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J:  See?  You CAN go five minutes without being a-


J:  ...Without starting something.  Can I get ya somethin' else?

K:  Forgive me if this is too bold, Katara, but...why do you seem to be less able to get along than anyone else here?  Even the Thorns have eaten in peace, but you keep trying to pick a fight with Jasho and Raj.  Why is that?

*evil glare*

K:  ...Sorry I asked.  *back to pie*

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If you wish for the truth, I am a cross bread.

K: between what?

A Thorn and a Leaf, I have all the color morphing of a Leaf and the aggression and power of Thorn.

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J:  ...A hybrid between two warring races...Heh, I know the feeling.

Oh please, what do you know?

J:  Let's just say...Koulthans and Bereans...haven't exactly had the greatest past.  Still don't, really, though no one will admit it.  You could say that's why I left the planet with the Scourge, cause I never really belonged anywhere.

Still...heh, is strength measured in how many people you push away?  *smiles, sips coffee*  Think about it, ya?  Now, ya want somethin' else while I'm back here?

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Yes, Pushing other out of you way is the only way to get to the top. Please don't make me laugh.

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J:  *cleaning glasses*  Heh, not all strength comes from power, man, and not all power comes from strength.

...What's that supposed to mean?

J:  Yer a smart girl, think about it.  =J

K:  You don't have any of the Thorn markings, though.  Looking at you, you don't really look like Drake at all, as far as I can tell.  You'd think there'd be more than personality carry over; hell, you could've just been raised by Thorns since you were a baby-er, tadpole.

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I was raised from the egg by my true parents but went I was still a hatch ling I was adopted, because my real parents could no long take care over me. As for the markings I guess you could say I have the out side of a Leaf and the insides of a Thorn.

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J:  Hey, I never said we haven't had a good past.  Just...well, see, my mom's related by law to the Berean Chief, Marcus.  She, ah...had a little get-together with a Koulthan barkeep, and the rest...well, it's history.  =D

Problems started few years later, there was a wave of anti-Berean feelings all throughout the Koulthan nation.  My mother was...killed in, ah, one of the first riots.  I had nowhere to go but with my dad.  You can prolly imagine what I went through, I'd...rather not talk about it much.  But some good came out of it.  My dad was a damn good cook; I picked up what I could from him, but all that you've eaten?  Yeah, Dad could beat me easily in the kitchen.  Best of all...I met Kal around that time.  He used to wander the streets in disguise, get a feel for the normal folk, fairly common, I'd say.  He helped me out of a, ah...tense situation...Well, actually, he saw a fight, broke it up with a sword flash or two and was rather surprised to see a half-Koulthan, half-Berean laying in the street like a beat-up bum, heh.  Slight difference, ya?  Anyways, this was all a long time ago.  Things have improved ever since Kal retook the throne.  There's still some, ah, problems here and there, but they're a lot less common than they used to be.

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J:  Ah, sorry.  Got a little distracted.

Problems?  Yeah, there were some.  Naturally, of course.  You can't expect folks to just suddenly turn around and start likin' ya.  There's always some folks against integratin', ya?  Goin' through the history books-

Wait, you read books?

J:  ...Yes, Raj, I'm not a dumbass.  :(

Wiki's a beautiful thing, isn't it?  =D

J:  Hardy har.  Point is, it wasn't that different from racial integration in late 19th century America-

Indeed, it is.

J:  ...Fine, I'm guilty of Wiki-ing it, alright?  Not my fault I don't know the detailed history of this damn planet.

...Where was I?  Oh yeah.  There were still a few anti-Berean groups in the border towns, and I don't hate 'em.  Even in the good times, the border towns never liked us "infringing on their land" or some BS like that; hell, I was surprised they ever came around to us.  They stirred up a little trouble here and there, enough to keep the Zohda running out there to quiet things down every once in a while.  But...meh, it's in the past.  'Sides, I know most Koulthans just wanna live peaceably, I mean, who don't?  So I don't hold it against them.  Like I said, what's done is done, can't change it.

...*looks down* Heh, no matter how hard you try...*perks back up*  So!  Who wants some hot chocolate?  I'm thinking o' brewing up another batch.

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Guest Whirlpool

"Oh, I want some! Trep, are you gonna have any? It's reeeaaally good~"

"*staring out window*"


"*slowly gets up* ...I'll...be outside...." *walks out back door*


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Wiki? America? stop making up crap please.

Your worst that the Erons.

Is everything ok Brook?

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J:  Hey, where's she going?

K:  Stay put, Jash.  I'll go talk to her.



K:  Hey, you alright? 

T:  Yeah...

K:  Liar.  You look like you got something on your mind.  Wanna talk about it?

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Guest Whirlpool

"It's nothing really.....Jasho just accidentally struck a sore spot while he was talking, that's all....*absent mindedly plays with tail*"

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K:  Really?  He does that, sometimes...

Whatever this is, it's more than simply "stepping on her toes."  He struck a nerve on her.

K:  ...You...wanna talk about it?  *offers a hug*

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K:  ...You're right.  You can't change who you are.  I mean, hell, anyone in the lodge can tell you that.

...Good thing, too.  *puts arm around her shoulder*  Cause I wouldn't want ya any other way.  Long ears, tufts, bushy tail, they make you...well, you.  And you wouldn't be the same pretty girl I know.

...So if you can't do anything about it, what use is there wallowing in it?  Like Brook told me upstairs, there's no point to worrying about what you can't fix.  Besides...we're here for ya.  And anyone says anything about it, they'll answer to me, Jash, Revin, and...believe it or not, even Raj.

...I'm sorry if that didn't help, but...I...*sighs, holds her silently*

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Guest Whirlpool

"Nah, it did... Thanks Kal *hugs him back* Maybe we should go back inside before --"


"No, don't smash it! I already fixed it twice!"

"*sighes the smiles* Something like that happens. Heheh :("

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K:  Whaddya mean?  It always happens, right?  =D  Let's go, see if we can catch some of the fireworks.

Heh, as long as it makes you smile, sad-eyed girl.

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Guest Whirlpool

"*is running around with a fire extinguisher* Jasho, hold still!"

J:But it burns!!!!!! *runs in circles*


"I told you to hold still! *uses extinguisher*"

J:.....My head huuuurts >_<

"That's because I whacked you with a giant metal cylinder full of foam so you wouldn't burn alive!"

J:It still huuuuuurts.......

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*Laying on her back laughing at Jasho and Brook*

You dumb asses!

Ahhhh, anyway *Looks a Trep* Hey If you still don't like your looks plastic surgery is an option.

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What was that Kal, dear?

You have a look on your face and seem to have mumbled something

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Guest Whirlpool

"Jasho meant to tell y'all the hot chocolate's done, for those of you who wanted it. He's kinda loopy since I hit him upside the head. *sips from cup* He woulda done it 'emself, but he's complaining about his head to much right now.."

(Ooc: Agh! Kal,because you made her put Raj in a hogtie, I can't help but think that Holbrook has some kind of country/southerny accent now! >.<)

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