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Movie or Series ?

Guest krystal08

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Chances are, they will be Japanese.

And apparently 4Kids no longer dubs anime because so many people loathe them, so they're out of the question too.

I already said that!

Then if it`s an anime, it could be distributed by Sunrise. Very big name in American anime. Remember Cowboy Bebop? Mobile Suit Gundam?

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Buzz Lightyear, Bubblegun Crisis and possably roughnecks and the new captain scarlet. All quality Sci-Fi series.

I think as a 'for kids' cartoon it would fail misrably. Film would stand a better chance, esp if they went for CGI.

I think it could work as a TV show. Each episode could be a mission with ragular Ar-wing dogfights and other vehicles. All the while the overall social/romance plots of starfox could be played out slowly over the course of the series.

It could work, but in either case it would need an eliment of maturity. TMNT and Incredibles are films that did that kind of thing well.

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I'm not bothered by profanity anymore in Star Fox. I think it'll need it to reach out to a wider audience. The Star Fox anime could end up coming on Friday nights at 8:00 PM, with a parental advisory warning that says "The following program is rated PG for scenes of violence, and mild profanity.", although in some cases you can still have a PG rated anime without profanity, but I still don't know.

If there were a Star Fox movie, what songs do you think would be in the sound track? I'm hoping for a song like "The Touch" by Stan Bush for the climax of the movie, where Fox is escaping from Andross's base as it explodes behind him.

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A good song for the end credits would be "What I`ve Done" by Linkin-Park.

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Guest Chiro-Chan

Hm, I'd say a lot of the music from the game for the soundtrack. I think 'Force Field' by SmashMouth (listen to the lyrics, and you'll see why), and 'The Voice' by The Moody Blues (once again, listen to the lyrics), and 'Carry On (Wayward Son)' by Kansas (lyrics, once again) would be next to perfect. I think 'Carry On' would be the best choice too for the credits roll.

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:P :D Thanks!! I`ve had such a hard time figuring out the name of that song!!

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I'm a OST man, so OST.

Warriors of the world maybe? I just like that song. Fits more with warhammer then starfox.

Smash Mouth 'Walkin on the sun' for solaris.

Also, if there is a krazoa palace scene, they should use that song off all the documentries. ; )

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Well, the movie could have a scene where Star Wolf does something like set a bar on fire. For that particular scene, they could play "Nothing`s Gonna Stand in Our Way" from The Transformers: The Movie (1986). That song I find dark and brutal.

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If there's going to be a destruction scene, it ought to be in slow motion with millions of pieces flying every which way.  You know, like watching one of those high-speed camera videos of a bullet piercing an apple!  :P

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Guest Chiro-Chan

No. I want a frickin' huge explosion that engulfs the whole frickin' screen! xD

And yea, they should use a lot of the songs from in the game. I'd like to see the Great Fox Rock return. (That was the song playing at the opening of SF:AD when Slippy killed the jukebox)

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That song made me laugh when I first heard it.

I don`t know what sort of audience would watch a Star Fox animated series. Probably the G.I. Joe or Star Wars crowd. The way I imagine a Star Fox TV series, there`s a lot of enemy ships blown apart, mixed in with a bit of hand to hand combat. Star Fox would fit the Saturday morning cartoon formula really well, because it`s creative, and unrealistic. We`re talking only 4 or 5 pilots able to destroy up to 300 enemy fighters in one mission (Although most of those fighters are robotic).

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Always having ever villain as robots would get tiring I think. If you included other baddies like aliens and traitors and stuff, then it might work, but everyone is so paranoid about violence now. I don't think it would happen.

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On the topic of songs, Aces High by Iron Maiden FTW. "Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die..." Come on, best song ever.

Star Fox would make a bad Saturday morning cartoon. It's more mature than that. Constantly killing enemy fighters, in space no doubt? Unless they're turned into "robots", but...that's lame. I see it more as being a Devil May Cry-esque anime adaptation ('cept less dark, of course). No CGI for the show, though, because CGI shows are often poor quality due to lack of funding (unless it's more cell-shaded like Storm Hawks or something). I say a CGI movie would be great, but as for a series, it should stick to traditional animation.

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because CGI shows are often poor quality

Often, but not always.

CGI is cheaper long term then traditional. Though the initial setup is more costly. While you have to 'draw' in 3 dimentions, you only need to draw each think once.

Most traditional animation uses digital tools nowadays anyway.

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Yeah, Star Fox would be pretty good as a PG-rated anime. Some examples I can think of that would make a Star Fox anime PG-rated are maybe something like Slippy calling Falco an a@#, or Krystal's tragic past. Oh, and Sabre, if Star Fox was a Saturday morning cartoon, these are the changes I think would be most likely be done from the games:

-Cerinia is occupied by Andross's army instead of being destroyed.

-Every time an enemy fighter is destroyed, the pilot is seen floating down with a parachute.

-Andross is a more comical villain, such as maybe a scene where some of his soldiers contact him, and he's in the bathtub playing with rubber ducks.

-James McCloud is dead from natural causes.

-Slippy is more lovable, similar to Autobot Bumblebee.

-Just to be funny, Falco usually tries to flirt with Krystal, but she always rejects him.

-Whenever Star Fox does a job that's far more ground based, Falco usually replies with "I'm a pilot, not (Insert middle class job here)!".

-Andross has a pair of bumbling commanding officers in his army. They constantly screw up when trying to destroy Star Fox, so Andross usually calls them "You good for nothing fowl ups!!", or "Worthless failures!!".

-General Pepper is more like Inspector Gadget's Chief Quimby, minus the exploding messages and the pipe.

-Andross's plan is to occupy other planets and steal their natural resources for Venom.

-Krystal is Star Fox's medic.

-ROB 64 is more like the character Blinkey from Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars (Even though Bucky O'Hare sucks in my opinion).

You know, Star Fox could still have the same level of violence that it does right now, because it's like the violence in Star Wars. It's more pretend, cartoony, and most of the time they wouldn't mention any characters getting killed. The show would also do something to fill in mysteries about certain characters. Like maybe Cerinia's destruction happened while Krystal wasn't around, and she didn't have a chance to leave the planet with the rest of her people. So Krystal's parents are still alive, but they've fled to another galaxy, and are unable to go back to look for Krystal because of the fear that Andross is looking for them still.

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If I were to make an anime about sf, it would be to a mature audience. Though it wont be appreciated by kids, I would make it like Ghost in the Shell. More action more ... real. None of this "parachute in space" stuff. Comon, there is no wind in space so unless it was solar chute there would be no point in that.

In any case, I am going for the badass factor when I think of Starfox. They are mercs and mercs aint pretty. So quit trying to make it kid safe because it is like making a child proof butcher knife. Or a shotgun from hello kitty. You can only dress it up so much. When u DO dress it up it kills it sooo much. SF is a story, one that should be preserved. in fact... Now that I think about it.... BEFORE A MOVIE OR ANIME IS MADE.... they should make a Book. A Real. Good. Book!

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I agree with the book idea, and I think you are getting that idea from the Halo books. But I would also agree with not making it a Saturday morning cartoon. Those are more for little kids than anything else. A movie would probably be the best destination for Star Fox, PG-13 rated, lots of guns, some language as long as there is no potty jokes, no sexual references, and it does not, repeat, DOES NOT drop the F-bomb. And most of all, lots of aerial dogfight scenes, which is what is at the core of Star Fox.

If it were made into a movie, it would better be in theaters first, because those direct to DVD movies usually aren't that good and don't sell as good due to that reputation.

Theres my two cents after not posting at all for 2 weeks.

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Wow Arwingcommander, way to turn Star Fox into a generic Saturday morning butchering of a good series...D;

As for the cost, of course its cheaper, it still looks bad. I'm not talking cell-shaded, that's okay, but really, have any recent (fully rendered) CGI shows looked wonderful? Viva Pinata? SD Gundam Force? Ew. Every so often, rendering a battleship or whatever would be fine, but the CHARACTERS should be traditional, and I think cell-shading it sort of like Storm Hawks would look...out-of-theme for Star Fox.

A movie could be beautiful, though. I'd definately prefer a CGI movie to a traditionally animated one >_<

The series shouldn't be totally MA but it should be up there, y'know? Less Saturday morning and more Adult Swim. Even along the lines of Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's still a kid's show but there's death, "mature"-ish jokes, and WHOAMG ROMANCE everywhere. That I could stand, but yeah, like PuffnStuff said, none of this "parachute" crap. Star Fox and Metroid are Nintendo's only series' that can't get away with over-kiddy stuff.

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I didn`t say that would happen!! (Thank god it wouldn`t) PG rated anime and PG-13 rated movie it is!! I gotta go, and when I get back, we should share casting ideas for a Star Fox TV series, okay?

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I didn`t say that would happen!! (Thank god it wouldn`t) PG rated anime and PG-13 rated movie it is!! I gotta go, and when I get back, we should share casting ideas for a Star Fox TV series, okay?

Wow, ArwingCommander, did you read any of Dras' post?  :wink:


1. Puff, if someone were to novelize SF and restart the franchise that way, I would frickin' camp out outside my Barnes and Noble for a copy.

2. Dras, your're right IMO. I wonder, though, what would happen if Star Fox showed up on Adult Swim.... :?

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Krystal fanservice, the only reason I'd have issues with it being entirely on Adult Swim >_>;

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