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How does Role Playing work?


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I don't understand this Role Playing gig. What do you do here?

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Role playing is pretty simple--it's rather like a glorified game of pretend.

Someone presents a setting and a situation of his/her own choosing. The players in the roleplay then act within the context of the situation through character that they have created. The author of the roleplay then leads the others in the direction of the story, and the characters respond as appropriate to the changing scenarios in the story. In so doing, one player's character(s) naturally shall interact with other players' characters. Players have to respect each other and the story so that it doesn't become a case of one or two players dominating every scene and recklessly destroying everything when there are alternative solutions involved, of course, and the author usually establishes certain guidelines to follow. In short, imagine yourself as an actor in a movie. You are adopting the persona of a character that is not you and acting in response to whatever events befall your character.

Hope that helped.

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It's acceptable to be pretty much any setting, as long as you can explain it to others sufficiently so that they understand.

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I have a problem. No one has decided to sign up for a role in my stories. Should I just wait, or is there a way I can encourage people to try it out?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Owner/Technical Admin

I haven't seen any of your stories yet.

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Sorry, you're too late.  :D I took it down because I thought it was dead from the start.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey I'm havin trouble with mine too.  It's called metal metropolis.  Please try it out! :)

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