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What kind of cars do you guys drive? Here's the car I drive for now. Very nice car besides the breaks, they squeak and it scares me.  :P

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I drive a 1985 GMC Sierra pickup truck.  And it's orange.

No, I didn't pick that out, it was a hand-me-down from my grandpa.  And he's a Tennessee Volunteers fan.  :P

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Lol, mine needs a wash too. I have this white mark on the side of bumper, I think someone made a hit and run. ><;

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For now, a 1991 Celica GTS..... wanna sell that p.o.s so bad... I got a 1989 S-10 Blazer, perfect condition ready to go, but I can't drive it until I sell mah celi... darn

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Well...I had a 1995 Saturn SL1. I liked it for a while, but it started to giving me problems, so I got rid of it. I recently bought a LandRover Freelander. White, leather seats, power everything, awesome sound system. Not only did it cost hell to get, but it costs hell to keep; what with the montly payments, mediocre gas milage(because of the fact of it being an SUV), insurance, costly maintanance/replacement parts, ect... But it's worth every penny!


What kind of cars do you guys drive? Here's the car I drive for now. Very nice car besides the breaks, they squeak and it scares me.  :P

Squeaking, you say? Have you though about checking the brake pads?
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It's not technically mine yet...But I've got a 2005 Ford Focus that I get the keys to next year. =D (Light Blue...-yes it used to belong to my mother.)

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Well...I had a 1995 Saturn SL1. I liked it for a while, but it started to giving me problems, so I got rid of it. I recently bought a LandRover Freelander. White, leather seats, power everything, awesome sound system. Not only did it cost hell to get, but it costs hell to keep; what with the montly payments, mediocre gas milage(because of the fact of it being an SUV), insurance, costly maintanance/replacement parts, ect... But it's worth every penny!

Squeaking, you say? Have you though about checking the brake pads?

They say the breaks are fine... I think they're crooked.  :P

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For now, a 1991 Celica GTS..... wanna sell that p.o.s so bad... I got a 1989 S-10 Blazer, perfect condition ready to go, but I can't drive it until I sell mah celi... darn

:? How come?


They say the breaks are fine... I think they're crooked.  :P

  Eeeh...I probably wouldn't drive it with questionable brakes... o_O

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.... because my dad won't let me and my bro have our own car..... due to insurance premiums for the family would skyrocket. (to many vehicles under one policy)

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Here's my car:


a 1991 Mercedes-Benz 300D 2.5 Turbo.

a 4,200lb car that gets 37mpg highway and 28-32 city.

It's a very very reliable car; I can't wait to get my first badge for it (at 155,000 miles).

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They say the breaks are fine... I think they're crooked.  ;)

*Laughs* I don't think you're brakes are crooked. Just check the Brake Pads and brake fluid levels next time when you go to the mechanic.

I do believe there was a car topic, but what the hell?

I drive a '94 Dark Blue Volvo 940. Automatic. I'm too lazy to get the picture of mine so here's what one looks like.


Eh, its just like that minus that guy in the car.

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Really? ;) The 940s are beaut's. Its sad that there aren't that many of them left.  I might get a more current Volvo but this one's gonna stick around as long as I can care for it.

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Here's my car:


a 1991 Mercedes-Benz 300D 2.5 Turbo.

a 4,200lb car that gets 37mpg highway and 28-32 city.

It's a very very reliable car; I can't wait to get my first badge for it (at 155,000 miles).

Wow. Surprisingly fuel-efficient.

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No, I don't mean the breaks are crooked, I mean the mechanics. They just don't want to fix it.

Both slots are filled with break fluid too.

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Oh okay. *still laughs* I obviously didn't read your previous post. :lol:

My bad.

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I can't remember the last time I washed my truck.  And the tires need more air.  And the air conditioning doesn't work.  And the radio doesn't work.  And the interior lights don't work.  And it needs oil.  And it's getting rusty. :lol:

I'll keep it as long as it runs, though.  I don't have the funds for a new truck yet.

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.... Pick ups...... ARGH. I am sck of those things! I live in the middle of a redneck metropolis and 4 out of 5 vehicles are pick ups, most of them are souped up... lamesauce.... No one likes good cars here.

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:lol:, I probably have the smallest truck in the world.

I mean, I pull up in the parking lot at work, and some of the trucks there are giants compared to mine.

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.... Pick ups...... ARGH. I am sick of those things! I live in the middle of a redneck metropolis and 4 out of 5 vehicles are pick ups, most of them are souped up... lamesauce.... No one likes good cars here.

I see I'm not the only one.

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A "redneck metropolis"...let me guess.....

Atlanta.  :lol:

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