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ideas: fox 's cinematic appearance in SSBB


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I'm interested in the ideas fans have for fox's appearance in ssbb.

Here's my idea for his cinematic entry in brawl...

a fire ball erupts overhead, suddenly an arwing hits the deck and rolls. As it rolls it clears the deck of its occupants leaving silouet of lone figure. As the dust settles it shows an infuriated fox Mc cloud. SSB quote

"come on"...

Thats mine i'm interested in hearing yours... -_-   

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An arwing with fox riding on the wing dives down, levels off, and stops at the middle of the stage.

Fox jumps off and the arwing leaves.

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  • 1 month later...

*a column of fire suddenly explodes on the stage and dissipates as Fox materializes from teleportation at the top of the column and descends to land in the area, like his Fire Fox move*

Hey, I wanted to come up with an entrance that didn't involve an Arwing, since that's usually a given anyway.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wonder why they had to super-reveal HIM? We ALL knew he'd be back. That coulda been another newbie.

Falco, Slippy, and Krystal may join the fray too IMO. Any distinction from Fox would be a bonus.

Krystal would be alter-ego interchangable between Adventures (staff, etc.) and Assault (blaster, etc.) outfits/forms.

Not Peppy really, too old now and just not able enough (OMG PLAYABLE IN ASSAULT VS MODE.....oh shut up).

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Another entrance idea...

One side of the arena forms those honeycomb shaped crystals like in Assault when something is being teleported.

Fox appears from the teleported area and then the honeycomb disappears.


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Hey, I like that idea.  Only make it more like that green portal that opened in the beginning of Assault to allow the Great Fox to enter the fray.  I believe just the aparoids used the blue honeycomb structure for their teleportation, and I guess using it for Fox's entrance would seem a little out of place, not to mention more villain-like than hero.

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How about the Great Fox teleported, like in the second level, where the Landmaster was teleported? It would look like a standard teleporter beam from Star Trek, only with an "inforing" around it that says "Fox McCloud."

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