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We Are Going To Go Digital Before Going Into Space!


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The names Nathan....AKA Domino. Let me tell you what life is going to be like if we don't get into space, like Star trek or something...

Everyone has a cartoon that they like, sometimes it's from the USA...sometimes not....But the most common shows are, Pokemon, DB/Z/GT, Full Metal Alchemist......Digimon.....GO!


-Real World-

Nathan: Man those RPGs are fun....too bad they're just fiction..

[Nathan spends his time on the computer, not worry about the time...]

Nathan: Too bad my chars have to stay online.....I can only draw pics of them...

[What he does not know....is he was chosen by random to wage an all out war....]

Nathan: Man..I wish I could....well meet them for real...

[No...not Iraq.....no not in space...]

Nathan: All my game chars maybe..

[No....not on any consoles...like Nintendo Wii/DS or PS1/2/3]

Nathan: *Sigh*.....I wish reality didn't suck!

[bingo.......Loading program!]

Nathan has his head back....he does not know his computer is acting up

Nathan: ...........hah.......so bored....

Computer screen: *FLASH*

Nathan: Huh? *Looks at screen* The hecks going on?

Suddenly something apears on his srceen.....a man in a black coat (Think Kingdom Hearts 2 - What the Organization 13 guys wear)

Man in black coat: Yo Nathan time for you to come in!

Nathan: Ah....what?

Man in black coat: It's me...or I should say *pulls back hood* your alt-form...Nate!

Nathan: Nate? Thats just a short form for my name....who are you really?

Nate: Just touch the srceen.....Time goes differently so your Real self will just stay put....if someone sees you.....to them, you will look like your sleeping...

Nathan: I'm not sure I want to do this....but....just for now keep things simple....

Nate: By the way...I've checked your computer and seen how many friends you have...if they want to join....they have to wish for something new to happen...

(OOC: ^Do what the man tells ya people to get into this RPG)

Nathan: Ok *Brings hand up* your sure about this?

Nate: Positive!

Nathan then touches the screen....and....



(Next......to find out what happens next...I need more people...read it again and again carefuly to get it....)

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-Tranmisson (Think Mega Man Battle Network)-

Nate: I lied...

Nathan: You WHAT?!

Nathan and Nate are in a room of black a white radiantents

Nate: Your trapped now.....KEYBLADES! *Two keyblades come out of Nate's hands....each with a piece of a Yin Yang symbol* Come on!

Nathan: Damn it you....I'm defenceless!

Nate: Doesn't matter to me....you can die anyway you like....EN GAURD!

Nathan and Nate fight each other for a while.....doesn't look good for Nathan

Nathan just keeps on evadeing the attacks and doesn't attack

Nathan: Man I'm going to die...



Time just stops....

Nathan: Huh?

Mewfii: Behind you...

Domino: We are here...

Ranamon: But don't allways expect us to save you....you got to have some responsibilty

Nathan looks back at them...

Nathan: Thanks..


Nate: FINAL....

Nathan: I don't think so....HAAAAAAAA *Both hands go up and change into fighting gloves, one with a pokeball symbol, the other with a digivice symbol...and a necklace appears around Nathan's neck with a domino piece straped to it* Now I'm ready!

Nathan goes to one part of the room and Nate chuckles and goes to the opposite side...

Nate: Lets go....FOR REAL!

Nathan: No.....LETS END THIS!


(Next....someone has to help me defeat him.......just one person post then I'll post again)

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(Random DJ): In this corner... we have the evil force of NATE!

Unknown crowd cheers!

(RDJ): And in this corner....from the depths of reality.....NATHAN!

Rocky music starts (The one that playes whenever he Rocky is training...the "We're Flying High Now" song)

Nathan and Nate take they're robes off.

RDJ to both of them: Now lets have a nice clean fight you twos...

Nathan and Nate hand shake...then they go back to they're sides

Nathan: *Checks himself out and flourishes his fists* Come on!

Nate: *Makes his keyblades into fighting gloves too* If you can do it...SO CAN I!

Nathan: Hmph....I'm flattered...


(Next.....I'M SERIOUS....I need just one more player to watch the fight...then recruit me to fight with you...)

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