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Domino: Quick guys...throw as many Bugs as you can on me and I'll start making bug juice out of them....3.....2....1....GO!

OOC: I'm still thinking Ren and Stimpy....

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OOC: 0_0 I completely forgot about this topic.

*Roger sips his wine*

Roger: Yeah, Derek, I know him for 'bout eight years or so. GUILT was rather new then and I operated on the lesser strains. Helped about 4 people then. I'll never forget all of the thanks I got, really made my day. Then Roy came along and this was... by the time Derek was about ta leave. Roy and Derek got along real swell, and such, but when Derek left the hospital seemed... empty. Even patients were comin' less often. Derek he had this... aura 'bout him ya know? It's like as soon as he walked in a room you felt happy, we were all sad when Derek left but... I guess it was fer the best.

*Roger stares at the wine in his glass almost waiting for something to happen, he then gulps it down and reamains in his seat*

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Roger: *stares at the wall and begins to sob*

Roger: *sniff* Nobody posts anymore... *nose blow*

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Guest Whirlpool

*Holding bug by the antennas and poking at it*"Hm....." *glances around to make sure no one's watching and cracks the bug open* "Oh hey, cool!"

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Domino: Damn! My jig is up....Those bugs were mine...*Holds up bug that got thrown at him* I only need one to figure out how to handle you guys

Domino puts the bug in his pack and thrusts out both hands....


Tons of random domino blocks twirl around Domino

Domino: See Ya! SUCKERS! *Flies into a domino and dissapears*

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Guest Whirlpool

*has all the the little parts of the bug spread out on the table in front of the couch*

".....Wow." *pokes at some of the parts* "That's so insanely simple, And yet. Genius. Lilacs, I never want to go to war with the Eras."

*Magical Idea Lightbulb*

"Hey, is there anything that didn't get turned into a giant evil robot? I wanna try something."

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Um, um...

"Well, there's always Revin-"

You're not touching me, pup.

"...!  The kitchen!  The bugs've stayed out of it, far as I can tell.  All yours after these damn bugs-"

*snap*  DEUS EX NO JUTSU!!!  *EMPs the bugs*

"...Okay, all yours."  Everybody alright?

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Guest Whirlpool

(OOC: Hey look, Kal's back! I was about to assume all your characters died. Oh, and I drew Kal just now.)

"Oh, cool." *starts to go to kitchen, then stops* ".....Can uh....Raj come with me?"

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(XD  Sorry, forgot about this.  Wait...you drew Kal despite never seeing a picture of him?  Can't wait!  =D)

Yeah, um, just a sec...wait, where did Raj go?

"Dunno.  You don't think..."

*shakes head*  Nah, something tells me he's at least halfway resistant to mind control-

All:  ...*four-letter word*

Revin, go back there with her.  Jasho, you're with me.  We gotta find him!

"You don't think he...it...?"

I hope not.  We couldn't get the restraints on thanks to the damn bugs!

*stands behind Brook*  Don't worry, I'll keep you safe.  Come on.  What this plan of yours?

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Guest Whirlpool

(I got it from your little "floating-head Kals" I'll upload it on DA tomorrow, or if you're so eager, I can send it to you.  :hehe:)

"*Smiles and holds up a part* See this? It's a special kinda of nano-chip that's normally used for self-repair because it can copy things. Boss normally kept a bunch of these in stock. But this one has been modified enough so that not only does it give the bug's their ability to replicate, but it also copies these *holds up different part* When these nanites are released, they start reassembling everything in what ever they had been released inside of to become something that has an ability to attack.  That's what I'm out to try. I want to put these in the oven."

"You're going to what?"

"Put them in the oven. And if I'm right, they'll take over it, and it should start spitting flames at me. *smiles*" (Ooc: Remember what I said about her being oblivious to things? Perfect example)

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(Hey, I thought ya'll would like to know, I am plaining on making a DA account tomarrow. I finished drawing most of the Frill Era versons of the weapontry)

*Watching Brook*

Wouldn't Frill Command like to hear about those...

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Guest Whirlpool

(Seriously?  Sweet.)

*Has ear pressed up to the back of oven* "I hear something alright...."

---Few minutes later----

*Is smashing the oven*

*Is slightly covered in soot.*"Well. That was kinda cool in a life threatening way. *looks at freezer* ....Hmm....I won--"


"But I--"


*Looks disappointed* "Aw man......"

(Ooc: 200 AND starting the 12th page. Awesomeness.)

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*grabs Brook's arm*  I said I would protect you.  That includes from yourself.

Brook:  But I-

-was about to make an incredibly stupid mistake that could get you killed rather quickly.  Think about it.

*grabs her arm again*  Alright, thinking was a bad idea...

...Do you have any experience modifying these things, did the "Boss" ever tell you how?  Instead of attack, can you make...whatever it is stop in its tracks without harming its circuitry?  I think we may have a way to keep the Demon in control.

[Meanwhile, somewhere not in the lodge...]


A tall figure limped through the trees, clutching his side, hanging his head low.  The drone attack was ill-timed; the people in the lodge hadn't the time to place the restraints on him, and the bugs virtually destroyed any technology he could use instead.

And the voice in his head only grew louder.


He had to get away.  Couldn't let it out.  Had to get away.  Had to get away from...them.  His allies...his...friends.

[How weak.]

[sh-shut up!]

[This isn't the Raj I know,] the Silver Demon whispered.  [They've made you weak.]

[i don't care...] the Scourge thought back.  [i won't...let you hurt-]

[Who?!] the Demon mocked.  [Who?!  Since when do you care about anyone?  Since when has someone else mattered?  Survival, yes?  That's your only reason for living, isn't it?]

Raj was silent.  There was more.  Else Kal would've killed them both long ago.

[since when does...she matter to you?]

Raj stopped.  Inside his mind, all he could see was the Demon's toothy grin.  It struck a nerve and it knew it.

[i live...to keep you trapped.  That's my fate, and I accept it-]

[The Koulthans have fought me several times, and Lilacs certainly has the capabilities to keep you down.  Everyone in that lodge is a fighter.]

[Everyone, that is, except for-]

I won't let you hurt them!

Silence.  It came out in a scream, a frustrated cry for help.

The Demon was quiet for some time.  Quite frankly... it hissed finally.

Terror gripped him.

You have no say in the matter, the Demon cackled aloud.

Raj fell to his knees, his whole body shaking out of control.  He inately started gasping for air that wasn't there.

And now that I know who makes you weak...

Light faded, his armor paled.  Raj hit all fours, convulsed, and screamed futiley.  His claws dug into the soil as every joint suddenly tightened.

And then silence.  He relaxed, got up after some time, shook the dust off-

And opened his eyes again.

They glowed brilliantly blue.

I will put an end to your weakness!

The Silver Demon cackled and took off into the woods.

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-Out hiden in the woods-

Frill Rifle grunt: And she said Iam the boss around here and blah blah blah

Frill Assault vet: O rly?

Rifle grunt: Ya rly!

*Looking throught his banoculars* (ooc: sorry if I misspelled that)

Frill Bazooka vet: Hey, you two stop and look.

Rifle grunt: What?

Bazooka vet: That!

*Points to Raj*

Assault vet: What is it?

Bazooka vet: I have no clue, but its getting to close for comfort, better give it a warning shot grunt.

Rifle grunt: Yes sir

*The grunt shoots a couple of shoots at Raj*

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Guest Whirlpool

"Stop...something...int it's tracks?" *Stops and thinks for a minute* "Yeah, I can do that! It'll be easy. Without out harming the circuitry might be a different matter. There's two kinds of 'stops' I can make these little guys do. Total stop and gone forever or just be a useless piece of crap. Now if it's a certain type of circuitry, I can try and go for that, like get 'em to just slice through all the wires inside of something, or disintegrate the memory, so it depends on what you want.

But to do any of it, I'll need a really strong magnifying glass, a pair of tweesers and a computer. Do we have that last one? Cause that's the important thing, and if we don't have it, then...well yeah. We'd be screwed."

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Here's what I mean.  As-is, the bugs are programmed to take over machinery and cause it to become a weapon.  What I'm wondering is if you can make them take over machinery and cause them to not move at all.  If they can control a machine's actions, they ought to be able to keep it from acting-

Jasho:  "So instead of the little bastards forcing it to attack, they instead force it to do nothing!  That's a pretty good idea!

Assuming they work by controlling motor functions.  If they rewire the insides, then we can't use it without crippling Raj.  As for a computer...unfortunately, mine was one of the first devices they controlled.  Katara did a number on it with a lead pipe.  I will see if I can get it working again.  Lilacs, if you want to help, first, tell me how these things work.  Can we reprogram them to stop Raj without hurting him, and how long will that take?  Next, if I can't get this computer to work, we're going to need one.  Do you have any that weren't destroyed during the attack?  Jasho, give me a hand with this one.

"Yeah, gimme a sec.  Gotta know what you're thinking, though.  I mean, if this doesn't work, what then?  And even if it does work, how we gonna find a certain snakehead, anyways?"

We'll cross that bridge when we get there, and it won't be hard to find him.

"Really?  He's a fast sonnuvagun; there are about five cities  he could be in by now."

But he's not.


*sighs morosely*  Because of how the Demon thinks.  Whenever it gets out, there are two groups it always goes after first.  Anyone else was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  First, anyone who doesn't like Raj or has done something to piss him off.


The forest had grown quiet again.

You know, Raj spoke finally, breaking the silence, you really shouldn't have done that.  It amazes me, the nerve of some of you creatures.  You see something new, and your first reaction is to shoot at it.  Imagine how that feels!  I'm more than a monster, I have feelings, too!

He smiled as he grabbed the rifle grunt by the frills.  But then again, you had every reason to shoot at me.  But you made a crucial mistake.

The Demon played around, tossing it back and forth, before tossing it over his shoulder.

You missed.  That was your mistake.

The grunt's head landed with a squish next to his squadmates'.  Raj couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

They had it coming.  And they got it.

He arose from the stump, wiped the gore off his weapon before retracting it, stepped through their twisted, mutilated bodies, and disappeared into the forest.


"And the second group?"

Kal sighed and sunk back into the chair.  "Anyone he knows."

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Guest Whirlpool

"Control motor functions......force to do...nothing.....not cripple R-- Raj? RAJ! WHERE'S RAJ?!?"

(Kal).....You seriously didn't notice that yet? Wow.

(Jasho)"*pokes Brook* You were thinking of something?"

"Huh? Oh, right. OH! OHOHOHOHOHOH! I gots something!"

Do tell.

"Alright, so you want it to take over a machine and force it to do nothing, while not doing anything to Raj, right?"


"Once you get that computer up and running, assuming you can do that, all I have to is change some programming so that the nanites will take 'em over, but instead of messing with everything inside, I just gotta make 'em go plef. And viola, everything stops."


"...Yeah, plef. You know, like *falls over on the floor and makes noise with tongue that sounds like 'plef'*"


"...Um.....kinda like......a road block. Yeah! A road block!"

You'll have to explain your plan a little more.

"....'kay, it works in two parts. First part is that all the bugs go plef and clog up any joints that allow for movement, which makes it hard for Raj to move at all in the first place. Second is where they act like road blocks..... Well kinda anyway. Hey Jasho, come 'ere for a sec."

"....? ...Yeah, okay sure."

"'Kay, start walking this way, just walking. Nothing important."

"*starts walking*"

"Let's say that Jasho there is like an electrical signal, on his way to tell a certain robotic part to do something. What the nanite bugs'll do in the second part is this: *latches onto Jasho in a bear hug then goes limp, dragging him onto the floor with her*"

"...Can't...get up! *clawing at the air*"

They're gonna grab the signals?

"No, that's just how it would work. They keep the signals from getting there, or going through at all. No signals to tell them to move--"

Then his limbs won't move.

"Exactly. But uh....Wee problem."


"It might not last for a good long time. What ever you were gonna do, you'd have to do it pretty quick."

(Ooc: Dude, did I like make, any sense with all of that?)

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(Yep, ya did!  ;))

Excellent plan!  I don't think the lead pipe ruined too much.  You should be able to have the computer working, albeit with several large cracks on the monitor...*glares at Katara*

(Hey, Jasho, you alright?)

("I can't feel my signals anymore.  >_<")

(._.;; )

("I'm gonna...I'm gonna sit down for a little bit."  *waddles over to the couch*)

Ah!  It does still work!  How soon can you have the bugs reprogrammed?

"Before he gets back, you bet!"

We don't need a permanent solution.  How long do you think it'll last?


A tall figure stood on the edge of the woods, his feet and claws still encrusted with Fizard blood.  The lodge stood in the distance, unmistakably rising above the forest.  The Silver Demon stalked slowly in that direction, hiding among the trees, taking his time, reviewing his targets' weaknesses, calculating exactly what will happen and how.  And that little girl....So sweet, so naive...

He thought of how he would extract as much pain from her as possible.  And it made him smile.  It would be worth the wait.


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Guest Whirlpool

(Well that's goo-

"HEY, WHO YOU CALLIN LITTLE?!" *sigh*  <_<)

"Sorry Jasho. And thanks for being my example. :shock: Aaaaanyway. It should last 'bout..... *counts of fingers* Five, ten minutes at the most. And now that you have that computer up and running, I'll get it done real fast. ;)"

-----------blahblahblahLil' Laterblahblah---------------

"*hits enter key*  Done! ;)" (Ooc: I was so totally tempted to have Devin ("Boss") pop up here, but I'll leave him out. And I just thought of something amusing and sickeningly cute that I think I'll use.)

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Assault vet: Commander......

Over radio

Go ahead

*Killing sounds*

What is that?

I have to go guys

*Copper sounds in the back ground*

Kal: ?

*A Heavy Tank brakes through the wall behind Lilacs*

Brook: :shock:

And whats this for?

Your "Friend" has killed two or more of my men, I am not going to take that really.

Brook: But a flipping tank?

Frill Grunt: Oh we have three or more outside, plus two gunships, nine flame vets, 12 rifle grunts, some bazooka vet...

All (not including Lilacs): O_o

Well men, Away we go!

*Lilacs and the tank go outside*

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