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I love living in Boston...


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Meh, I read that in the paper yesterday...but ya, i guess anything unexpected'll put people on their toes. But learning that it was just a promotion wins so totally. XD

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:P O_o:lol::P

I get it now....

PS@Kal&anyone else with Windows Live Meesenger: now that my WL Mess thing is working...i'm useing it more often...so chat with me if you more often now a days...

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I read that this morning. How often do things like this actually turn out to be real bombs? I can't think of even one time. Oh well, now more people will probably watch the show/movie so they won't fall for this again.

Reminds me of a stunt. Mario ? boxes everywhere :P

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I seen this report around 5 times in the track of two days. It was quite sad....>.>;

I love how only some stations censor the right hand and nobody else caught on to it.

Every time there's a fake bomb threat think of all the real bomb threats that could be happening.[/iknowbadref]

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I heard this on G4, But it think this is real, the moon is going to attack this is only a small warning before a super moon beam will come mooning our way!

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SOMEONE CALL LINK TO DO ANOTHER MM TYPE RUN....He killed one moon...he should kill ours back to normal...LINK!!

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