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SFOCast Ideas Thread


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SFOCast will be returning, but the format will change.

Dwight has told me that he is unable to co-host it, so I will be doing it myself. SFOCast will now be a monthy podcast instead of biweekly. Tentatively, I am looking at the first Saturday of every month.

Of course, Star Fox game and community news will be discussed as well as major Nintendo developments.

This is the SFOCast suggestion thread. If you have an idea for next month's show, please post it in here. This thread will be truncated upon release of regular episodes.

If you have any idea it all, be it for content or what I should talk about, please post it.

If you would like to do your own special segment, recurring or otherwise, please let me know. The only requirements are:

- The segment be relevant to Star Fox, Nintendo, or the topic of the episode if it is not centered around SF (with as little news as there is, it is possible).

- You script it. IE, write down word-for-word what you are going to say so there isn't excessive "Uhm.... Uh.... Ah... mmmm...."

- You have a microphone. Use a pop filter if possible. It reduces the popping sounds of Ps, T's, Etc.(Make your own: http://www.deansabatino.com/2005/08/21/67/ )

- Your sound hardware and/or environment is not extremely noisy (I understand that not everyone has high-end hardware or a studio, but if I can't hear you over noise, I won't accept it)

- You have an MP3 or OGG Encoder. I will not accept WAVs due to filesize.

- You have a way to get the file to me.

- You can make the deadline

As of now, I am not looking for another co-host. Skype performance over my current internet connection has been less than stellar, so I will be going solo for now.

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I would suggest maybe talking about popular threads here on the forum, like the plot holes thread for example, or discuss very interesting fan works, such as fan art, GMVs, or Fanfictions.

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A Star Fox music guessing segment. Take suggestions of music, then ask us to try to identify the sound/music. I have an idea for one already, a very rare sound in the Star Fox universe.

Review the main page posts in addition to current popular topics.

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As of now, I am not looking for another co-host. Skype performance over my current internet connection has been less than stellar, so I will be going solo for now.

When you want/need a cohost, I'll volunteer.

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  • 2 months later...

*revives thread with mystical voodoo powers thing*

Hmm... Well, if I had the recording software, per'aps I could volunteer to help ya out. XD I'd be able to give rants, or perhaps I could try to give a report or maybe even give out theories. XD

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If you want recording software: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ Free Open Source Software recording software. No crapware because doing that in an FOSS project is just asking for a fork.

SFOCast isn't quite ready for revival yet. Maybe February. Maybe.

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*nods* I'll keep an eye out, then. I like the thought of helping out with the site in some way.  :D

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