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Retro Star Fox Theme [OLD]

The Green Fox

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In the SNES Star Fox there is a catchy theme song for the Star Fox Team that

plays after victory over a boss ship. Why wasn't this re-utilized in the later Star Fox games? Just a thought.

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No music from the SNES was ever used again in the series. There were a couple of cuses in SFAs that may have been inspired by SNES music, but that's it.

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No music from the SNES was ever used again in the series. There were a couple of cuses in SFAs that may have been inspired by SNES music, but that's it.

Yeah well see, that was kind of my POINT. I was just wondering why, especially

considering the fact that the original NES Super Mario Bros. theme was re-used

in almost every Mario game that came after it.

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Maybe that because Star Fox 64 is a remake of the series, Nintendo decided to use new materials to separate it from the first, or maybe they did not want to use Argonaut's music because it also produce games for Sony. Of course, this is all just speculation and no one here can tell you why.

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I have yet to find anything that suggests that Hajime Hirasawa worked for Argonaut. It was a joint venture. People from Nintendo helped too.

I think the reason is more likely that of SF64's music being headed by Koji Kondo. He didn't write SF music, though he did do the sound effects. Kondo probably wanted to score SF in his own way, which was different than SF. Kondo wasn't alone, though. Hajime Wakai (not related to Hirasawa) actually did most of the score. Kondo mainly did the themes.

The story of Hajime Hirasawa is not well known to the Nintendo fan community, but this is the current accepted story: The only well-known game he ever scored was SF. Supposedly he also did the music for Time Twist: Rekishi no Katasumi, an Japan-only Famicom (NES) game. It is clear that he left Nintendo shortly after SF launched.

Supposedly, he went on to found this company: http://www.faith-inc.com/ . The company is music-related and appeared in Kyoto (Nintendo's hometown) in 1993 (Star Fox launch year). This company became known for producing MIDI chips for cellphones and selling ringtones. I haven't myself seen anything that definitively says that the Hajime Hirasawa that runs this company is the same guy, but the circumstances are too coincidental for that.

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Check thread dates, please.

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