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Character lodge


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This is kind of like the Fursona Profiles but instead of posting a big long discription of your character(s) here they hang out, and talk about/with each other. Thats not all here you can also have random battels or pretty much any thing eles (as long as it is in the Lodge).


1:A battle between to members does not efect a new (or other) memeber from coming in or posting something.

2: No one dies, unless it your character and you wish it.

3. There isn't a owner, but there is a bar tender (you can ask for the job if you want it)

4: Have fun


*Lilacs and a few Era soldiers walk in, 3 of them look to be a grunts, 2 have bazookas, 1 has and AA missle lancher, and 2 holding flame throwers. All take a seat*

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This is kind of like the Fursona Profiles but instead of posting a big long discription of your character(s) here they hang out, and talk about/with each other. Thats not all here you can also have random battels or pretty much any thing eles (as long as it is in the Lodge).


1:A battle between to members does not efect a new (or other) memeber from coming in or posting something.

2: No one dies, unless it your character and you wish it.

3. There isn't a owner, but there is a bar tender (you can ask for the job if you want it)

4: Have fun


*Lilacs and a few Era soldiers walk in, 3 of them look to be a grunts, 2 have bazookas, 1 has and AA missle lancher, and 2 holding flame throwers. All take a seat*


Noobs won't understand....but I will, and some others

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When do we ever get long noobs that will stay long enough to understand?

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When do we ever get long noobs that will stay long enough to understand?

Since I got here.....I was a Noob Remember why my name is not just Nateo....

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K, well rack up a chair and take a seat.

Grunt: oh shinny

Goku: Don't worry aboout the others right now (Man I sound like Nate and we have not fused yet....LOL!)

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Flame vet: Put that down!

Grunt: No way!

Flame vet: Give it here!

*both start to fight*

Ignore them, there all ways like that.

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*wakes up from behind a couch*

*yawn*  What'd I-whoa.  :?


You didn't just get a massive deja vu just now?

Hm, lemme check.  Um, no.

Weird, I swear we've done this before...

Maybe you did.  I don't know anything about it.

*sigh*  Whatever, I swear I've...*drifts off mumbling*

Freak.  *sits down on couch*

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Grunt: No its my shinny!!!!

Flame vet: Give it!

Grunt: Never!!!

*Both tumble past Raj*

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*kicks the two down and stands on their chests*

Hmph.  Petty fools.  *takes shiny thing from them, steps off and vanishes in a flurry of pixels*

Huh?  Raj, you know I can still see you, right?

*disembodied voice*  You forgot to dispel the Truesight, dumbass.

...Oh yeah.

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*Takes out asssault rifle*

Grunt: You take my shinny!

*Takes out his flame thrower*

Flame vet: No it my shinny!

*Both attack Raj*

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Heh, you gotta find me first!

*rolls eyes and points* to a corner*

*sarcastically*  Oh noes, he found me.  Whatever shall I do.

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*enters fight with Raj, does Kal accept?*

Flame Veteran - Wepon(s) Arc/78 Flame thrower

Class: Anti-infantry

Weakness: Armored units

Era Grunt - Wepon(s) 50 calber Plasma Assault Rifle

Class: Anti-infantry (Longes range of any Era infantry unit)

Weakness: Armored units


Grunt: Give my shinny back!

Flame vet: Grrrr........

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*slices Grunt's rifle neatly in half*  Hey, back off, man.  There are lotsa shinier things out there.

*Xavier Ruby glows brilliantly*  Wanna dance?  Bring it!

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*Pokemon enter battle screen changy thing*

Flame vet usese Flame thrower.

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What the **** is this?!

Oh cool, it's an RPG.

RPG?  Like Unity or Great Fox or-

No, that's more of a CYOA...kinda.  This is an actual RPG.

Oh, gotcha.  So I gotta do stuff like...

[Raj uses Firebend!  It's super-effective!]

How's that?

Eh, close enough.  Just leave it to the author.

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Flame vet weapon: -hit, Raj is a armored character...but his paint got scorched!

Grunt ueses: Radio, calls for more reinforcements

1 Bazooka vet joins: Anti-armor +2

(Read What I posted on The Fursona Profiles for info on all of the Infantry units)


Here we go.

One of the other grunts who's not in the fight (I'll make him brown): All they need now is a tan-.

Katara: Please, don't give your comrades any advice.

Katara your awake?

I couldn't sleep over you guys.

Eras: Sorry commander...

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Ok guys....I know this is an RPG.....but one thing is missing....you destroyed the Lodge already.....your outside

Goku:  ^!-O.o-!^ I GIVE UP!

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Whom are these....mammals...

Don't know, There a little crazy but you'll get over it.........after awile...

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Whom are these....mammals...

Don't know, There a little crazy but you'll get over it.........after awile...

Ps: You can just tell me to stop...I have been doing it for years to other people.......it's time to DADAADDA DADADA DADA DA DOH GET REVENGED....meaning others tell me what to do for awhile...

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Try looking up the definition of "firebend," hmm?

Flame vet:  Hm?  OH GOD!  *roasts alive in his own fire*

Silly n00b...Real life ain't Advance Wars.  Now, you wanna keep sending out nameless grunts, or someone important enough for a name that I can't kill unless you want me to?


Real life ain't AW.  It's an RPG, dur.  =D

Now, *Silver Demon comes out*  wanna play?

Hey look, it's Katara!  Hi Katara!  *waves*

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Try looking up the definition of "firebend," hmm?

Flame vet:  Hm?  OH GOD!  *roasts alive in his own fire*

Silly n00b...Real life ain't Advance Wars.  Now, you wanna keep sending out nameless grunts, or someone important enough for a name that I can't kill unless you want me to?


Real life ain't AW.  It's an RPG, dur.  =D

Now, *Silver Demon comes out*  wanna play?

Hey look, it's Katara!  Hi Katara!  *waves*


Naruto: Hey....Seske lied! This isn't a famous Ramen resterant...this is bad, BELEIVE IT!

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Bazooka Vet: Time to get nailed

*Fires Bazooka A Raj*

Hi Jasho! *Waves Back*

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Nameless grunts it is, then.  *whistle*

Wait, how can you whistle?


Bazooka vet:  Time to get-WHAT THE-?!

*lifts vet by bazooka barrel*  I'm sorry, but if you're going to blow up the lodge, I'm going to ask you to leave.

*snaps bazooka in half*  I will not ask nicely a second time.

Ah, Revin, how good of you to-

The same goes for you.  *stomps away*

Aw, killjoy.  =/

"Hi, Katara!  Still hanging out with these losers?"

(Wait, you know her?)

("You know her?")

(I saw her in the jail holding Revin!)

("Oh, sounds like you two haven't been, ah, properly introduced!")

(No, Jasho, I-)

"Hey, Kat, I'd like ya to meet a good friend of mine.  This here's Kal."

Uh...hi.  Nice to meet ya.  *small bow*  Have we met?

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