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Corneria TV Test Card


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Since "Test Card F" is 40 years old this week, I decided to make my own.


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Heheh, that looks pretty cool.  It took me a minute to figure out what it was I was looking at, though.  :ok:

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Guest Pyre Vulpimorph

o_O Forgive my stupidity, but what is a TV test card?

Good picture, anyway.

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O_o Forgive my stupidity, but what is a TV test card?


"A test card, also known as a test pattern in North America, is a television test signal, typically broadcast at times when the transmitter is active but no programme is being broadcast (often at startup and closedown). Used since the earliest TV broadcasts, test cards were originally physical cards at which a television camera was pointed, and such cards are still often used for calibration, alignment, and matching of cameras and camcorders."

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So THAT'S what that thing is!  The forum greatly appreciates your gracious clarification.

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