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Smilie maintenance


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When the new smilies were added, the smilie set feature broke, so I had to fix it.

I had to remove a few of the new ones because the generic set didn't have an equivalent. Also, the :thanks: smilie tag is no more, so if you used it you may want to edit your posts.

If anyone wants those removed ones back, please provide a generic equivalent to them so that both sets can have that smilie so no one gets left with the broken image (red X).

If you want to make smilies for us, please make sure that you either make or provide from elsewhere equivalnets for all sets, unless you think the smilie will work in all of them.

Also, if someone could edit the 0_o smilie to remove the white edges I would appreciate it very much.

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I would love to fix the smilie, but everytime I put it in a gif file it dumps half its colors.

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You can recolor it if you want to, though I still want it to be animated.

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Ok, and do you want it to be redone as Fox, someone eles, or not at all.

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Here's the "fixed" gif version. I think the original was made with some special gif animation software, so mine won't be as small as theirs, but still not huge:


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Awesome. I'll upload it. I think :repost: needs to be done too.

Lilacs, if you want to do a Fox one, go ahead. Some of those in the Fox set still need to be done. Name it blink.gif if you do it, though.

The character sprites have been added to all smilie sets.

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Here ya, go:


I also did a few more:

Becasue the Fox w/ Krystal was getting popular


and one more to the fox set, sorry for its name oops was already used.


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I uploaded the blink and nervous ones for the Fox set.

I can't add the krystal/panther/fox one unless you find or make me an equivalent for the generic set.

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I make a Fox verson of each smilie in awile. Ive been feeling a little under the wether lately, but it shall be done!

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