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You accept rupees here? Unfortunatly, I have nothing else but that.

Wii should have something like that...

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"Hey, money's money, whatever pays the rent, ya?"

Via my currency converter, you're welcome very much. :?

"So what'll it be?

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"Well...personally, I'd recommend the eggburger-"

But seeing as I'm guessing you don't have the stomach of a Goblin war pig-

"Hey, I'm right here!"

I'd say...hell, anything's good, but I'm a steak guy myself.  Jasho, my good man, if you please.

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Then what's the point of asking? :D

"Ignoring the ass for now...Alright, two heifer halves and a robin's nest comin' up.  You want it brown,still mooin, or somewhere in between?"

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*Walks down the stairs, and into the living room*

Back already?

Why is there Hot Chocolate in the bath tub?


All Soldiers: !

*Looks a Jasho*


Jasho: Well it taste good doesn't it?

>: (

All Sodiers: >: (

Jasho: meep

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"What?  I told you I had a lot.  You didn't..."


"No!  My cocoa!  You bastard!  *runs upstairs*"

All:  ...

Naki:  What's that smell?

Hm?  Aw, piss, the steaks!

*holds up plate*  No, I took them off a while ago.  *drops the plates on the table with a thud*

Naki:  O_o!  Um...wow, that's pretty big.

Yeah, I thought he was kidding about the heifer halves...

Naki:  So what's that smell?

...Good question.  Not me.

"*from upstairs*  Not me...  *weeping*"

Not us.

All:  *look at the Eras*  -_-

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*Licking her self, on the arm*

*Doing the same*


Shedding season.



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Do you have to do that inside?  Some of us have rather strong olfactory receptors, y'know.  >_<

Yeah, seriously, you ever try eating while M-2 changes his oil in a vat of feces?  It smells about like that right now.

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Yeah, seriously, you ever try eating while M-2 changes his oil in a vat of feces?

Yes, and screw your receptors, your lucky enough that you can smell with your nose instead fo your tongue.


There is that better?


Sorry old scales are very itchly, and our spit is some what smelly from eating fish.


Cut us some slack, We're reptiles the skin falling of thing is natural.

Trust me, I wash every day.

Jasho: Iam still trying to get over the fact your race smells with your tongue.

Well you can't smell or breathe scents under water, so you have to "taste" them. and that feature was carryed over when we begain to live on land.

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Huh, just like a snake.  Interesting.  Thanks for stopping.


...Dude, they're lizards.  They do that.

"I know, it's just...ew."

O_o  Whatever.  How's the bath of hot chocolate?

"First of all, it's a vat.  Second of all, it's ruined!  Completely!"

All:  le gasp!

"And I found THIS!  *holds up scrap of...*"

Looks like...oh. ._.

Well, there aren't many places large flakes of skin come from...>_>

Hey, don't look at me!

"I'm not...I'm sure the judge would be glad to know that..."

(Who's the judge?)

"(Shut up!)"

"*slams hands on bar and points dramatically*"


All:  Le gasp deux!

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Huh, just like a snake.  Interesting.  Thanks for stopping.


...Dude, they're lizards.  They do that.

"I know, it's just...ew."

O_o  Whatever.  How's the bath of hot chocolate?

"First of all, it's a vat.  Second of all, it's ruined!  Completely!"

All:  le gasp!

"And I found THIS!  *holds up scrap of...*"

Looks like...oh. ._.

Well, there aren't many places large flakes of skin come from...>_>

Hey, don't look at me!

"I'm not...I'm sure the judge would be glad to know that..."

(Who's the judge?)

"(Shut up!)"

"*slams hands on bar and points dramatically*"


All:  Le gasp deux!

Mewfii: Not mine...I'm more cat like...

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Well Iam not the only purple Era alive, and further more Iam not purple Iam lilacs.

Jasho: What ever you ruined my Coco!!

Who makes hot Chocolate in a bath tub?

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"When you're expecting to use a lot, you need more than a damn kettle!  Besides, who takes a bath in boiling, brown 'water,' anyways?"

"Besides, you're the only purple Era here."

Are you calling me a liar?!

"Well, if the muzzle fits!"


"You heard me, lizard breath!  Put 'em up!  Hey!"

*grabs both by the collar*  I swear, it always ends in two brats slapping each other with you two!

Both:  HE STARTED IT!  No I didn't, you did!

ENOUGH!  I don't care who started it, I'll finish it if you continue!

Now, if you two boys are done arguing, *drops Jasho*  Go make some more hot chocolate, and for God's sake, don't use the bathroom!  *drops Lilacs*  And you can try watching what you stick your tail in.  Got it?

Both:  *sigh*  Fine.

And please...try not to piss each other off that easily.

"Now, what happened to those steaks-Ah, y'all started without me!  Wait a minute...O_o!  The eggburger!  *runs into the kitchen*"

Hmph, who makes hot chocolate in a bathtub, anyways?

Well, who takes a bath in a hot chocolate-filled bathtub, anyways?


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Iwasn't looking at the time, I just droped my tail in to see the water temp and now my tail is sticky!

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"Wah, wah, wah!  No Jons, Lilacs!  Ain't my fault you're too stupid to che-OW!"

*twists Jasho's ear*  I wasn't threatening when I said that.  *lets go*

"*sigh*  Yes, mother...*rolls eyes*"

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*Points at Jasho and laughs*

Revin:  O_o


Let them go Revin, there just being kids.

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"*rubbing ear*  Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.  Anybody else want some food while the grill's still hot?"


Hey, what's up?  You've been unusually quiet and...hell, almost pacifistic lately.

I wouldn't go that far.  But...ah, it's nothing.

C'mon, I don't have to use the Link to tell you're lying.  What gives?

...You're still bummed about Alond'Reev, aren't you?  It was a long shot and you know it.

Still...Naki's the first person we've met who's been to Marez ever since we left Koulthos.  If he was from the City, you'd feel the same way.

Yeah, I guess you're right.  Didn't that mainframe have any info for you?

*shakes head*  Only the name of..."test subject #14, prior to Union procedure."  Nothing more.

...=/  You okay?  How's...well, "it?"

Don't worry about it for now.  I'm...I'm fine.  *goes to sit by himself*

...Hmph.  I thought you were a much better liar than I was.

"Hate to burst your bubble, but...that's not saying much, man.  =D"

O_o You know what I mean.

"Yeah, I gotcha.  That was pretty obvious, I gotta say."

Leave him alone; he needs time with himself.  And...it, as well.

"Yeah, yeah, but I wanna be sure he doesn't go crazy like that one time."

In the void?

"That'd be the one."

I couldn't stop him then...

That wasn't your fault, though I'm curious why that Possession was so much stronger than the previous.  Speaking of, when is the next one?

I think it was environment last time.  Assuming it's normal...I'd say two weeks, tops.

*nods solemnly*  I'll start making preparations, then.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

So, what does it come to? I'll leave you with 100 Rupees, you feel free to convert it to whatever you wish. I'm gonna go see if there's an empty room available, I need to get some sleep.

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"Nah, I'm runnin' up a tab.  Pay when ya leave.  The rooms...well, it ain't the Hilton, but...room, bed, bathroom, what more do ya

need, right?"

(One without fleas?)

"(Hey, that was once, and cause the owner had fleas.  Not here!)"

(Touchy, touchy...)

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What were you saying about Raj, Revin it sounded intresting.


Grunts: hahaha

L Flame vet: *Big Burp*

Grunts and Lilacs: Hahaha

Katara:  O_o

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It's...complicated.  Rather long, might I add.  I think...Kal, you can tell it better than I.

Well...if it's alright with Raj-

No, go on, I stopped getting depressed at my own story a few months ago.

Okay, then.  It's a long story, though.  You sure you wanna hear it?

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I've got the time.

Lgrunt: Hang on....*Mega burp*

KBazzoka vet: Lame....*Super mega Burp*

Everone except Lilacs and the soldiers:  :ok:

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