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Star Fox 64 Now Available Via Vitual Console

Mr. Krystal

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Star Fox 64 is now available on the Wii's Virtual Console. I'm downloading it as I type this.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

I need a Wii... maybe I can save up a few paychecks...  :lol:

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Ugh... I can't connect to the Wii Shop. It hangs on the connecting screen. :lol:

Nintendo needs to fix that. That's my biggest complaint about the Wii. The online is horribly slow and unreliable.

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I already have the actual N64 version so I do not need to download it on the Wii.

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I finally managed to get it. And I am disappointed.

It looks unfinished, like they rushed it (story of the series, I swear...).

The animated 2D sprites look like crap. Nemu64 renders them better.

Some audio-sync problems

Some space levels (Area 6, Solar [though not bad]) suffer the darkness glitch that is common throughout PC emulation

Delayed reaction to some hits by the shield gage

The control layout makes it too easy to accidentally fire off all of your bombs thinking you are hitting the laser button.

It also runs faster than I remember, but that could be because I haven't played SF64 on an N64 in years.

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I finally managed to get it. And I am disappointed.

It looks unfinished, like they rushed it (story of the series, I swear...).

The animated 2D sprites look like crap. Nemu64 renders them better.

Some audio-sync problems

Some space levels (Area 6, Solar [though not bad]) suffer the darkness glitch that is common throughout PC emulation

Delayed reaction to some hits by the shield gage

The control layout makes it too easy to accidentally fire off all of your bombs thinking you are hitting the laser button.

It also runs faster than I remember, but that could be because I haven't played SF64 on an N64 in years.

I was going to say, it's easier to play SF64 with the Gamecube controller. It's a much more natural fit for the button layout. I found the graphics to be sharper and some of the textures to be visible. Before I saw it on the Wii, I had never known that Fox had a slight fur texture, it looks like a solid color on the N64. I can't say how much better or worse it is than another emulator, but compared to the N64 version, it was completely playable. There were a few audio glitches and sometimes a visual glitch at the start or end of levels for a split second.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

Yeah, I still have my copy on the N64, but I am in need of a new N64 soon, mine is prone to freezing.

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Dammit, I wish I had checked my RSS thingermabob yesterday. Oh well, I'll get it today. :lol:

Oh! Looking at DZ's post then it seems that me and Taco-Man were right then. The VC tends to screw up the games for some odd reason. (Especially N64 games) First Mario Kart now this? Hmph......

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As soon as I find my credit card (in my wallet somewhere :lol:),  I'll put points on my account so I can get this and Donkey Kong Country...

Kinda sucks it's almost $20, though.

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