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On Duck Poker, Cable Pr0n, and the Kingdom of Loathing.


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[C&P'd from my dA journal]

It's 5:00 AM. Do you know where your Engineers are?

If they're any Engineers I know, probably discussing the relationship between Condi and Gary Coleman over a nice batch of color-coded peanut M&Ms, all the while a Bondage Skeleton dances to Bad to the Bone.

Don't you just love inside jokes? That awkward silence where you start cracking up and everyone else just chuckles politely (but only because they have NO IDEA what you're talking about)?

Yeah, me too. But awkward silences are irritating, especially when you get a lot of them.

Basically, remember when I said I have "NOTHING to do this IAP"? Well...I lied. Because there is one thing that you MUST take part in.

The Mystery Hunt.

A test of wits, willpower, and how much you're willing to spend on caffeinated products. Teams of ten to a hundred compete in mind-benders like you've never seen, solving mini-puzzles for sets of data, combining said data in the most non-thought-of manners to come up with a one-word answer...Then combining all those answers in the same way to solve one large meta-puzzle, one which you're not told what the puzzle actually is.

All in the name of...the opportunity to run next year's Hunt.

Fruitless? Probably. Fun? Hell yeah!

Because if nothing else, you're collaborating with some of the smartest folk you'll ever meet over the meaning of a two-page essay consisting of the word "blather" repeated over and over again. And that was an easy one that only took an hour. We don't talk about the Stunted Growth Puzzle. (Hint: what's another word for stunted? Growth?)

So yes, that's been soaking up a good majority of my time these past few days. But alas, 'tis over. The coin has been found, the team has won, and I...just spent the last two hours gimping around the MIT campus faster than my teammates could jog in vain. XD

Which means I can finally catch up on my stuff.  *coughINCLUDING THE DAMN GFRPGachoo*

Now if you'll excuse me, I think I see the sun coming up. G'night, y'all!


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XD  I know, I'm like a month behind.  I just gotta sit down and do it.  That's the problem.  ^^;

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Don't worry theres cookies and cream in the cold box of keeping things cold.

Sorry I watched some Youtubes of 4chan, 88% win.

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Alright, sorry if y'all are confused.

Essentially, everything you don't understand is from a puzzle or event in this year's Mystery Hunt.  In order...

Duck Poker:  A very complicated game of poker involving...well, a duck.

Unscrambled Cable Porn:  Lotsa pictures of stuff from the Discovery Channel song...with scrambled letters abundant

Unsound Effects:  A page of nothing but sound effects taken from Kingdom of Loathing, given several quotes from said game to make a cipher.

Dual Identities:  Two pictures taken cut in half and rejoined.  The pictures in question were of Condi Rice and Gary Coleman.

The M&Ms were from a family tree puzzle I didn't know about until...well, after they gave up on it.  XD

Envy:  I had to trade a fancy glowing cube for a dancing skeleton in the name of Bingo.  It was depressing.  Also the worst decision of my life.

Blather blather:  Exactly what I said it was.  A two-page paper consisting of nothing more than blather.

The Ol' Runaround:  They gave us directions.  We follow directions.  Some of the directions were the exact opposite of where we were supposed to go.  'Nuff said.

Ironically, our Runaround team found a room where the Coin was supposed to be, but...alas, we were too late.

Real helpful, I know.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_Hunt  ought to help slightly.

It's an MIT thing.  You understand.  ^_^

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Oh yeah, I heard about this. Doing all these puzzles and stuff for like 2 days. @_@ Yeah, I couldn't do all that. I know you must be tired.

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Yeah, yeah, I kinda am.  @_@

Sleep cures all ailments.  Just gotta get my circadian rhythm on a non-eff'd up format.  -_-

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Here Kal, take the blue pill. It gives you 8m full hours of sleep......or was it the red pill....

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Note to self:

Never do the pill trick to some one who has be doing Puzzles for 2 days...

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People people, let Kal take the pill that's labeled horse tranquilizer. That way Kal can get much needed rest and everyone's a winnar.

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Oh whatever. A large animal is a large animal. Although, an elephant tranq might knock him out until next century. >.>

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^I know right, its got that smooth vanilla aftertaste. Well, right before you start to inhibit the effects and drool.



But, that Runaround sure sounds like a barrel full of monkies. What was your favorite puzzle oh Great tiresome Kal? :?

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*dosn't have any of the tranq pills, in his hand any more*

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They're so good! They taste like Flinstones Chewable Vitamins! Dammit!

Not that you should be eating those either.


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Sorry, but my Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great

[move]Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great GreatGreat Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great GreatGreat Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great GreatGreat Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great GreatGreat Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great GreatGreat Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great GreatGreat Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great GreatGreat Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great GreatGreat Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great GreatGreat Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great GreatGreat Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great GreatGreat Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great GreatGreat Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great [/move]

Great Ancestor Big horn ate the real versons.

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Lilacs, any "Great"er and they would have existed before the universe did.

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Ack, sorry late.

The runaround was fun as hell to do/solve.  But...it's a tie between Unsound Effects (the KoL one) and Guest List (if only because of the awesome way we solved it).

OH, and the site's now open to everybody.  http://other-people.com

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Looks strange, whats with the upside down star? (Knows it has something to do with demons but is to lazy to look it up)

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