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Star Fox Music Fan Findings (Remixes, etc.)


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I'm happy the Adventures rip is almost done! The Arwing Landing rip is okay, but there are a few songs missing from it, and some of the opening cues aren't recorded right.

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Correct, CD rip, not SPC recording. Except for the Player Down Planet track. I had to make an SPC recording for that track because the CD ripped MP3 got corrupted during the many backups and Hard Drive moves those files have gone through.

FYI, those arranged version tracks were only on that CD. If you listen closely, you'll notice that the sample quality (there's some live recording in there too) and polyphony far exceed the capabilities of the SPC700 (SNES Sound Chip).

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Correct, CD rip, not SPC recording. Except for the Player Down Planet track. I had to make an SPC recording for that track because the CD ripped MP3 got corrupted during the many backups and Hard Drive moves those files have gone through.

Yeah, I noticed the quality of that track wasn't the same as the other tracks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was messin' around on the iTunes store the other day and I found a Star Fox song available to buy and download.

The band is called Entertainment System, and they make guitar rock versions of classic videos games, all instrumental no vocals, the Star Fox song is a combination of Corneria and the Asteroid field from the SNES Star Fox.

I recommend downloading some of the songs.

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We should get voice clips from Star Fox Adventures, that'd be nice.  :?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow. Kinda wierd. I found a random CD from like 3 years ago and put it in my computer and it has all my old music. With NAMES.

So yeah here are all of the remixes I got 35 of them and took me so long to find. Btw, I DID edit the names to what game they were remixing. I wish I hadn't. So maybe it would be easier to find if I had the original names.

01 - NGC_ N64_ _ SNES - DarkKoji - Assault in Fox's Clothing.mp3

02 - SNES - djpretzel - Clan McCloud.mp3

03 - SNES - STRIKE911 -  Absolute High_ Corneria Hardtrance Remix.mp3

04 - N64 - Multiplayer Remix.mp3

05 - SNES - bLiNd - Meteorave.mp3

06 - SNES - The Wingless - Godspeed.mp3

07 - SNES - bLiNd - Space Cowboys.mp3

08 - N64 _ SNES - djpretzel - Fortuna Favors the Funk.mp3

09 - SF2 - DZComposer - Mercenarios de Lobo.mp3

10 - NGC _ N64 - DarkKoji - Assault in Fox's Clothing 2 Going Virtical.mp3

12 - N64 - DZComposer - V to the X Power.mp3

13 - SNES - Corneria Remix.mp3

14 - NGC - Patrick Wagstaf - Thorntail Nights.mp3

15 - N64 - DZComposer - Symphony of the Aquan Abyss.mp3

16 - SNES - Kisho Yamanaka - Arranged Main Theme.mp3

17 - N64 _ SF2 - DZComposer - The Revenge of Star Wolf.mp3

18 - SNES - Chuck Manson - Space Trip.mp3

19 - N64 - DZComposer - The Story of Zoness.mp3

20 - N64 - HouseMasta Remix.mp3

21 - N64 - LorakLucan - Lucanian Corps of Corneria.mp3

22 - N64 - The Bit Cousins - Stage Clear_.mp3

23 - N64 - DZComposer - Do a Barrell Roll_.mp3

24 - SNES - DJ M.B. - Corneria Remix.mp3

25 - SNES - DZComposer - Yet Another Corneria Arrangement.mp3

26 - SNES - Vegetarian - Bit Cruncher.mp3

27 - SNES - CarboHydroM -  Like Father Like Son.mp3

28 - SNES - Sergeant Zim - Starfox Squadron.mp3

29 - N64 - Nintendo - Hip Hop Hype.mp3

30 - SNES - Matt_Madd_ Murdock - Corneria Rock Remix.mp3

31 - SNES - Kadmium - O Corneria.mp3

32 - SNES - Ellywu2 - Flying High Hybrid Style.mp3

33 - SNES - DZComposer - Control Select for Percussion Ensemble and Piano.mp3

34 - SNES _ SF64 - DZComposer - Lylat Brass Tour of Lylat.mp3

35 - SNES - Prophecy - Welcome to Outer Space.mp3

My personal favorites are 1, 9, 27, and 30.

A lot of them are by DZComposer. Good job. Gotta show me some more of your work I only found these on p2p programs :P

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They're all starfox related. Some of the names area bit odd but if you listen to them they are starfox based.

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I have most of those from their source at OCRemix, but I might want to see if I can get a copy of some of them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Theres a guy on Youtube who does orcestral verstions of retro tunes. Maybe you could get him to do some starfox.


The rest


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Sure. I'm only available to do anythings on weekends though. So if you have msn hit me up and we can swap files.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's two by a Japanese composer named "warinside":

http://blankfield.but.jp/archives/2007/02/music.php (the ones after F-Zero)

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  • 7 months later...

Hope this doesn't count as dredging up an old topic, but I feel one such as this should never be ruled out as someone will always make a new Star Fox related song, and now there is one on iTunes that is called Star Fox by Beethovenboy, pretty catchy song too, brings a tear to my eye, reminding me of the good ol' days of video games

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  • 1 month later...

Found a couple some of you may like. Some rockish covers of the SNES main theme and the SNES Corneria BGM:


"Like Father Like Son" = SNES Theme

"Starfox Forever" = Corneria (has Lyrics [NOTE: there is an F-Bomb in the lyrics])

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  • 1 month later...

Not sure if this would be the right place to ask but, does anybody know of a site that has SF sheet music? I'd perfer if it was for B? Trumpet.


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Nice dredge and no, this is the wrong thread

Wouldn't say this is a dredge, since it's not gone two months since DZ posted, and it is a sticky as well.

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Guest Para Astaroth


Wouldn't say this is a dredge, since it's not gone two months since DZ posted, and it is a sticky as well.

Argh, yee caught me flithy nosing.  Yar, yee has the eagle eyes >;D

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  • 1 month later...

When I was going to bed tonight, I was thinking about that I should create a thread here where we could post remixes of SF soundtracks, only to be reminded we allready have one when I logged on. :lol:

Well, think I'll share two of my favorite remixes. Might not be to everyone's taste, since I'm a metalfan and a headbanger.

Corneria, Asteroids by a band called Entertainment System. I really like this one. Should be easily recognisable as a metal remix of the Corneria theme.

Star Wolf Metal by someone called xxmeycxx. I've heard a lot of heavy metal remixes of the Starwolf theme, but none as good as this one in my humble opinion. It's easily recognisable, but stands on it's own feet and doesn't slavishly follow the original. Unfortuantly, the sound quality will make your ears bleed. :(

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  • 1 month later...

Found this dance-ish remix of the Star Fox 64 theme a while ago.


(2006 -> Starfox Odyssey)

Funny story about this one. The guy who made that, oddSprite, I've been a fan of his for quite some time due to his remixes of the Doctor Who theme (Seriously, "Redisclosed" is made of awesome). So when I found out he did an arrangement of the SF64 theme I was all like "omgnowai!!!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Star Fox SNES Corneria theme by Entertainment System. Its on itunes.

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Star Fox SNES Corneria theme by Entertainment System. Its on itunes.

Or two posts above you. :P I posted a Youtube link to it there.

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