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Staff Roster


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I try to come back, but a lot of stuff IRL is making it hard. I wouldn't leave this place though, I consider it pretty much my homepage... wait, it is.  :wolf:

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I try to come back, but a lot of stuff IRL is making it hard. I wouldn't leave this place though, I consider it pretty much my homepage... wait, it is.  :wolf:

Too busy doing RKO's in the backyard eh? :P

Nah it's good to see you around.

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Thanks man, I appreciate it. I was surprise when I came back, I was actually still on the staff roster. I thought I would see new faces also on it.

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Thanks man, I appreciate it. I was surprise when I came back, I was actually still on the staff roster. I thought I would see new faces also on it.

hey evolution fox has been a little extra active latly why don't we appoint him  Rp mod?
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Kursed don't push for the mod so quickly, ESF may not want to do it.

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Kursed don't push for the mod so quickly, ESF may not want to do it.

then that's a good reason not to.
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Plus, the RP thread is closed till further notice.

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I wouldn't mind it, but stuff happens... so yeah, I don't want to hurt the forum if I wasn't to be here. Another incident could happen.

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I wouldn't mind it, but stuff happens... so yeah, I don't want to hurt the forum if I wasn't to be here. Another incident could happen.

Enough time hasn't passed yet. So yeah, if the thread was opened back up another incident WOULD happen.

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I wouldn't mind it, but stuff happens... so yeah, I don't want to hurt the forum if I wasn't to be here. Another incident could happen.

Another  good reason.

Thats your opinion Falcory.

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I try to come back, but a lot of stuff IRL is making it hard. I wouldn't leave this place though, I consider it pretty much my homepage... wait, it is. :)

Do you still want to be a mod? If so, could you make at least two posts per week?


I haven't decided whether or not I want to reopen the forum at all yet.

Infinity is the current RP mod. He is inactive, and I will wait to hear back from him before I demote him.

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Conall Drest submitted his resignation. He was an extra mod, so his position will not be filled.

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Yeah, I will.

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XG Has resigned his position. I've been in talks with the full mods about who will replace him on the admin roster as the lead moderator. (You have to bee full mod before you can be admin).

The fanwork and RP moderator positions have been seperated again. Since Infinity was a fanwork mod, he remains in that position. RP mod is open.

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They will be posted when I announce that I am filling a position.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, kinda figured I wasn't of too much use anymore since I don't do near as much adminning as I used to in years past (thank Nintendo for creating board inactivity with the insanely long drought period between SF games...), but I still jump in from time to time to check up on the place.

(see: this really late reply to this thread...)  >>;

So yeah, to whoever gets the admin position, good luck with that.  :3

*edits sig*  <.<  >.>

Edit: Though also, if you ever need someone to keep watch over the place for any reason (adminning/modding/whatever), call me up and I'll gladly help out any way I can.  I'm still... here, I just... haven't done much as of late. xP

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You're always welcome. This community owes you everything. If it weren't for you, it is likely this community would have died a long time ago.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated Admin roster, demoted accounts of inactive staff who did not respond to my email.

As before, I am not filling open positions until I create a thread about it. Remember: Beggars get passed-over in the selection process.

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  • 11 months later...

Small update to reflect upcoming staff selections, and a staff member name change.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Updated Admin roster, demoted accounts of inactive staff who did not respond to my email.

As before, I am not filling open positions until I create a thread about it. Remember: Beggars get passed-over in the selection process.

Small update to reflect upcoming staff selections, and a staff member name change.

Supoib! :yes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Updated the staff roster. Simon is now a full mod.

Also, Simon is still the RP mod, we just upgraded his powers, so don't worry about it  :P

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Updated the staff roster. Simon is now a full mod.

Also, Simon is still the RP mod, we just upgraded his powers, so don't worry about it  :P

So... even IF.... Simon ever becomes an admin (since he's now a full mod), then he'll still be RP mod? cool :cool:

....... or so I hope :lol:

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So... even IF.... Simon ever becomes an admin (since he's now a full mod), then he'll still be RP mod? cool :cool:

....... or so I hope :lol:

Yeah, exept that he

can also perform moderation

duties anywhere in the forum.

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First of, I'd like to congratulate on Sissi's election as a moderator. Well deserved!

I'd also like to thank those who voted for me as a moderator. To know there's a whole 34 people on the site that would like me to protect and serve the community is a real booster. Thanks people! :friends:

There was also four people who voted no, and I would like to tell them that I'm not in any way angry with their decision, and that I will work hard and long to prove that your disbelief was unfounded. :wink:

Okay, to the Staff-mobile! Wohoo!

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