descendant of a break off of the first major SF community, Mouth-Off. That was before my time, so I don't really have the details, but I think the original Mouth-Off pre-dated Star Fox 64. It was one of those primitive boards that was formatted like this:







Something happened to it, and a new board was eventually formed called the Mouth-Off Refugee Camp. I think it was this board from which Puffy (OTG's Admin) split. The MORC decended into flames, and became several smaller communities. The only one I can remember eventually became Lylat.net, which eventually died out as did most of the MORC spin-offs. I think OTG is the only one left.

Nice fandom history lesson, eh? Though it could be inaccurate. I heard none of it first hand years ago.

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Way to start off the New Year, eh? More to add to the list, how lovely...

Edit: Do you think it's wise to mention Zicka's name? It might motivate him even more to do something to us.

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They told me publicly that they aren't going to mess with us, but I'm taking that with a pinch of salt.

Though it does look like the way we handled the SA incident has given us a reputation as a place that's no fun to troll. That's a reputation I like.

Zicka seems to think that getting banned was funny.

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OTG is where I got my start in the world of Star Fox. Was a nice place back then. But, the admin was afraid of power abuse and appointed no mods. He didn't mod it himself much, unless there was a troll. But, things went downhill. It started with a group of elitists.

Back when I joined OTG there were no "jihads." No threads with X rated words in the titles. There were a few assholes, but every community has them. But these assholes took over. I tried to stay, even after I discovered Arwing Landing and SFO.

If I remember correctly, OTG is the descendant of a break off of the first major SF community, Mouth-Off. That was before my time, so I don't really have the details, but I think the original Mouth-Off pre-dated Star Fox 64. It was one of those primitive boards that was formatted like this:







Something happened to it, and a new board was eventually formed called the Mouth-Off Refugee Camp. I think it was this board from which Puffy (OTG's Admin) split. The MORC decended into flames, and became several smaller communities. The only one I can remember eventually became Lylat.net, which eventually died out as did most of the MORC spin-offs. I think OTG is the only one left.

Nice fandom history lesson, eh? Though it could be inaccurate. I heard none of it first hand years ago.

Now you're talking my language. When I started in Star Fox (well, technically, it was first at the NSider boards, but those don't count), there was a place called Starwolf.simplenet.com. No idea what happened to it, but I'm fairly sure it metamorphosed into something that probably metamorphosed into something else later. I was never at the original MO, but I did make most of my SF fandom friends at a little place called Papetoon. It was the best place ever. When Papetoon went down (it was run by a guy named Dermot), MORC was where we retreated to. Eventually, Pap was gone for good and MORC sort of went downhill from there as people left. I have no idea where OTG came from, but some of people I met at Papetoon are still there, as I was until just before I came here, to be precise.

All this has done is make me nostalgic. I never see anyone I used to know anymore.

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Yeah, that's an expected reaction out of a troll. As long as we don't stick it in their faces we'll be fine.

We need to be careful what we say and do because I do get the feeling from time to time we're being watched. We had 85-90 guests looking around here at once not too long ago either.

SF-O has been through more than a forum should take. The fact that we have dealt with these situations is quite a testimony to our will as a community. May it not be broken.

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^Amen, past trollers have been more challenging than Zicka.

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Now you're talking my language. When I started in Star Fox (well, technically, it was first at the NSider boards, but those don't count), there was a place called Starwolf.simplenet.com. No idea what happened to it, but I'm fairly sure it metamorphosed into something that probably metamorphosed into something else later. I was never at the original MO, but I did make most of my SF fandom friends at a little place called Papetoon. It was the best place ever. When Papetoon went down (it was run by a guy named Dermot), MORC was where we retreated to. Eventually, Pap was gone for good and MORC sort of went downhill from there as people left. I have no idea where OTG came from, but some of people I met at Papetoon are still there, as I was until just before I came here, to be precise.

All this has done is make me nostalgic. I never see anyone I used to know anymore.

I had no idea that you were in the fandom that long. Did you always go by TakeWalker, or did you have a different name then?

I had forgotten about Papetoon. I was sure I missed something. :lolhyst:

I just wish I had known about SF back then.

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Oh so now Zicka mentions me. If he fúckin posts my pic and people edit it I will literally leave the internet forever. I cannot deal with such public humiliation and if he does then I will swear revenge. I wish SA would make fun of them or something so they would get a goon rush and stuff. Then they would be literally off the web afterward. I now regret ever posting this topic. Also I could sue him for copyright violation as its my likeness and my picture. Now I come to think of it I could get rich now.

Zicka wrote: I simply had opinions you people didn't like to hear. You seriously can't hang with furries unless you are a furry yourself.

Yet I take a look at his DA http://arcthoudor.deviantart.com/ and see TONS OF FURRY ART as well as him being nice to furries and befriending them. Basically Hes a FID (furry in denial) and lashes out at furries. Hes so easy to debate against its not even funny. Yet he claims to be so good.

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V-Starfox is bringing up very old topics... I'm wondering he's one of them, I may be too cautious.

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I had no idea that you were in the fandom that long. Did you always go by TakeWalker, or did you have a different name then?

I had forgotten about Papetoon. I was sure I missed something. :roll:

I just wish I had known about SF back then.

Yeah man, I was in Star Fox eight years back, close to ten by now. Good lord, no wonder I'm so old and cranky.

I'm pretty sure I was going by Take back then. It's possible I was still using my first handle, D'nel the ex-Mage; I know I was at the Lylat Alliance, but I'm not sure about on Pap.

But yeah. I've lost contact with most of my friends from back then. I was talking with Neri up to a few years ago, but she's never been very reliably online. Juju's still at OTG, I see, I need to catch up with her. And then there's Kalla, who I dated for like two years. <.< And who ran off the face of the earth after we broke up. Hot-cha.

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V-Starfox is bringing up very old topics... I'm wondering he's one of them, I may be too cautious.

Doubt it, she submitted a fanfic and she linked to her fan fiction via fanfiction.net. I looked in her profile and it said she was a sixth grade girl. Seems a bit extreme for a person to do all of that to fool us.

I gave them a friendly warning via PM too.

Looks like even Zicka is losing favor even in OTG, hopefully this won't be another Karl incident.

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Zicka barked up the wrong tree. He kept trying to get them to come, even after they said they wouldn't.

I think my last post there will shut him up. I don't think he knew I kept all of his posts. :roll:

Part of this is that I was once a pretty-well respected member there, despite the fact that when I started I was a total n00bjob (times change, eh :roll: ). Not so much as, say, Juju or Janks, but I was respected after time passed. Some of those people still hold some of that respect, which I am glad to see. I am not ready to permanently return to OTG, but I am glad to see that there still are a few reasonable people left there.

My fear, though, is that since I basically made Zicka look like a total dumbass in front of his OTG peers that he may try to retaliate.

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I don't think there's much he can do on his own, though. Like someone else said, the fact that other boards know we're not a good place to go trolling is about the best insurance we can have.

BTW, Deez, have you always gone by the same handle too? Or were you someone else back in The Day?

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When I first joined OTG, I took the handle "Double Zero." I don't even think it was a whole year before I shortened it to DZ. I then went as "DZ Resident Composer" or something like that. Eventually, for efficiency, I settled on DZComposer.

I remember when SA hit OTG. They did a goodrush exploiting a security hole in the software that allowed them to post without registering. They called themselves "Geno" and pretended to be this fake religious cult that was trying to convert people across the internet to their "gray path."

That incident is one of the reasons why I locked SFO up so tight when they hit us.

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I think I recall hearing about the Geno incident, although I definitely wasn't there for it. That would make a lot of sense, I wondered where the name came from.

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