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Best Movie(s) You've Ever Seen

Star Fox Runner

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We had a topic on the worst movies you've ever seen, so i decided to make a topic on the best movies you've ever seen.

The best movie I've ever seen would have to be Saving Private Ryan, it was well made, had a great music score, and because it shows the many terrors the soldiers of World War II faced, and I'm moved by the sacrifices those soldiers made. I actually kinda cried during the scene where Private Ryan was in the graveyard at the end.

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Here, I'm going with the original Jurassic park. The backgrounds were beautiful, the visual effects were awesome, the characters were good, and the movie had an interesting message.

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Oh, God the list is long, but:

Star Wars Episodes IV-V. My two favorites. Virtually everything is perfect. Whine about the prequels all you want...George Lucas is the greatest film visionary of our time.

MST3K: The Movie. Really just an extended episode, but still a blast.

Little Miss Sunshine: Just what Hollywood needed: a quirky, clever, original comedy that breaks with tradition in every way with great results.

Duck Soup: Yeah, it's old, and it's in black and white, and the editing leaves a lot to be desired, but this still the best comedy ever made.

Gone With The Wind: You gotta love just how much they put into this. The acting is supoib, and considering the times the effects are to. I only wish there wasn't any of the racial stuff in it.

Citizen Kane- What more can you say?

I may add more, eventually.

And Dwight, I also loved BB. Can't wait for the next one in 2008.

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Have you seen the PG version?

"Tonight! We dine in (HECK)!"

"Our bees will blot out the sun!"

"Then we shall hug in the shade."

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Alright, alright, this is massive, and nowhere near complete:


The Shawshank Redemption

The Ring (and The Ring 2)


Blade Runner (Perhaps one of the best sci-fi movies.)

A Few Good Men (You can't handle the truth!)


The Godfather (I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.)

12 Angry Men

Forrest Gump (Life is like a box of chocolates.)

Cast Away (Wilson!)

Saving Private Ryan

Silence of the Lambs

The Green Mile

The Sixth Sense (I see dead people.)


The Exorcist

PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN FTW!!!  (The first one, mind you.  Bugger.)

The Aviator (The way of the future, the way of the future, it's the way of the future)

The Breakfast Club

The Neverending Story


Rain Man (I'm a very good driver.)

Titanic (I don't care what you say, it's a good movie!)

Yeah...so those are in no order, and probably aren't all of them.  Oh well.


My list is like, epic.

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Forrest Gump (Life is like a box of chocolates.)

Cast Away (Wilson!)

Saving Private Ryan

The Green Mile

Tom Hanks is just pure awesome.  :lol:
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