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Red Steel


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ok, I guess many of us were wondering about this one, well I just got one copy of the first first person shooter on the Wii, and here is what I think of it:

First of all, I don't know why so many people  complained about the aiming system, it's awesone. At first it gets a little bit sparkly and all, but trust me, this is definitely, better than a mouse <__<, if you get used to the most sensitive option, you can easily, beat a croud of enemies in a blink. Although, is not perfect, it has some gliches when you turn around, but still, not a big deal. The game really proves the potential use of the wii remote for FPS.

The sword fighting is neat, not great....just neat. You can like, swing your sword in 7-8 different ways, plus the defending/skills/katas moves...this has the same problem as boxing with the wii sports, sometimes the wii remote tends to get different moves; there is a solution tho xD, you can set on the options the "long swings" setting, in that way you will need to make stronger, and longer moves with the wii remote, and problem fixed  :lolhyst:.

The game graphics are nice, though, a little N64ish  in some parts. Also the game music is really a show, changing like crazy from quiet to fast in a blink.

However I do have some  big complains , I felt like  the game runs at really low Frames per second , some loading takes around 10sec,  and sometimes the game  lags, but the biggest issue I have  is , during some gameplay, the wii is heavily loading while you are playing, and the noise of that is really REALLY annoying, the console is supposedly to be quiet ~__~ ; I never got that kind of problems with twilight princess though, it might be just this kind of game (or my wii <.<), I guess, I should test more FPS titles to see if this is common (I mean, come on!!, not even the game cube , with progress loading ,was so noisy).

I haven't finished the game, so I can't tell how long it is, I have like 6 and a half hours of gamplay, and I feel I'm about to beat it. I hope there is some sort of hard mode or something after the end. I will be looking forward to beat it again, and again until I get everything on the best  rank.

Anyways, I wanna hear more comments of this one soo...post  :mrgreen:

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I got this game shortly after launch to play its multiplayer at my friend's house. I didn't see why they complained about the controls. But anyway, the game's about 10 hours to beat, I think. Personally the ending could've been a hell of a lot better. *shrugs* It's fun though. It's also the most glitchy game I've played with floating baddies, the white streak from a tossed grenade staying in the air (though that was pretty neat because the dude threw it right where I was and could've killed me), freezing, and well, just things like that in general. But the game's still fun, don't let all that get you down.

The voice acting is annoying. Hearing our French buddies, Ubisoft, idea of what LA gangsters say, "Moron!" And the Yakuza calling you gaijin (or something like that), which means foreigner. What's funny is that they'll call you that when you're still in America.

Still! Don't let this comicly bad stuff get you down. Multiplayer is a blast once you get it all down. And beware the demented rabbit level. Beware! *hides in corner from those rabbits*

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I've heard it's...good, but not as good as was promised.

Most of the issues revolved around the sub-par AI, glitchyness, linearity, and that you could only use the sword at "special" fights. Mostly the same reasons you both put down.

Personally, it seems fun, but not great. The reason that's disappointing is that it was PROMISED to be more, but it failed.

I've never heard anything about the controls, though. That's been reportedly solid. Dunno where that came from.


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That came from IGN. They complain about the fact that you have to point off screen to turn. No real biggy in my opinion.

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well...to tell the true...after beating the game, I just...didn't like it @_@.....the game lacks to many things....first of all graphics (yeah, yeah, wii is not focusing on graphics, but STILL)...I changed to resident evil 4 and I realized red steel graphics suck, those on RE4 are even better, and they are from GC. In almost every way, red steel fails...I feel that the game was freaking cut off, I mean, I saw some videos and all, and they looked even better, the levels, the sword play, everything. I would give it  a "6" as score =/. However this game (and Call of duty 3) proves that the wii remote works for FPS. Nintendo needs to start working on better FPS (yeah,yeah Red Steel is a third party game)...seeing  how Microsoft with  Xboxlive is over taking all the FPS players....

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  • 5 weeks later...

ok, does anyone else has this glich on the cursor :shock:?, I mean, randomly on the game the cursor just goes to the middle part of the screen...I checked if my wii remote was failing or anything else, but in the other games like zelda and wii sports the cursor works perfect. I just don't know why this happens @_@, it really bothers me

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mine's a bit wobbly in the Wii Menu and a couple of channels, although it's perfect in Everybody Votes, News, and every game so far. Methinks it's just some random problem, because it goes away completely sometimes....


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1. Put the sensor bar RIGHT in the middle of the TV

2. Don't block the players

3. Sit somewhere straight towards your TV and play in the middle

4. [someone else post and move the next tips to a different thread]

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1. Put the sensor bar RIGHT in the middle of the TV

2. Don't block the players

3. Sit somewhere straight towards your TV and play in the middle

4. [someone else post and move the next tips to a different thread]

Thanks for pointing the obvious <_<  :oops:

anyways, it only happens on red steel, I already made my research  :lol:

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  • 3 months later...

hey have any of you guys notcied 'randomly' oncein a blue moon when you play red steel (and some other game made by ea just don't remember) the game just freezes

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

hey have any of you guys notcied 'randomly' oncein a blue moon when you play red steel (and some other game made by ea just don't remember) the game just freezes

A lot of my games freeze randomly.

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