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No longer needs to eat, woah your weird.

Kindly due

how are you?

(Lilacs, Ner, Katara, Rink, and Ms. Joker refs are under way. There all at 0%, but expect Lilacs and Ner tomorrow!)

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J:  Wha?  Really?  Huh, that's cool.  Less work for me.

Revin and I don't need to eat, either.  What's so weird about it, hmm?

Greetings.  It seems we have something in common, General.

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Well food give you energy, right?

There robots

Oh, I thought they were tall guys in really ugly armor.

*Can hardly keep back from laughing*

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

Good Morning/Afternoon/Night, whichever might be the case.

Yes, you could say we have alot in common.

{More than he could imagine, Phoenix.}

{Aww, be nice for once, K.I.T.T. . It's not everyday you meet someone with characteristics like ours.}

{Didn't mean to offend him, Phoenix.. Wait! Radar is picking up something, a large spacecraft. Cannot tell it's alliegance. No visable markings either.}

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

[KITT, you're crazy. There's nothing there!}

{Sorry, my bad. Dimentional Radar is not working correctly today. I must remind Engineering to repair it.}

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Guest Whirlpool

"....I have the feeling that it was some kind of Era ship, judging from the look on Katara's face......"

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

It doesn't matter what it was, KITT's systems have been haywire ever since we got here.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

KITT stands for Knight Industries Two Thousand. He is basically sophisticated AI.

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...I think I've heard of that before.  Similar process used for the prototype Silver Demon, if I remember.  So what's it there for, other than taking up memory space.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

KITT controls all my primary functions that normally my brain should take care of.

When I first entered the Republic, I was a crackshot and wreckless pilot. That all caught up to me one day on one of the planets in the Outer Rim. I was following a rouge pilot on a mission when my starfighter caught fire and crashed. Luckely, I survived the crash, but my spine didn't. So I lied there for what seemed like days until somehow I was able to get in touch with the force and send a distress signal back to Corneria.

They found me two days physically dead, however the force kept my conciousness alive within a body that could not move. I was whisked to a top secret Governmental facility where my body was sent forward through time to a place and time where new technology was available to recontruct me.

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The...force...Riiiiiiiight...[Damn, if I could smoke, I'd want what he's on.]

K:  [Quiet, you've seen weirder on Koulthos.]

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

You've never heard of the Jedi, have you?

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K:  Jeddy?  Yeah, those are like the bogeymen back home.  Moms tell their kids to be nice or the Jeddies play mean tricks on them in their slee-

No, Kal, I don't think that's what he means.  What the hell's a "Jedi?"

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You must be a rich man then!


Computers cost more than gold were I come from. Of course the computer guys are always barking about how powerful there new computers are.

How powerful?

The last one I saw, said it had like...I don't know...4 KB of RAM or what not.

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J:  ...


*stifles laugh*

J+R:  *look at each other*  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

J:  How the hell do your ships work without computers?  What, you got a bunch of hamsters running their wheels all day long?  XD

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No not hamsters, because we would eat them. Air craft are flown by the pilot, I don't see how a computer could fly and air plane.

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J:  Need computers to regulate the engines, unless you're still using...*snerk*  Internal combustion.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

An Astromech droid regulates more then engine systems. The Astromech is also responisble for the upkeep of weapons and shield systems. It also acts as a navigation unit for purposes such as finding a stable gateway for a hyperspace jump or a map of a solar system or planet.

Most Capital ships do not need one though, because they are bigger and have a crew that can do it. Some smaller ships (like the A-Wing) are too small and rely on the pilot to oversee all the systems.

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Guest Whirlpool

"Well, the Era's situation isn't actually all that funny. I mean no body has computers where I come from."

" :shock: ................I would die if I lived there......."

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