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I Gots a Proposition For Ye


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A'right, so.

Adventures. The disc was "broken into" and we recieved a lot of interesting information about what was locked away within (courtesy of Dwight, correct? I don't know >_<), like unused lines for Krystal and some other neat tidbits.


Assault. Originally, Star Fox Armada. Originally, offering co-op and an arcade-game adaptation, which if I'm not mistaken, could be used to unlock new levels, guns, etc. Originally, possibly offereing much more than we know.

We can know.

However, I am unsure if anyone's attempted to dig deeper into Assault, and I know nothing about the subject so I'd fail at it. What I'm asking is, one, has it been done? Two, perhaps if some person has too much time on their hands and the NEED to LEEEEEARN like me, they would possibly look into it >_> Just a suggestion.

I think it would be interesting what the results may turn up.

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I heard about the stuff dug up on Adventures (though I have yet to find any of it online) and I think I like your idea alot good sir. But I wouldn't even begin to know where to start on getting that disc readable by my system. I would love to see if there was stuff tucked away in there, though.

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I heard about the stuff dug up on Adventures (though I have yet to find any of it online) and I think I like your idea alot good sir. But I wouldn't even begin to know where to start on getting that disc readable by my system. I would love to see if there was stuff tucked away in there, though.

Oi, it's "Think Dras Is a Man" month xD;; D:

But yeah, the Krystal stuff can be found on Youtube...not sure about the other stuff though.

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The person that provided me the actual music files from the disc told me that Namco cleaned the disc up. As far as he could tell, there was nothing there that wasn't used by the game. There was one short music cue that I never remembered hearing, SF64's game over orchestrated, but it could have been and I didn't catch it. MP3s of said files are on the site. There was cutscene audio too, but I didn't include that. I don't thing dialog was there and there were no cutscene audio files that were not used.

If memory serves, Rare was known for not cleaning up their games. I remember stories about tons of "hidden" stuff in Banjo Kazooie and Goldeneye.

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You're right DZComposer, Rare left alot of unused things in those games (especially in Goldeneye).

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Is this gonna lead to us discussing Banjo Kazooie's "Stop 'n' Swoop" conspiracy?

You know what would be really cool to find related to Star Fox? Unused character models or character art.

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