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The Thread of Video Game Reviews

Dr. Wilopolis

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Come one, come all, give a review on a game you've played. I request this as a sticky  :mod: because we all know this sort of thread should be.  :lol:

It's a very very VERY simple thread to post in... Give an unbiased review using the simple out of 10 score style, unless you prefer some other method. Here's a sample review, and first review submission: (NOTE: You CAN review old games. Just make sure it hasn't been reviewed before.)

Game Name: Guilty Gear XX/X2: The Midnight Carnival

Developed by: Arc Systems Works

Platform(s): Arcade, Playstation 2, PC, and X-BOX

Category: 2-D Fighting

Story: Really difficult to do this story, since GG is never TOO clear on this... it seems to differ from character to character. So, this category takes a blow, since you need the Drama CDs to actually get a good idea... In general, this occurs in the future, the year 2181 A.D., after the discovery of the Gear, Dizzy, who was claimed to be bested by the bounty huntress, Jam Kuradoberi, though in reality, it was the Gear hunter, Sol Badguy, whom defeated her, but spared her life. However, now with the appearence of a mysterious woman clad in red, there's a greater threat to Earth...

Score: 6.5/10 It's a pretty vague story, but it's good enough.

Graphics: This game shines in this department. The sprites are incredibly detailed, and the animations are smooth. I must say, very few people actually manage this type of graphics well. The attack animations are great, and I love the overdrive effects. Hehe, done in an anime style, of course you can expect some hilarious expressions from the chars from time to time. The character designs are indeed unique, from the paper-bag headed, towering ex-psycho killer/surgeon, Faust, to the ever Gothic Testament, the character's designs are wide, and varying. However, since it's 2-D, it doesn't have the same effects 3-D has.

Score: 8/10

Sound: Guilty Gear's strongest-point. The Heavy Metal songs are indeed some of the most excellently performed I've heard. The moods vary, and each theme song suits the characters it plays for, from the menacing 'Ka-Ge-Ma-Tsu-Ri' to the upbeat 'A Simple Life', and the zany 'Good Manners and Customs', each song is fun to listen to. The voices are in their pure Japanese form, so expect some good voice acting, indeed! Each voice is the perfect fit, such as the seductive, and threatening voice of I-NO, or perhaps the no-nonsense voice of Venom. Each quote is the perfect fit for the situation, if you ask me. If Heavy Metal ain't your thing, then turn the music off and play your own songs. XD

Score: 9.5/10 (4/10 if you don't like metal)

Gameplay: This game is fast-paced. Trust me. Faster than that Street Fighter or King of Fighters. XD Controls respond well, and command inputs are simple. However, the thing is, many moves are TRICKY to master, as well as there are many different little tricks so the game is anti-masher. This game has a pretty steep learning curve, indeed....

Score: 8/10

Overall: 8.75/10

In general, fun fun game indeed.

Rent or Buy? BUY! Well, if you can even find a copy in stores...

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