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Cerinia destruction theories


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Me, I think most likely it was some kind of planet killer, or the planet was frozen and left lifeless. Eh, frozen. Frozen is a cause of death, but I don't think anyone has ever used it like that for planetary destruction in fiction.

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do you think its really well....I guess the fact we are alreayd discussing this, but its back on the Fox and Krystal post, but i guess we could move all of us back to this instead of wasting it on Fox and Krystal post

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Yes, lets. If you said war, with whom do you think they had it with? I still think Andross!!

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well lets say the planetis primitive, lets say the fact that remembers krystals powers, other people on the planetcould have powers like that too, there was like some really rare awesome power like how sonic has the chaos emeralds or DBZ having the dragon balls, they used it, but it liked back fired and blew up, not destroying the planet, but everyone on it, Krystal could have been teleported via magic from someone to continue the bloodline, cause she could I dunno be liek the princess of the planet (Its all I got) and she searches for answer of what really happend, or something like that.

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Very funny. It's starting to seem more likely that Krystal really is the only survivor, and she wants to continue the bloodline.

You know, maybe Krystal's species wasn't the only species of Cerinia. There could have been others.

As for the black hole theory, is it possible for anything sucked through black holes to survive? If not, then what about worm holes. According to Loonatics Unleashed, certain worm holes are strong enough to suck a planet through, but not without tearing it apart.

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Very funny. It's starting to seem more likely that Krystal really is the only survivor, and she wants to continue the bloodline.

So THAT explains the sleeping around *shot*

Seriously though, I doubt it got sucked through a black hole. That's a natural occurence; she wouldn't want "answers" for that.

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well a blackhole forms from a star and they are almost always away from planet, so how could an entire planet get sucked up, and how did Krystal escape

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I've always been partial to the Planet Killer idea.

In my vaporware [planned] fanfic trilogy I describe my idea in more detail, but in a nutshell:

Prototype Gorgon main weapon.

SF64 Guide explicitly called the Gorgon a planet killer, so....

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like a powerful planet destroyer like a giant demon or space ship kind, jsut to make sure we're clear here

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Yeah, okay, maybe it was Gorgon, or a prototype of Gorgon. The prototype was probably tested on Cerinia because Andross didn't care who it was. The reason the Gorgon Fox shot down in Star Fox 64 was so much smaller is because the prototype was too big, and Andross was hoping to make multiple Gorgon units.

Krystal probably escaped the planet because she wasn't there when it happened. It could be something like in that Star Fox comic Dras read, where...I think Krystal's mother told her she was selected by the Krazoa, and Krystal went off to a far away part of the cosmos to do some sort of training. When Gorgon destroyed the planet, their communications went dead, and Krystal couldn't contact them, but she at least got static when trying to contact them, which is why she rushed back home.

After she got back to her own galaxy, she saw the place in ruins, and didn't know what it was. So if it was Gorgon, and if Gorgon was big enough, it either ate Cerinia (Ala the Beast Planet from Shadow Raiders), or it blew the place to pieces (Ala the Death Star). Even if it ate the planet, we wouldn't hear Krystal's father say something like "Krystal!! Look!! It's Unicron!!".

Have you ever thought that a small portion of the Cerinian population survived, and Krystal doesn't know? It could be that before Gorgon destroyed the planet, Andross slaughtered their armed forces, and enslaved the rest of the population.

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well, even tough they may not show anything about her planet, they can at least MENTION IT!, thats all I want...and a kiss scene between Fox and Krystal, those are the only 2 things in the Starfox series, thats it


all I want  :friends:

:fox: :krystal:

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Your mother dun did destroy that ther cer.... cer.... you momma!

Im kidding, anyways.... I'd rather leave this question to nintendo. I couldn't really think of what could have destroyed it. Because krystals outfit could mean primitive OR highly advanced society. There are just too many to count. I would have way to many theories to just pick one. (Each one of them better then the last)

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Either that or Krystal's clothing meant that Cerinia had a lot of sexy ladies.  :friends: You know, maybe we should ask Nintendo about this, and see what answer they want it to be. Anyone else think so?

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I like a lot of the theories that say Krystal was raised by the CloudRunner, but I think the text at the beginning of the game indicate she wasn't...need to play it again, though.

Even if Andross did destroy Cerinia, it wouldn't lend to the plot at all, considering Andross is DEAD. After Command, he's not even considered all that evil anymore, so it would just be like..."here's this good idea O WAIT now wut"

We don't have enough proof to do anything but speculate...but it would be interesting if the Cornerian Army somehow lent a hand in its destruction =O OMG, NO WAI. Or like, someone who wasn't Andross...

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My guess would be some unknown villain conducted an experiment there and destroyed the planet with some freak nuclear explosion wiping everything out. Heck for all I know my stupidest theory could be right (Samus accidentally wiped it out on a mission. It wouldn't be the first time that has happened).

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It could have been the Aparoids, but in the final mission of Assault, Krystal wasn't tormented or anything with something like the voices of her parents coming from the Aparoid Queen. That would scare her half to death.

So THAT explains the sleeping around *shot*

Seriously though, I doubt it got sucked through a black hole. That's a natural occurence; she wouldn't want "answers" for that.

Yeah, but Star Fox is set in, what, the year 2385? In that year it will be possible for madmen like Andross to create black holes and feed planets into them. Wait! No one knows what's on the other side of a black hole. Maybe the planet is still in one piece, and the populace with it. They could be trapped in another dimension, and it's really hard to get it out. Is it possible for black holes to close up and be opened back up again?

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Yeah, but Star Fox is set in, what, the year 2385? In that year it will be possible for madmen like Andross to create black holes and feed planets into them. Wait! No one knows what's on the other side of a black hole. Maybe the planet is still in one piece, and the populace with it. They could be trapped in another dimension, and it's really hard to get it out. Is it possible for black holes to close up and be opened back up again?

I don't think Star Fox is set in a year any more distinguished than "the future".

And if that's the case, then the entire population of Cerinia got TURNED INTO GIANT WHALES D8

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Okay, maybe it's true that being the last of her species, Krystal is destined to carry on the blood line, which would involve repopulating her race. Her and Fox would be a great start, depending on how many children they have, and then their children grow up and have children with other people, and so forth, for about 1000 years until the Cerinian blue foxes are fully repopulated. Even so, it wouldn't work. Krystal is fully Cerinian, so her children wouldn't, not saying it's a bad thing.

I still say it's more likely that a small portion of the population survived, and they're out somewhere Krystal hasn't looked around. Remember when the original Death Star destroyed Alderraan? It killed most of the population, but some of them survived. Well, that's because they weren't on the planet, but that raises a further question. How do we know if any of the Cerinians weren't there at the time of destruction?

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Good point. I'm pretty sure that there were probably a few adventurous Cerinians who left for personal reasons and are somewhere in the universe. Also Cerinia could have had some sort of trade route established leaving a few more survivors.

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Yeah, it would be nice to hear something like Cerinia was a long time partner of Corneria. Wait, we don't even know if Corneria had any kind of connection to Cerinia.

Anyone here wonder what Cerinia's culture was based on? Well, judging by Krystal's appearance in Star Fox Adventures, it was definitely a tribal heritage. The sort of possibilities I can think of are:



-Central Africa

-Ancient Egypt

-A combination of the previous two



-Aboriginal Australia


The list could go on forever. They all could be tribal enough.

Who here agrees with me that Krystal is a princess? If that was the case, she could end up inheriting the throne, and the Cerinian people would say something like "All hail Queen  :friends:!!".

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My personal theory is that it was destroyed by some villain that we have yet to be introduced to. Cerinia seems to populated by tribes as shown by Krystal's outfit in Star Fox Adventures, and its heavily implied that they used magic, so maybe they sent her away from the destruction via magic instead of technology. So she could be the last survivor because they couldn't get away because they didn't have space travel.

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She was probably a princess or something, and her father or someone sensed danger so sent her out on an old abandoned ship nobody really knew how to use (they are a primitive race, I guess), so they all died when she survived.

Of course, that kind of makes her a blue female Superman but whatever.

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