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Cerinia destruction theories


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She was an experiment: She was originally created by Andross as a bio-weapon. Andross was hoping that her telepathy make her a killing machine, driving Cornerian pilots into lethal bouts of insanity. Krystal was outraged that not only was she created artificially rather than naturally, but also that such an awful man would use her as a weapon of death.

She escaped in a Venomian air craft, and Andross decided that she was to rebellious against him to let her live, so he sent a squadron after her to shoot her down. They shot Krystal down above Sauria. When she crash-landed, she had a psychogenic fuege wipe her memories of Andross, and began a new life on Sauria. Unfortunately, her terrifying memories of Andross came back during the Sauria incident.

I vote most likely out of those three stories.

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Well, yeah Puff, it could be that story, but maybe it was another thing you said. You know, about how she was a young girl growing up on Corneria, or Fortuna, and people wanted to exploit her gift, I doubt they were Cornerian scientists. It must have been Andross who wanted to exploit her gift. She used her abilities to drive Andross's scientists lethally insane which killed them, and she felt so horrible, she went to Sauria, and started her new life with her psychogenic fuege (How do you pronounce it?), replacing her tragic memories with that of some place called Cerinia, which never existed.

Speaking of Cerinia, back to my "Krystal was raised by the Cloudrunners theory.". The note on her basket probably wrote her full name as "Krystal Cerinia", it was raining when they left her, the note was washed out, and the Cloudrunners couldn't read it. Well, sort of, but they misinterpreted it as "Please take care of Krystal. She comes from the destroyed planet of Cerinia.", when originally they wrote "Please take care of Krystal. Her full name is Krystal Cerinia.". When they left, her parents were most likely killed by Andross's men.

More on that subject, this leads to why she recognized Andross. Andross discovered that from birth, Krystal inherited her family gift of telepathic traits. He wanted to exploit her gift, and proceeded to try and kill her parents and take Krystal for himself, raising her as his step daughter/slash psychogenic weapon of death. When they found this out, they fled, and abandoned her on Sauria which was safer at the time. Tragically, while they were leaving in a ship, a group of Andross's fighters shot them down and killed them. Afterwards, around the time she was 3 years old, she started having nightmares involving Andross, all of which involved him killing her parents, and trying to take her with him.

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Unless Nintendo either creates a Krystal centered game or tries to explain things in other Star Fox games, the truth will still be out there.

This is why I don't care for Adventures much.

Adventures was a throw together game plot wise.

I personally they should have kept the original Krystal story. Krystal was born on Sauria and raised by the wizard Randon.

There was nothing wrong with the original plot. All they had to do was make Krystal a fox rather than a cat and you would get a satisfying game.

Fox still had his missions in Adventures, Krystal would have been more than a damsel in distress character, and star fox fans would be satisfied because the plot holes would be filled in a little bit.

Now you have questions all over the place.

Where was Krystal born?

What happened to her home planet?

How did she get to Sauria?

How was she like on her home planet?

How did she develop her telepathic skills?

The second problem is rather than Nintendo filling in the plot holes in Assault, they completely ignored them.

So the truth is out there.


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Well, the telepathy part of Krystal growing up on Sauria could be.....her step father was a humble priest who knew just about everything about the Krazoas. He might also be the one who created her staff. Or the staff itself was an ancient weapon past down from generation to generation on Sauria, and only those with pure souls can use it. That explains Krystal's staff abilities. Her telepathy I already said might have been genetic in her family.

Yeah, Rogue Fox, you're right. Nintendo needs to make a Krystal centered game as a spin off of the Star Fox main series. I know Star Fox doesn't necessarily need spin off games/franchises, but a Krystal centered game would be an exception. Right guys?

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I think Fortuna thing is to take out, because if she was from Fortuna or Corneria, even if she does'nt remember it, there would have been something about it when they are on Fortuna or Corneria in SFAs ( or any other planet )

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Well, maybe she didn't bring it up because they were fighting at the time. Or her memories haven't returned yet. Either way, it's still a close guess. Knowing Krystal, she'll remember it as soon as she's not focusing on any battles. Either that, or there's always the nightmare theory.

Another factor of her birth that contributed to her so-called memories of Cerinia is that, well, she was born almost 25 years ago, and it's almost impossible to remember your own birth. My mom even told me once that before I was born, I sucked my thumb a lot, and I still don't remember it.

You know, I still think mine or Puff's guess are the closest. Either she had a tragic past and made herself forget it through psychogenics, or she doesn't know her real past, and thinks it was something else.

Who says it would be cheesy if Krystal's last name was Cerinia? It might be, it might not be.

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Now that I think about it, they should make a game like Shadow the Hedgehog.

Shadow the Hedgehog was still canon to the Sonic the Hedgehog series, featured characters from the Sonic cast, had similar game mechanics, and yet focused on Shadow's plot rather than Sonic.

Wouldn't it be interesting if there was a game where Krystal somehow had to go on a mission different from the team which turned out to be this huge adventure for her.

She would peroidically get help from team Star Fox and even Star Wolf.

Even if Nintendo does not create a Krystal-centered game, they should fill in the plot holes in upcoming games.

The only problem I see about creating a Krystal themed game is that people will want to have games about other characters.

I believe that eventually Nintendo will create a Star Wolf themed game.


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Yeah, a Star Wolf themed game sounds darker and a little bloody in comparison to the rest of the series.

Does anyone here think Krystal would most likely learn the truth of her past in a nightmare?

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Then what do you think will happen in her nightmare? It will most likely involve her parents getting killed, right?

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Probably the nightmare will reveal a clue to her past.

She may see a name or a number or something that begins a quest to discover the meaning behind the symbol.

(Example: Krystal has a dream about a code "A6J718." She then begins a quest to find out the mystery behind this code, hoping that it relates smoehow to her parents' deaths.)


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well im pretty sure it wont be a code, but good start, maybe she'll like see her planet being destroyed, and like the last thing her parents said to her, before whatever happend

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It should definitely have Andross reaching for her. That would scare here half to death. He would probably say something like "Come to me.......Come to me........Come to me, and be my successor!". That's probably why he was after her gift.

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And each time she makes a dream, it would a little bit different and/or have a tiny little more detail. Like this we kind of solve the puzzle in her mind but at the same time, it mixes up a little bit more, and by going further we would at the same time discover useful clues... Or something like that.

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...not bad....I like it...and it could freak people out

I kinda spooked myself when I wrote the idea down, but the way I said it would scare her even more because I said it was a "skeletal" hand.

I think I've figured out what Krystal's heritage is, even if it's not from Cerinia. I Wikipedied telepathy last night and it said telepathy comes from the Greek words "tela", meaning distant, and "patheia", meaning to be affected by. So, I guess Krystal's culture has a little bit of Greek in it.

Another sort of cultural characteristic of Krystal's home could be, well, having the same culture as Dalmasca from Final Fantasy XII. A good cross of tribal and medieval culture. I think that suits Krystal very well. Anyone else think so?

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The one where Cerinia was destroyed by an ion pulse which is created when a star goes super nova.

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Oh yeah, I never thought about that. Ion pulses sound deadly.

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I have no frickin' clue what ya'll are talking about. I've heard of that code in a parody of Star Fox Adventures on Newgrounds, but that's it. NO clue what you talkin' about, no clue.


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Wouldn't it be a particle beam that would be used to destroy a planet, not an Ion beam?

Or it could of been a big bomb that was dropped.


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Unless the bomb was put deep deep under ground, or directional explosive technolagy was invented, I think a bomb whould scar the surface, but not much else. The more I think about this, the harder it seems to destroy a planet.

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