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Fan fiction discussion.

Four-eyed Vulpine

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If anyone already knew about my fanfic i've been working on, "Star Fox - Avenged" on fanfiction.net, i'm going to start earlier than where it originally started, and i'm going to re-write a ton of the story, while keeping all of it at the same time. I'm simply going to make it longer, better, and more detailed, putting the readers deeper into the Star Fox Universe. My fanfic isn't more my own version of the story. More of the details that weren't explained, holes being filled where questions may be asked, and details of the game itself, that way even those who havn't played ANY of the games will, after reading my stories, want to see the world i've described to them, and even be able to tell what will happen during the mission they're playing, ect. It will cover not just the Star Fox crew, original and new, but also their families, people who inspired them to be the people they are as we know them, and even some original characters for between games. Willing to take any and all suggestions. I'll be posting my "rough drafts" on here, and after i see that people here are content with it, i'll start posting it elsewhere. It's going to be an awesome story, and I hope everyone who decides to read it will see this not as something they need to play the game to understand, but just another story where they will begin to understand everything without having to pick up a controller.

Will definitely go check it out!

*finds it and bookmarks it*

Ready to give another preview if anybody wants to read it, just PM me and ill email it to you once i get an address.

Whoa, I think I performed some serious dark magic.... I was wondering what happened to you for the past couple days and trying to figure out how your story was progressing since I disappeared for a while...then BOOM you show up with an update! I'll PM my email address for a read :). It might be a while before I get through all of it though, i've gotten pretty busy lately.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those of you interested, Tobias is aiming for a first week of October release of our fic. We're almost done. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kind of a random thought that occurred to me as I was napping through class...could turn into a fanfiction side story...

What if the Cornerian government actually created the Aparoids by tinkering with some of Andross' old bioweapons so that they could build their own? When they lost control of the Aparoids they attempted to cover the whole project up and dispose of the evidence by launching the research into the furthest reach of the galaxy...boom. Aparoids land on random planet, they repopulate, then Assault happens.


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That's an idea that could work. Might need some development, some fleshing out, but it could work.

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I could use some work on my writing. Anyone got any throw-away ideas for a short, one-shot SF fic?

Well I'd say it depends on what context you want to work with. Prequel? Going off one of the Command storylines?

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I'd like to see an fic where starfox is seen as the criminal. Maybe wrongly accused and having to go rogue.

If you like Tobias Umbra and his stuff, then you wont have to wait long. ;)

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I'd like to see an fic where starfox is seen as the criminal. Maybe wrongly accused and having to go rogue.

I've got here's a fic for which that is the main premise. Star Fox Mecenaries, by Irish Redd: http://www.fanfictio...Fox-Mercenaries

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  • 2 months later...

How about a play by play description of a CDF Cadet marooned on an uncharted planet struggling to survive from the elements, the native inhabitants and a crew of a Venom cruiser who also crash landed.

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  • 8 months later...

For those of you interested, Tobias is aiming for a first week of October release of our fic. We're almost done. icon_smile.gif

YES! go with it definately. i always was suspect of the cornerian government .hell,i'll help you out with it ,if you want :)

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  • 8 months later...

I would like to see a fanfiction where Fox and co. are just doing merc. things with other merc. teams (and the occasional confrontation with Star Wolf).

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  • 5 months later...

SF Genesis continues to proceed slowly but surely. Mostly revising.'?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>


About 3/4 of SF fan fiction appears to be written by teenagers and contain krystal in them. Few seem to really deal with the pre Dinosaur planet universe. A lot seems sort of self insertion/wish fulfillment. But it is what it is.

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I'm still considering whether or not I should continue Fall of Lylat. I've just lost interest in it and theres still some much story to tell :(


Basically its a continuation/time skip I had planned for Before the Dawn where the main character from the last fic is a commander of an aging bucket of a battleship and essentially waiting to retire and then dramatic 9/11 style sh*t happens.

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  • 3 weeks later...

May as well throw this up. Prompt some discussion. 


See, what I'd like to do is write sortof a background for an RP character of mine I'm probably going to revive/revamp. Obviously, this means it's going to have little to no mention of the actual Star Fox team, save for stories, news reports, situation reports, things of that nature. I haven't seen much here along those lines of thinking, though it's still in the Star Fox universe despite the lack of our favorite mercs themselves, so there's that.


Basically, it's the story of a Cornerian Combat Medic during some Anti-Piracy campaigns, and reflections on past successes and failures. A mix of the present view and behavior of the character, the majority being scenes of action, suspense, and gripping combat trauma. If people think being a surgeon is stressful, they should try it with bullets flying over-head, people screaming over bellows of gunfire and explosions, all the while their hands stained crimson with the life essence of a warrior, and their actions will dictate wither than young man or woman even makes it to the table or not.


So yeah. This is a revamp of an older character I used awhile ago, and before I actually get back to role playing I feel it's only fair to shake off the dust. If/when I get around to writing it, pending the discussion here, it will contain cussing and violence, though I'll do my best to keeep it tasteful and within forum standards. Let me know what you all think!

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May as well throw this up. Prompt some discussion. 


See, what I'd like to do is write sortof a background for an RP character of mine I'm probably going to revive/revamp. Obviously, this means it's going to have little to no mention of the actual Star Fox team, save for stories, news reports, situation reports, things of that nature. I haven't seen much here along those lines of thinking, though it's still in the Star Fox universe despite the lack of our favorite mercs themselves, so there's that.


Basically, it's the story of a Cornerian Combat Medic during some Anti-Piracy campaigns, and reflections on past successes and failures. A mix of the present view and behavior of the character, the majority being scenes of action, suspense, and gripping combat trauma. If people think being a surgeon is stressful, they should try it with bullets flying over-head, people screaming over bellows of gunfire and explosions, all the while their hands stained crimson with the life essence of a warrior, and their actions will dictate wither than young man or woman even makes it to the table or not.


So yeah. This is a revamp of an older character I used awhile ago, and before I actually get back to role playing I feel it's only fair to shake off the dust. If/when I get around to writing it, pending the discussion here, it will contain cussing and violence, though I'll do my best to keeep it tasteful and within forum standards. Let me know what you all think!


This sounds really intriguing. I won't mind reading it :D 

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  • 3 months later...


Star Fox Highschool/College and Degrassi the next generation crossover.

Episode used?: Time stands still (season 4 episodes 7 and 8)

Possible main characters:

A plot: Wolf o' Donnell

B plot: ----------- (probably won't include this, to keep it short)


help me on this?

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