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Anyone remember...


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...Smash TV? You know, it was that old multi-directional shooter from 1990 in the arcades. I think it was a little controversial for it's time because of it's level of blood and gun violence. Well, anyone remember it?

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Yes! I still have a copy for the SNES, though haven't played it in a long time! Wow that brings me memories to get cash and prizes while not getting annihilated by the thousands of enemies from all around you. Though thinking about it, I never did get past the 2nd stage before... 

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I have a love hate relationship with this game. Its pure mindless fun and playing with a friend doubles the amount, but the boss battles (I'm looking at you Mutoid Man) and trying to find the pleasure dome ate way too many of my quarters.

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I remember it. Kinda like the running man in some ways. Part of the fun these days are some of the prizes, despite the games future setting, such as toasters and VCRs.

Thing I never worked out is who are goons in that game? The contestant wins his various prizes, but what must be in it for the men to come in there thousands?

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I always thought the enemies were bio weapons or something. I do believe that theory hit me after playing its sequel (in its own right) Total Carnage.

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Total Carnage was even more controversial I think.

Remember the reasons? Blood everywhere? The villain being a racist parody of Sadam Husaine? And the fact that you get to fry him to death in the electric chair afterwards? Talk about a sick and twisted form of United States propaganda.

Out of the two very close games, which do you prefer? Smash TV, or Total Carnage?

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Yeah the SNES port wasn't that great. I prefered Smash TV because I have some fond memories of playing it with my dad before he passed away.

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Okay, so why do some of you guys hate Total Carnage on the Super NES so much? What was wrong with it?

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Okay, so why do some of you guys hate Total Carnage on the Super NES so much? What was wrong with it?

It could have been a great game, possably on of the best, but it is let down by fatal flaw. It's rubbish.

It's a slow, boring, frustrating mess of a game. Stick with Smash or Super Swiv or something.

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The only game that I would play over FlyFF, Soldat, Halo, and all my other favorite games would be Super Smash TV.

I lived and breathed this game. It should be illegal it's so fun.

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You know who Mutinoid Man reminds me of? The Kingpin, from Spider-Man. He looks so much like the Kingpin other than the eyes, the shirt, and the fact that his lower half is a tank. Anyone ever think that?

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