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Mr. Krystal

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Guest Chiro-Chan

*Raises eyebrow suspiciously*

Hm, maybe I'm just a skeptic, but I've been wondering if you can put stickers on assist trophies too. Lucario could ultimately be an assist trophy...

Also, I've heard rumors that you can fly the Arwing in story mode. Is this true?

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Also, I've heard rumors that you can fly the Arwing in story mode. Is this true?

Nah, I don't think you can fly the Arwing in story mode, putting in defining characteristics of games in a Smash game just doesn't fit in my opinion.

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There has been no footage of the arwing being playable in the game nor have I seen a reliable source either. Sorry, don't think it is going to happen.

You'd have to program the mechanics of that including all other Brawl stuff, as much as I'd love to see it in there... I'd rather have more characters and unlockables.

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Well, if we just report things confirmed off of a magazine then we'll be one step behind everyone else. I mean this is pretty neat info and you're not going to really find better quality screenshots of this. Nintendo edited the video too, so it is pretty obvious that this has rose to about a 99% conformation status.

I agree that there needs to be some sort of check on the authenticity of a rumor, but you know... I only report things that I find that I'm sure are at least 90% true. Only the things I've posted such as this, the Krystal voice actress leak, and the Coro Coro thing were the only things that rose above 90% for me.

The Coro Coro thing turned out to be false, but you know Ms. Gladwell cannot say anything about Brawl until it is released, but you know the sticker shows Krystal is in Brawl in some form so I'm at least one for two. That's a lot better than the Smash Prophets out there : P

I brought Sponge here because he's sometimes more keen on that kind of stuff than I am. I go through a process of verification or debunking it as just a lie with him with all of the stuff he shows me. Trust me, those three things were the only things that I could not disprove when I investigated it (he's must've shown me 20-50 different things over the past few months). I am sure he will have a lot to contribute and anyone can investigate at their own leisure.

If we don't cover some rumors, even the ones at 90%+ conformation status I think we're missing out on something that could strengthen a fan driven community. Ideas and speculation is what brings a lot of us together, right? If we're wrong, we're wrong. On the other hand if we're right... Props to us for catching something before most people will notice.

The phrase "at least 90% true" is hilarious to me. It's either 100% true or 100% false.

But anyway, on the plus side, even GoNintendo posted this rumor. So, good job. They are very strict with those things. However, I guess I'm just sour about previous rumors that were more than "90% true," turning out to be false. And anyway, none of these hidden characters revealed this way are Star Fox characters, anyway, so it hardly applies to the homepage. But hey, anything goes on the forums.

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Let's see what romanizing the Katakana reveals.

Green part of first image:

クラウス - KU RA U SU - Kurausu (cooraoosoo)

Green part of first image:

グラ-ドン -  GU RAA DO N - Guraadon (GooRAdon)

Next to character icons (I can't read the kana above the kanji due to image resolution, so I can't google the translation of those. Get me a higher-res image and I may be able to get it. [or if you can find someone who can read the Kanji amd make my life easier)

シ-ル - SHII RU - Shiiru (Sheeroo)

These don't ring a bell to me. Anyone else think these words sound like something in English (a common use of Katakana is Japanese-a-fying foreign words)?

EDIT: There is someone at AL who actually can read Japanese. I'm going to see if this has been posted there and if that person has translated it.

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Let's see what romanizing the Katakana reveals.

Green part of first image:

クラウス - KU RA U SU - Kurausu (cooraoosoo)

Green part of first image:

グラ-ドン -  GU RAA DO N - Guraadon (GooRAdon)

Next to character icons (I can't read the kana above the kanji due to image resolution, so I can't google the translation of those. Get me a higher-res image and I may be able to get it. [or if you can find someone who can read the Kanji amd make my life easier)

シ-ル - SHII RU - Shiiru (Sheeroo)

These don't ring a bell to me. Anyone else think these words sound like something in English (a common use of Katakana is Japanese-a-fying foreign words)?

EDIT: There is someone at AL who actually can read Japanese. I'm going to see if this has been posted there and if that person has translated it.

Pretty sure those are just the names of the Pokémon. At least the second one Guaraadon, which in America is Groudon, is the giant red one. For other Pokémon and their Japanese names:


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The first translates to Claus, aka the brother of Lucas in Mother 3 if I recall correctly. God bless Babelfish.

The last one I tried looking around on Google and couldn't find anything relevant. I poked around on a couple Brawl forums yesterday and I think I saw people say on Brawl Central that it was "Used by" or something like that.

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Having now seen it in true action, I have to say that the Lylat Cruise background is love. It feels like the first time in a long time Nintendo was serious about going the extra step for the StarFox franchise.

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http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwii-ds.com%2Farticle%2F80654317.html&langpair=ja%7Cen&hl=en&ie=UTF-8 (Translated)

Guys, possible leaked character here and says Falco is back too... (Highlight text.)

Newcomer: Ridley?

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Brawl intro.

Confirms Ness' return.

Marth is back as well.

Holy cow, and that's not all!


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Captain Falcon broke the Internet.

Ganondorf returns.



Some people are saying Bomberman is in via a screenshot, but I haven't heard real conformation of that yet.

Edit: Hey guys, am I late to the party?


You know you want me, girls.


Oh s-


Hey Fox... You going to do something about this?


Damn dirty apes.


Cooler than Neo.




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I wrote a letter to the company today asking if they could put Krystal in the game. i know its a long shot, but i can be very persuasive. i will post the letter later

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errr, not to sound a little bit harsh...but, even if they read the letter, it's too late for that, since the game is basically finished, I mean, it's coming in like 2 days in japan, which means no more changes. We just need to wait for about 3-4 days to get aaaaaall kind of spoilers about the characters

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Captain Falcon broke the Internet.

Ganondorf returns.



Some people are saying Bomberman is in via a screenshot, but I haven't heard real conformation of that yet.

Edit: Hey guys, am I late to the party?


You know you want me, girls.


Oh s-


Hey Fox... You going to do something about this?


Damn dirty apes.


Cooler than Neo.





He looks better, and he has TWO blasters! But the rip-off is that his Final Smash is the same as Fox's, the Landmaster.

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And I've been waiting up like ALL NIGHT for this.

Can't let you do that, Star Fox.



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My logic was correct! (And my wish came true!) WHOO-HOO! This is going to be the best game ever. Period.


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You've unlocked all characters.



wolf gameplay

<3 his stance, his Smash out howl, and his victory pose! He isn't much of a clone after all.

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My logic was correct! (And my wish came true!) WHOO-HOO! This is going to be the best game ever. Period.


Good news for one is bad news for another. :'(

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You've unlocked all characters.

<3 his stance, his Smash out howl, and his victory pose! He isn't much of a clone after all.

Wait a second.....

Falco comes back, Wolf is revealed.............then.........

Krystal? .........maybe... just maybe...

PS: I know this is a starfox fourm but l like that they put Lucario in too! :friends:

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