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Why did you join the Star Fox forum(s)?

Lord O'Donnell

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There are other topics "introduce yourself" but in them, you tell everyone who you are, this time I want to know why did you join this place.

Why I am asking this?

1.- A few days ago I was talking to someone and I ask him his records, but his answer was "I have never played Starfox before, none of them". I didnt want to ask him why he joined SFO.

2.- Almost all topics I have seen are related to the game, but not exactly the game, and the few ones have only a few answers.

And to introduce myself properly Ill tell why I joined SFO.

My records were high, and my sister told me to put them in the net and I start looking for websites like that. The first one I found was Arwing Landing which had a link to SFO. And here I found that I was a small kid playing against the best.

Then because I had a project (Wolfen in Solidworks) I found Shadows of Lylat.

I wanted to join a forum of Star Fox because Assault was one of my favorite games.

The first forum I tried to join was AL but I didnt knew and I couldnt so am not a member, then Shadows of Lylat (the first forum I ever joined, I did it as EDWARDCR) few months later it went down and my project also died (sorry the university). SFO came later and I stick to it ever since. Then I read about Katina Base and it had something that SFO dont have (at least for me, and it was also new and it was the oportunity to know people in the net but my computer cant open the website anymore, I stayed a week or two).

Before I joined SFO I sent my records to Ayron, I was 10th those days, after talking to him and with a little practice I became 4th.

Up to this point I only know a few reasons of why people join this kind of forums:

a) To compete to get the best records

0_o Krystal  (I want to be clear on something I dont have anything for the character, I joined just for the game SFAs)

c) They like the story

d) They like the games

e) Any combination or something else

f) Scifi/space idea (it came from whirlpool)

I came because of a) d) and something from f) a. Am not attacking anyone, but if the moderators feel the topic must be closed I understand

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I am into Star Fox in general and this forum because of:

d. Love the games, especially Star Fox 64.

c. The story is great for a space shooter. It has plenty of room to grow too.

b. Krystal is awesome.

f. Love sci-fi!

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B and D are my answers, but the reason I joined this forum is because I just wanted to go to another SF forum to go to. Sometimes I get annoyed or mad at others, but I haven't had any problems here, and I was told to not go to KLA by someone else (unnamed). As for being a SF fan, I enjoyed SF64 when I got it for a birthday (first of two games I ever played), then I remembered that the series existed when Assault came out. And then I started joining SF-related forums and such when SFC was announced.

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I just got interested in computers and started browsing the internet more. Eventually I started looking up games and such, and then made my way to forums and stuff...ya.

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because destiny threw me here <.<

Yeah... destiny did it. >>;

To tell the truth, I have no idea how I got here. Who are you people? Dx

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d,e, and f

I came here to talk about Starfox and met people from all over the world, (and to ask about the Rom stuff) but mostly the first. I really only asked thet question because I had just heard about the thing and most of yall know a good deal about it, and well this was the first forum I have made an account on. Iam glad I met so many cool poeple, Sol's fun to talk with (and beat on Mario kart :krystal:), Kal's the only person I have met who has a world he too wants to get out there(and told me how Black hole's work), so pretty much this place is awsome and I happy to be a member here. *see's someone about to hit him with a cold turkey, for making a dramatic post*

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me personally....i thought  :fox: and  :D were hawt (:P) and searched for pics of them...found this place XD, also because i wanted to draw a fan fiction of them >>;;

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-hides in the corner- hey i can dream can't i  :D

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Got here through hearing about it in Arwing Landing.

:hehe: and d) also will suffice.

I like Krystal a lot, but I'm not as straightforward about it as much as some others...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I join 2 years ago cause I was bored of AL and needed a new forum to post at. Nowadays I dont even play Starfox let alone Nintendo much (damn Morrowind and Total War addict now >_<) This is the only SF forum I still go to due to the fact 90% (AL, KLA) of the fanbase hates me cause of rumours idiots spread about me. This place no one really hates me I suppose or they just dont express it.

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Probably C and D.  And for some reasonable way to interact on the Internet with people who have the same interests as I do, which is nice.

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Well now I'll tell the quite long story then...

It started in autum 2005 when I got "quite" Obsessed in StarFox64 when I got it to work perfectly on the computer, before, I just had good memories from it from 1997, when I had rented it, and from 2002-(something) when I had lended it.

And after time I just googled something.. and I found somethings intresting.. it was then I  first found SF-O.

And I wanted to tell something.. so I just quickly registrated without creating any name so I just chosed the "standard" Ludvig.

And boom, I've been here ever sence...  altough the starfox-fanitism or so has cooled down quite a bit.. and I never really could count myself as a "starfox fan" anyway cause I had only really played SF64..  never owned or even TOUCHED a Gamecube..  but I suppose when I would get a Wii (whenever that would be..) Nintendo and all this would probally raise the intrest a lot.

I finds it weird how I saved some krystal pics as soon as just TWO DAYS of being a member here... tough I can say that I'm not much intrested att all in krystal anymore.

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  • 1 month later...

long story but I'll tell it. It all started when I first got Star Fox 64 when I was 9, I played it every day. Loved every minute of it. The love of it grew, I got the other games, (Bummed the original one from my cousin). And then one day, when I was looking up random Nintendo stuff on iTunes I came across the Krystal Archive Podcast, it mentioned Star Fox-Online, I checked it out, I finally got an email address (don't ask why), and I joined SFO. So really I have Dwight to thank, so..... I thank you Dwight, for introducing me to SFO and bringing me out of my shell. :D so there's an answer for ya, you think it's stupid, well I don't care.

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