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Four-eyed Vulpine

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While we're looking for them I'm going to do some hunting.

*Grabs shotgun from supply pile, pulls out a beer from a hidden bag*

Jon: Where did you get that?

I've always keep a stash of beer with me.



*Starts wrestling with beer bag, Jon gets the bag, SF begins shooting at Jon with shotgun and accidentally shoots the bag*


Uh oh.

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Uh oh, you just destroyed the last beer. I WAS going to thunder dome you for it but.... now I'AM GOING TO KILL YOU ANYWAYS!!!!

*Takes the broken glass and runs at SF, but just before he reaches him. He chucks the broken glass at him, while his arm is extended he unsheathes his knife...*

((OOC:-Damn, all this for one beer.... WTF-))

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Uh oh, you just destroyed the last beer. I WAS going to thunder dome you for it but.... now I'AM GOING TO KILL YOU ANYWAYS!!!!

*Takes the broken glass and runs at SF, but just before he reaches him. He chucks the broken glass at him, while his arm is extended he unsheathes his knife...*

((OOC:-Damn, all this for one beer.... WTF-))

Domino: STOP!

Domino quickly goes for one of his guns and shoots the knife out of his hands...

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Screw this... I'm leaving this island. I work better alone anyways. Watch yourselves, apparently it's pretty dangerous here.

*With that he walks away from the group, picking up his knife which is undamaged from the gunshot. Knowing that he WILL get off the island, but a smirk engulfs his muzzle as he is turned from the group. Questioning how many will still be alive by the time he DOES leave this wretched island.*

buh bye He says in a dark, cold manner.

*His figure disapears into the brush*

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#362:Well we just lost another one.

SfRunner: At least we don`t gotta go after this one.

#362: Ya, but he probably won`t survive long enough to get off of this island.

Domino: Well, if he wants to try and kill himself then go ahead.

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I knew he was crazy, at least he's gone.

*Stares after Jon, growing very uneasy that he could be anywhere on the island*

I'll keep watch tonight in case he comes back. In the mean time who wants dinner?

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#362: What mis there to eat, I mean I havn`t seen many animals around here.

SfRunner: Theres gotta be something I can find.

362: Well good luck, cause I`m no t going with you.

SfRunner: OK fine, but there has gotta be something out here.

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Jon *walks to the beach, after grabbing a safty net from his plane crash site. He puts a rope on it and starts to fish off the beach. Capturing about a dozen fish, he goes off and eats them raw*

pansies, probibly didn't even know how to survive here in the first place...

*Takes another bite*

Well, this will tie me off for the night. Tomorrow, I think I'll have some red meat. Hopefully they won;t be TOO hard to kill......

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#362: Ok lets see my list of things to do.....lets see, kill anyone who is in my way....get food.....and get off this island.

Domino: You made a list of things to do?

362: Hey I don`t tell you how to live your life.

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*SF walks to beach and sees Jon sleeping, hides in bushes, notices pile of half eaten fish next to Jon, and the rest in the net, does the shifty eyes look, draws Plasma rifle, and walks to fish pile*

Well, since they belong to this psycho, I'm gonna go ahead and take these.

*begins to drag net to woods, comes back to cover his tracks, Jon grabs SF's tail, fish blood dripping from his mouth, eyes demonic looking.*

OH @#*!

*wacks Jon in the face with butt of gun, drawing blood, runs into woods*

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Argh! You little.... Feh, he's got spunk, just like those doctors at the psych ward....Well, no more sleeping. Time to get to work. Wait.... I fell asleep? Damn, I guess should go by the plane to pick up my meds.

Jon said to himself quietly as he marched up the sandy beach towards the forest but in a different direction. He un sheathed his knife and began to think of how to torture the one who had taken the rest of his fish.

Maybe I should get my fish back... through his stomach.

Jon then takes the knife and licks the broad side of it.

Yes, that'll do nicely....

Jon dissapered through the forest, laughing to himself as he comes up with ways to painfully end the lives of those... TRAPPED by this island.

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#362 see Jon with the knife charging at him, before 362 could react Jon stabed him in the arm, 362 pushed him off of him and took the knife out of his arm and was about to kill Jon with it. SfRnner came out of the bushes and knocked both #362 and Jon unconsious.

SfRunner: I can`t take and eye off you guys for a second now can I.

Domino: What happened over here?

SfRunner: These guys got into another fight, and apparently Jon had the upper hand.

Domino: Well we might as well keep an eye on them, while we look for the others.

SfRunner: Ya lets go.

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((OOC: .... WHY? I had plans for jon, this was gonna be fun! I didn't even have go after you guys yet..... YET!!!))

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#362 woke up noticing a cast on his arm, he looked over to see that everyone else was gone, including Jon.

#362: Damnit, I was hoping to finish what I started, oh well might as well go and look for Jon so I can finish him off.

362 got up took a gun and knife and went searching for Jon, he looked everywhere hoping that he would be able to kill him, but he didn`t fid him, so he went back to the camp site.

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*Grabs his meds from the plane and leaves them.*

'I gotta be more careful, i can't just run into them.

*relaxes a moment, and then gets an idea. He gets up and starts a hunt of his own. Making sure he stays out of 362 sight until later, much later*

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#362 walked back to the camp when he saw Jon`s plne, he looked into it and saw that most of the stuff was missing, now he knew he could be anywhere. 362 walked back to the camp, but more alert, he arrived at the camp.

Domino: Hey where have you been?

362: Looking for Jon

SfRunner: Well hes gone, we found the others, oh and your keeping watch tonight.

362: Alright fine.

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*Finishes cleaning blaster, plasma rifle, and shotgun.*

Hey 362, what did you find in Jon's plane?

#362: I found these bottles of pills and a piece of paper.

Let me see them.

*Looks at pills and paper and his fur stands up on end when he realizes what they are*

Guys, I think we may be dealing with a serial killer!

Domino: How do you know?

The paper here is a wanted poster that says:

Jon ???

Is considered mentally ill, and is an escapee from the high security ward at Corneria City Mental Institution. Has been convicted of multiple murder in which the bodies were mutilated so badly that they had to be identified through dental records. If spotted, neutralize with extreme prejudice.

Also, these pills that you found when used in conjunction not only makes you high, but also induces a state of dementia. If we see this guy again he'll probably kill us without hesitation.

*Looks at paper in disgust*

He probably carries this like a badge of honor. I'm not going to order you guys to do anything, but if you leave this campsite by yourself, use EXTREME caution.

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#362: Ah finally someone who I can kill with a challenge.

SfRunner: This isn`t a joke, we need to find him and get rid of him.

Domino: Hey, hey calm down, look we should all stay up tonight, we need all the help we can to kill him.

#362:Ok, I`m gonna make sure I give him a painful death, hahahaha.

Everyone gives 362 a weird look.

362: Sorry over did it a little.

SfRunner: Lets just get ready for when he gets back.

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Domino: Hey, hey calm down, look we should all stay up tonight, we need all the help we can to kill him.

OOC: Jon needs help, not death, at least to Domino, I don't mind people doing Domino's role for me but one thing stands, try to help before resorting to killing...

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((OOC: What do you mean help? What would you do to a guy who wants to EAT you while you are trapped on an island. ALONE! i think help is an option that shouldn't even exist! But yeah, I am really starting to enjoy Jon's character! hope you guys have fun defending yours!))

*Jon looks quietly through a bush, some 50 yards away from the cave they are based in. Watching 362 and the others take their rounds around the cave, looking for him. He takes his knife out and wipes it on his pants, cleaning it. Watching 362 walk away from the cave, SF takes his place. being as quiet as he can, he creeps up behind SF like a snake, he strike with out warning. Wrapping his paw around his muzzle, the abduction s a soundless one. After knocking him out it was only a matter of hauling him to a safe spot on the other side of the island, where the fun can begin. Unsheathing his knife once more, he make a cut on SF's arm. Nothing fatal, just a scratch. Blood seeps out of the cut as Jon brings the arm to his face and licks the blood clean off the fur of SF.*

In the distance, 362 could be heard saying "I turn my back for one second....."

Jon smiled to himself, whispering to the unconsious body over his shoulder.... Heheheh, you are what you eat..... Looks like tonight, I am a fox.... I hope he wakes up to smell the wine I salvaged from my plane, it is a very nice vintage red wine!

*After about 5 minutes of walking he reaches a thick bush, he thrusts his paw into it and pulls it to the side. revealing a dark and shallow cave. Invisible when that bush is in place. He ties SF to a rock, paws and feet and neck are bound to the rock. Closing the bush, Jon sits down and waits for his dinner to wake up....*

(OOC: Do I still remind you of hannibal Lectar?))

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((OOC: I am AFLAME with rage.... This is what we call GODDING!!!! Therefore, aleks I request that your post be taken off and voided like a bad credit card. Jon didn't even get to fight, with ME behind the helm. This is the first time I am speaking about it, I have held my tounge in the past but this REALLY has to stop. having a fight be ENTIRELY one sided, is NOT fair to anyone involved. I gave SF a chance, you don't know my true intentions with the story so far. So going at it with...

#362 sees jon, #362 kills jon.... Done

Thats what you basicly did. Every post I made gave a chance for someone to do something, I never really completed the whole scene without someone else ending it. That way someone can make a good twist on it. But seeing this one sided fight of doom, really boils my blood when I come to sit down expecting some search party going out, and the reaction the kidnapped, only to see that someone already found the praticly INVISIBLE cave, untied the suspect and KILLED the kidnapper.... in guess what... ONE F***IN POST! No one else has had a say so far. The thing that pissed me off the most, was that I had no involvement in the fight.

That last post..... FAIL... VOID... and should be REVISED or Taken off!

Sorry if i offended anyone by this rant. I'm sure that I voiced someone else's concerns as well, but now I must return to my McDonalds as it is getting cold......))


((OOC: Aleks your post was void anyways, Please read the rules of the RP board.

3. All battles must be "turn based" what is ment by this is you cannot defeat some one in one post))

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((OOC: Yes Puff, You still remind me of Hannibal Lectar))

*SF's view is blurred, he slowly regains focus, he tries to get up, but notices he is tied to a rock*

Ugh... What happened?

*SF sniffs the air, and he smells red wine, and blood, he looks at his arm and sees that it is bleeding, his ears flicker as a blood chilling laugh cuts through the cave, with his keen night vision, SF sees the form of Jon standing over him*

So my dinner awakes.

*SF could smell wine and blood on his breath, realizing that Jon had drank his blood*

You psycho...... UNTIE ME RIGHT NOW!

HA! Like I would let my meal escape? I'm going to enjoy doing this to you.

*Jon pulls out a knife*

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You see my friend, you see me as a psycho. Im not going to lie to you, so does all of Corneria. But you're not taking into account one simple saying, "you are what you eat". I always considered myself to be a Lylatian. I consider you, right now a fish. Tonight though I am a fox.  But don't fret my friend, tonight is not when you die. No this island is like a cage, I am going to keep you all like cattle to the slaughter. I;m not saying that you'll go back to your friends with your limbs, but at least you'll live to see another sunrise.


Shut up, your only going to make it harder for yourself.

*Jon wraps a little of rope around his muzzle to keep him quiet. Then takes a little bit of extra rope and ties it around his left arm forming a turnicate. He then lowers the knife to his arm....*

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