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Andross/Aparoid Hypothesis [OLD]

Guest Pyre Vulpimorph

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Guest Pyre Vulpimorph

I have an educated guess as to where the Aparoids came from.  They are not an alien race.  They were engineered by Dr. Andross.  Think about it.  In both SNES Star Fox, SF64, and SF:Adventures, Venomian ships often were modeled after insects. 

Dr. Beltino Toad says that the first Aparoid encounter against the Cornerian Defense Force was "seventeen years" prior to the SF:Assault story.  That would be between (most likely) James McCloud's assumed death and Fox McCloud's first battles against the Venomian Empire.

In SF:Adventures, Krystal instantly recognized Andross before she was thrown into that energy beam.  Perhaps Andross is the one directly responsible for the destruction of Krystal's homeworld.  I would wager that Andross unleashed his first Aparoid prototypes upon Cerinia to avoid detection by the CDF.  Krystal's parents are able to evacuate their daughter, but they and the rest of the planet are assimilated into the growing Aparoid colony.

In effect, planet Cerinia BECOMES the Aparoid homeworld that the Star Fox team blows up later.  Krystal would have had to be really young though, like 4 or 5 years.  Andross lost control of his creations when his body was destroyed inside Venom.


Anyway, that's what I think.  Feel free to blow holes in my theory if you think I'm wrong.

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In SF:Adventures, Krystal instantly recognized Andross before she was thrown into that energy beam.  Perhaps Andross is the one directly responsible for the destruction of Krystal's homeworld.  I would wager that Andross unleashed his first Aparoid prototypes upon Cerinia to avoid detection by the CDF.  Krystal's parents are able to evacuate their daughter, but they and the rest of the planet are assimilated into the growing Aparoid colony.

The assumption that Krystal was pushed by Andross, and not anyone else in the universe is still up for debate. There is certainly no proof, only evidence, all of which can be contradicted. And even if it was Andross that pushed her, that doesn't prove anything about her planet.

In effect, planet Cerinia BECOMES the Aparoid homeworld that the Star Fox team blows up later.  Krystal would have had to be really young though, like 4 or 5 years.  Andross lost control of his creations when his body was destroyed inside Venom.

You'd think Krystal would have said something.

As for your theory in general, Andross's specialty WAS bioengineering. And most of his weaponry took the form of insects, but to say that Andross created the Aparoids is a stretch. All of Andross's creations followed his will unyealdingly, as far as I remember. And, as we saw in Command, Andross left parts of his conciousness all around the solar system, something that the Aparoids don't have. Also, Andross has never shown interest in conquering planets or systems outside of Lylat. Probably because he wanted to grasp hold of his home system first.

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I remember Krystal saying the aparoid planet was beautiful...

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I remember Krystal saying the aparoid planet was beautiful...

I believe that was before they went to the far side and found the planet-swallowing aparoid base.  I don't think she found the planet very "beautiful" after that.

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I remember Krystal saying the aparoid planet was beautiful...

They saw the "clean" side of the planet for the first time and she said, "It's ... lovely. I... wasn't expecting that." She hadn't seen it before.

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Guest Pyre Vulpimorph

Oh, well.  I knew my hypothesis was flawed, but I still think the Venomian connection is pretty strong.

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I don't think the Aparoids are in any way related to Venom. The time frame is not a strong piece of evidence. The Cornerians only saw one Aparoid prior to the invasion. It is more likely that the Aparoid encountered by the pre-war Cornerian fleet was merely a scout looking for the next system to invade than the fleet uncovering something Venomian.

Besides, if Andross had created them, I don't think they would have been so quick to torch Oikonny.

Dwight, I haven't seen any counter arguments to Krystal being pushed by Andross, I would like to see them if you don't mind.

There is no evidence of any kind as to what happened to Cerinia. Though I do have a hunch that Andross was involved somehow, I have absolutely no evidence to support it.

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Guest Pyre Vulpimorph

Nothing I posted was really meant to be construed as "evidence".  I just noticed a few things that seemed to make sense and churned them through my spongy brain matter.  And out popped a half-baked theory that I've become attached to.  :lol:

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Dwight, I haven't seen any counter arguments to Krystal being pushed by Andross, I would like to see them if you don't mind.

There is no evidence of any kind as to what happened to Cerinia. Though I do have a hunch that Andross was involved somehow, I have absolutely no evidence to support it.

This is in response to DZ's post earlier.

I have a little evidence on how Andross might be connected to Cerinia. (I know this is off topic to the Andross/Aparoid subject but bare with me on this.)

In the scene where Krystal was pushed into the energy beam, she must have recognized whoever pushed her in because she yells, "Its you!" and during this scene, please note that whenever it is showing the creature's point of view, it's vision is multicolored, and in the final scenes where Andross is talking to General Scales, and when the floating Krazoa head appears, the screen is also multicolored, which leads me to believe that any time they showed Andross' POV, his vision was multicolored. And I will repeat the fact that in the scene when Krystal was pushed into the beam, the POV was multicolored, and Krystal seemed to recognize the figure when she yelled "It's you!"

Another bit of evidence. When Andross was exiled, IF he wasn't given an escort, and I put emphasis on IF, he may have landed somewhere else before he made it to Venom. Lets say he landed on Cerinia first. He may have become a well known person on the planet, explaining why Krystal recognized him during Adventures. By doing even more dangerous experiments, he destroys the planet, but Krystal managed to escape.

On a way off topic side note, the telepathy of the animals on the planet may have given him the skill to build the fabled, "Telekinetic Amplifier" that I have heard about in one of the games.

After the destruction of Cerinia, he then may have traveled to Venom, and then started the Lylat war.

Well there ends my rant on the hypothesis of Andross destroying Cerinia.

Star Fox Runner, Out!

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While she could be recognizing him from an earlier encounter, if you actually talk to the dinosaurs in the temple, they mention a "floating head" if my memory serves me correctly (remember that Andross tells Scales that although Scales couldn't see him, the Earthwalkers could).

Your idea is possible, but not definate.

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The evidence against Andross being the one who pushed Krystal is as follows:

1. Andross, at the time, would have been an incorporial being, unable to physically manipulate matter. Therefore, he couldn't have pushed anything. He resorted to influencing people, namely Scales. The other dinosaurs could see Andross, but Scales could not.

2. Andross is too big to fit in that hallway. Even if part of himself was hidden in the floors and ceilings, ducking behind that pole in the manner that the pusher did would not fully hide something his size.

3. There is no evidence that Andross is the only entity in the universe that has that kind of vision.

4. Krystal is searching for answers to her planet's destruction/parent's deaths. If it was Andross who did it, and she knew, she would be searching for Andross, not "answers."

5. Andross doesn't roar like a dinosaur.

Furthermore, even if somehow it was Andross, there's no implication that it was he who destroyed her planet. Remember, anyone on any planet in Lylat would know very well who Andross was thanks to the interplanetary war. It's very likely that Sauria wasn't the first planet Krystal visited after she left her planet, so she could have easily known Andross for some reason other than the one you believe in.

It is my opinion that it was Scales that pushed Krystal. Scales had motive, ability, and correct size. Krystal would have recognized him, and, if Andross was "possessing" him at the time, the strange vision would be accounted for.

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Oh well, there are all kinds of possibilities of what happened there. Besides, since SFA was riddled with plotholes, we may never know what truly happened in that scene, or to Krystal's planet. Anyones idea has a possibility of being right.

Star Fox Runner, Out!

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Oh well, there are all kinds of possibilities of what happened there. Besides, since SFA was riddled with plotholes, we may never know what truly happened in that scene, or to Krystal's planet. Anyones idea has a possibility of being right.

Star Fox Runner, Out!

True, however, that does not mean that a particular theory can't be found to be wrong.

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  • 6 months later...

I seriously doubt it was andross directly and agree with Dwight. Andross had to use the power of the Krazoa Spirits to become physical again. It is most likely Scales who pushed her. The concept behind both Andross first person view and Scales first person view looking the same, all thermal and stuff, is laziness. The creators just used the same kind of effect.

I seriously doubt they would go through the time to create such an eleborate backstory to it. The people who work on these games, especially a game that is saddenly dying like Starfox, don't go into that much time. Now, if we were talking about something like Metal Gear Solid, that game is full of plot twists and every aspect is answered and connected. But, as I said, sadly not enough time is being put into our Star Fox games. And honestly, we still bought them and they still got paid. I think we are giving the creators more credit than they disirve. I personally have been feeling let down lately when it comes to Fox and company.

But the theories I have been reading here ARE very interesting, but I still agree with Dwight. Andross doesn't have the means.

Also on the whole "Andross destroying Cerinia Theory" is becoming more of a fact. It seems very obvious that he was responsible for it. After all, she is searching for answers and they lead her directly to Sauria. When I played the game the first time I didn't understand fully why she came here just for a distress signal and being "good natured," but after beating it and Andross revieled, I put it to rest. She was looking for answers and it led her to Andross. I don't know what more thought could have been put into it.

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Also on the whole "Andross destroying Cerinia Theory" is becoming more of a fact. It seems very obvious that he was responsible for it. After all, she is searching for answers and they lead her directly to Sauria. When I played the game the first time I didn't understand fully why she came here just for a distress signal and being "good natured," but after beating it and Andross revieled, I put it to rest. She was looking for answers and it led her to Andross. I don't know what more thought could have been put into it.

That can't be. It either is or isn't fact. There is no in-between. I think you only think this because the theory is popular, but no matter how many times you play through Adventures, it doesn't reveal more about the story. It's the same each time.

Krystal only stopped at Sauria because of the distress signal, not because it would lead to Andross, since, after all, no-one knew Andross was there until the final scene. That should include you when you restart the game, but you have knowledge "outside of time" because you've beaten it before. This can lead to some inaccurate conclusions about the story the second time through.

Your post brings up an interesting thought. If Andross had been intended to be the destroyer of Cerinia by the Rare story team, do you really think they would waste that plot point by simply not stating it or even implying it directly (instead relying on VERY indirect implications)? After all, during the final scene, they made Fox specifically state, in detail, why Andross was on Sauria.

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I know what you mean. It seemed very odd that Fox just all of a sudden understood the nature of the Krazoas and how Andross came back. I guess they really needed some kind of way to explain it. But not a lot about that game makes sence to me lately. Too much is left unanswered and there is little hope of there being an explaination in the future.

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Guest Chiro-Chan

Maybe Cerinia was never even destroyed, since it never really directly stated that it blew up or anything. It just said that her planet was, and I quote 'doomed'.

Just a thought *shrugs*

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They used fossil fuels on her planet cause they were so "primitive". Unknowingly they drove themselves into global wamring which ironically caused another ice-age to occur wiping out half the planet's population. And the rest to battle over what little land is inhabitable! Sounda familiar? A cookie to anyone who gets it!

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C'mon, guys, check the last post date of the thread.

I'm not going to lock this time, seeing as this thread seems to have truly become active again, but please be mindful of dates in the future.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Bugga62

That is a pretty nice theory, but do you think Krystal would recognize Andross if it was years before he (possiby) destroyed her world?

But still, nice theory...

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