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MONSTER - a kemono fighting game


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Anyway, first off - What is kemono? Kemono = furry for Japanese, but this one is specifically beastmen (usually ranging from toned to muscular, and male).

This game looks like kemono meets Street Fighter with a dash of Melty Blood. The demo has been released for download, and the official game is out (though it needs to be paid).

On a cool side - most of the characters are owned by famous kemono artists in the net (their galleries can be accessed from the link below, clicking the banner beneath the character they own).

Site (characters) http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/8105/monster/infrmtn.html


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When this comes out Wolfox...are you going to post the game here as a download?

And when you say the chars are some peoples Fan chars....does this mean I can put like say Mewfii or Ranamon-....if I draw more of them more often...I'm not too sure Domino fits, he's not furry...-into the game?

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The most intresting anthromorph fighter I've seen so far. (Better than Bloody Roar, IMO) I only wish I can DL it.

@ Nate, I believe its already out. But, I think that you have to get some connections in Japan if you wanted to see your characters on the game. And they do have non-furries.

And from what I seen, I think Orju and Mayu are cheap for some odd reason. And Freedom Mode looks awesome!

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It's already done, Nateo. However, in order to acquire the official game, you need to order it... and pay... in Japan.

As for the characters, what I mean is that a large percentage of the characters there are actually owned by famous kemono artists (as you can see in one of the links I give, as some characters link to a specific kemono gallery). Since it's already done, there's really not a chance for your character to be there (unless they plan a sequel, but then again you must be prominent and famous and like what Sol said, you need connections).

Say Sol, who is Orju, the dog with laser-like powers?

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Sorry for double-post, but for those who wish to download the game, here it is http://files.filefront.com/MONSTERzip/;6609330;;/fileinfo.html

Apparently, up to now, the game isn't 100% finished yet.

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It's the tiger (I think?) with orange hair. He has a firey power break and a green glowing leaf special. Thanks for the link Wolfox! I'm going to try it as soon as I get the chance! :friends:

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Patch http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/8105/monster/update_mnstprd_100b.exe

download it the same directory where the MONSTER executable is. Then run it. Now, CONFIGURE MONSTER as apparently it changes the direction buttons.

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Download it ^ ^ This game is not those run-of-the-mill RPG stuff you found.

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