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Wolf O'Donnell - too similar to be different, or too different to be similar?


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^That... sounds weird XD

I must agree though, his head is big, but then again, Star Fox cast have big heads.

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Though to be honest, I like his voice in Assault more than in SF64.

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Yeah, it definitely converted from "corrupt nobleman" to "space outlaw" in a matter of years.  Of course, that's what you get when you make games of the same series with different developers.  :wink:

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I agree with Wolfox, his voice was good in SF64, but way better in Assault.  "Space outlaw" ftw.

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Hey, I had to think of something to depict his Assault voice as.  :wink:

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He's quite... scary in his Japanese counter though.


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Hey, I think his Japanese voice actually sounded pretty good.  What do you think is so "scary" about it?

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In some point he's scary, in some point he's badass. Though from what I heard, he's more caring in Japanese.

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Ah well, I like the deepness of it, it just seems fitting for him.  Anyway, lets drag ourselves back to the point of the topic, which is the debate between Wolf's similar and contrasting roles.

What do you think Wolf's inner motives are?  I mean, he's Star Fox's rival, but he helps them save the galaxy, and I understand he does this because HE wants to be the one to beat Fox, not some crazy bugs.

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Yes. But I think I interpret it as more of a "humiliation".

I mean, I am quite sure Wolf will not kill Fox, simply because he's the one he can consider as a rival. If he does kill him, then no one can fill this rival need of him. Humiliation. Telling which is weaker is something I could see.

Who knows? Maybe while Fox is a better pilot, Wolf is a better "man"...?

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It still seems funny, though, that one would revolve his whole life around a rivalry.  I begin to wonder if Fox and Wolf will simply get bored of the whole thing in the future and become friends.

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I doubt it. In a typical Japanese action story involving a male protagonist that isn't oyaji/old (Fox isn't in a sense), the rival will continue to exist.

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But keep in mind that none of the characters are going to stay the same age forever, as the series is fixed to a timeline.  So eventually, Fox and Wolf WILL get old.

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Yes, and once they are old cranky geezers they will be like drinking buddies XD

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So, they're both going to eventually be in their eighties, and they're going to be trying to attack each other with their walkers?  Please.

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I can't picture them attacking each other with their walkers, but I can picture them taking a few deep breaths from the oxygen tank before throwing some insults at each other = geriatric brawl.

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Yes, I can imagine it.

:fox:: *eating* This is wheat bran is really nice

^_^: Whaaaaat!? You said, "My brain is full of lice"?

:fox:: No No No, I said...

^_^: Don't tell me what I think I heard you said when I know what you said! Why if I didn't have my hip replaced, I'd get out of this hospital bed and knock your dentures out you stupid pup.

:fox:: Again with, this "pup" thing! I AM NOT A PU-----GASP! *reaches for his oxygen mask and slowly breathes in* HUUUUUUUUUHHHUUUUUUUUUH! I AM NOT A PUP!

:wolf:: Pup, pup, pup you are a pup....pup.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA--! ACK! COUGH! WHEEZE! *Drinks a cup of water*

:fox:: Well, at least my Bronchitits doesn't flare up like yours does.

:wolf:: Oh yeah? Well at least I don't have to rely on an oxygen tank like you do.

:fox:: *Buzzes Nurse* NURSE!

Nurse: Yes, Mr. McCloud? What is it this time?

:fox:: This man over here is very annoying....Get rid of him!

Nurse: I can't do that Mr. McCloud.

:fox:: What? Why not?

Nurse: Because staff and doctors placed him here.

:fox:: Couldn't you at least punch him in the face?

Nurse: No. *looks at her watch* It's time for your medicine.*leaves the room* I'll be back in a few minutes.

:wolf:: What? You're going to punch me in the face? Why don't you do it?

:fox:: I asked my nurse to do it.....and she said, "No". Didn't you hear a word I said? You're next to me?

:wolf:: Fox, you know my hearing's gone bad!

:fox:: Yeah, I'm aware of that.

:wolf:: What? You called me "a hairy bat"? Why I oughta smack you in the head with that oxygen tank!

:fox:: Confoundit Wolf! I'm telling you, I did not call you a hairy bat.

:wolf:: Get out of that bed you stupid fox! *jumps out of his bed* Come on! I still got a little fight in me. Come on, I'll beat you to a bloody pulp!

:fox:: Wolf, can't you see that you're--? Oh wait a minute, you can't! Because you're almost blind! AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA---! *Grabs oxygen mask* HUUUUUUUUUUUHUUUUUUUUUUUUUH!

:wolf:: Get out of this bed now! *Tries to pull the sheets from Fox's bed*


:wolf:: Owww! My back! Owwwwww! *slowly walks back to his bed* Owwww.....

:fox:: Hey Wolf?

:wolf:: Yeah Fox?

:fox:: What were we fighting about in the first place?

:wolf:: I forgot.

:fox:: Me too. Ah, oh well.....*falls asleep*

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LMAO!!  Thanks for destroying my train of thought.  ^_^ ^_^

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Thank you! *Bows*

Uh, well around 15 minutes. It would have been quicker but I had a block on how to end it. :D

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Me want old pics of the two NAO.

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