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Rink: What is this "hell" you speak of? bah anyway your men if they could get close to my tank would only anger my bombers flying above! And you think I am afraid of death, I fight in a war! Drake get this fool off me if he fails to, have the Battle tank and bombers level any nere by towns.

Ye..Ye..Yes sir

*Wispers To Raj*

Raj let him go, as much as I want him dead and so does FN command, but I really don't want 8 or 9 planits cralwing up my ass beacuse so of there civlians got crush by a battle tank and/or bombers.

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Death?!  You will only when Mephaust runs out of ways to make you suffer!

*Lilacs whispers to Raj*

... *lets go*  I cannot remove the Spider, but it's set to dormant mode.  As much joy as killing you would bring, my priority is the safety of this lodge.  Now call off the attack.

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Rink:Thats more like it!

*Starts punching Revin over and over again, but Revin hasn't noticed*

Rink: So how to you like it now?!

*Looks down*

Ho, commander...

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You're not going to do anything but break your knuckles, y'know.

J:  Now that you're all calmed down now, y'want anything to eat?

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Sure why not.


what do you have?

Take this and that and this and, ect.

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Guest Whirlpool

"....'Ey Revin."


"Question: Why is Raj well...Raj-ish, and you're not?"

.....*blinks slowly*.....

".........I mean 'Why is he so violent while you're actually like, polite and diplomatic'."

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(ooC:  Did you get my PM?  <_<)

You see, Raj was the very first Scourge.  At that time, funding for the project was limited, and there was no guarantee that there would be others.  Thus, Raj was trained as a weapon, an assassin; shoot first, ask questions later.  Or, rather, shoot in the kneecaps, then interrogate while your victim is writhing on the floor.  Several months later, my body was created, and the training curriculum was drastically altered.  But the real reason lies...much deeper.

H:  ...?

T:  That's it?  You're just going to leave us hanging like that?  Unbelievable!

I am not familiar with the legends.  They belong to Kal's people; ergo, he is the best suited for this matter.  He has yet to return, however, so I am afraid this is all that I can tell you.

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Guest Whirlpool

(Ooc: Mmmyep. I did. Replied. And the 'kneecaps' thing reminds me of a certain Shepherd XD)

".................What were they trying to do out there again? Destroy the tank, or something else?"

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Cool, robot stuffs


Not need to fear Trep, the battle tank has left.


Ner: Very intrsting Revin.


When did you get here?


About when the BT came, Ive been listening to about everything everyone in here has said.

(OOC: CO Ner is very serious person, he doesn't know jokes and gets to the point fast. Oh and if you can tell Katara is hungry.)

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J:  Y'know, Kat, if you wanted food, you coulda just said so.  *steps out of shadow behind her*

Wha!  Where'd you come from?

K:  The same place I did.  The shadow of the Battle Tank.

Impossible!  You would've been crushed!

K:  I didn't say "under" the tank, for that is merely where the shadow lies.  Think about it.  Regardless, when the tank stopped, we assumed the attack was called off.  Naturally, we came back.  We can always go back if it begins again.

What were you doing with my battle tank?!

J:  That, is none of your concern.  Now, wipe that whiney look off yer face and order something, heh?  =D

K:  CO Ner, is it?  Nice to meet you, I'm Kal.  That's Jasho, and I guess you've already met Raj and Revin.  So what brings you to this humble lodge?

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It is my pleaser Kal, and thee reason for being here is to investigate the appearance of a enemy Battle Tank in the area. I am sure things are in tip top shape, correct Lilacs?

Oh yeah, Kal and Jasho took care of it.

Very well, then I should be going.

Brook: Now? but you just go here!

There are things to be done. Play time comes after work.

Na, come on man relax, besides you never now when-


___At the same time_____

*Grabs Jasho* Don't call me KAT again! the last person to do that...well*Picks something out of out of her teeth*

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J:  *grinning like an idiot*  Well, alrighty then, Katarrrra *slap*, guess that means you ain't hungry at all.

That's what I thought.  So, Katara, Ner, enough of me being an ass.  Whaddya want?

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Guest Whirlpool

"(to Drake)*tail bristles and fur stands on end*.....What did you say to me?"

"......Hoo-boy.....I'm uh...gonna....go...help Jasho in the...kitchen place....yeah....*scurries away*"

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No, need to fear the tank has left, do you need my to clean out your ears for you?

J:  *grinning like an idiot*  Well, alrighty then, Katarrrra *slap*, guess that means you ain't hungry at all.

That's what I thought.  So, Katara, Ner, enough of me being an ass.  Whaddya want?

I am fine


J: Ahh...

Fine, a steak, well done!

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(OoC:  That's the point of this topic, ain't it?  To show off our characters and stories, yes?)

J:  Alright, comin' up.  Brook, you mind giving me a hand with...

K:  Don't mind him, Katara, he means well.  Just...sometimes his mouth gets ahead of his brain, y'know?

Kal, Holbrook asked about Raj's...personality

K:  And you said..."

Only what I know of his training.  Nothing deeper.

K:  I see.  Alright, might as well tell them.

[i feel so left out...v_v]

[Kill them.]

Shut up!

All:  ...

...What're you looking at?!  <_<

K:  Aaaaanyways, y'see, Raj-

*fwoosh!*  OH GOD!

K:  ...Excuse me, gotta go save Jasho.  -_-

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Guest Whirlpool

(Ooc:"Don't do it, don't do it!" ............................For Trep's sake I think I'll leave them out for now...)

H:"I thought I told it no more flame thrower! .......And why does it hate Jasho so much anyway?*walks off into kitchen*"

"Let her handle it Kal; the thing'll probably behave better with her anyway. So....you were saying?"

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(OoC:  Slow going.  x_x  I'll probably be all day tomorrow.  But I'll post it when I'm done!  On the bright side, I found a new emote!  =J)

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(OOC: I have return from the hell-ish pit that is camping!)

Kal, if any of his body parts are roasted I'll take care for them.

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