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hi all,just wondering....where can i download the tales of corneria game?if anyone can tell me,id be most grateful. :leon:

im still kinda new here,so plz bear with me.

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As far as I know, ArwingLanding.net was the place to download it, but they appear to be having some technical difficulties at the moment.

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There is another website if you google it, don't know if the DL acctually works though.


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Whats the game like anyway? I get the idea that it's fan made episodic game, but other then that, no clue.

(by what's it like, I'm mainly asking about the quality)

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the graphics are about the same compared to the snes.

gameplay is fun,but sometimes a little too harsh.(i cant beat the 1st boss with FALCO shooting at me.)

the controls are so well endowed that its like you press a direction,and it quickly moves the aircraft.

i havent been able to kill the 1st boss yet,but so  far the 1st misson rocks the coolness.

over all,ill give it a five out of five.

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im still waiting for starfox rts!if that were out id be like this: :fox::leon: :leon: :falco::peppy::fox: :fox: :):D:peppy:

(hint hint nintindo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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There was a GTA mod in the works iirc.

As for a starfox RTS, I have no idea what could be in it besides the obvious.

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I've got Tales of Corneria on my PC, can't really remember where i got it from though.

well graphics are in my opinion not so bad, it's enough to understand what's happening, the game is really easy, in an hour or so i was to the last boss.

The story takes place between lylat wars and adventures, it's the same as the Starfox comic that covers this part of the story.

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As for a starfox RTS, I have no idea what could be in it besides the obvious.

well,i have an idea:the heroes and villans from the entire saga are the special units that costs lots of money compared to the normal units.take an example from the empire at war series and have each planet give base bonusus if controlled by your faction.

lastly,make a few new models  of units and cornerian arcraft sqads along with landmaster and arwing modification based vehichles.and a pirate faction with starwolf as its leader would be cool too. :leon:

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But that set up is the obvious stuff. SF characters are races heroes. Pirates vs Cornerian Army vs Aperoids vs Andross and co.

Beyond that, what does it bring to the rts? DoW2 focuses on a small number of members. HaloRTS (the official, not the fan one they ripped off) brings unit level AI to the table. SpringRTS/SupCom brings massive, truly strategic battles based on intel.

Beyond C&C with a few SF characters, I can't imagine it standing out. How would Res be handled? How would aircraft be controled? Maybe in a homeworld formation based style?

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all great questions that even i cant answer.all we gotta do is hope and pray for it to come out.we also have to hope it makes common rts games look like a puppy compared to the intensity of the star fox relm.

however i have an intresting idea for nintindo:use the ace combat engine and create a star fox game where you can freely roam around and destroy everything you want to during a mission.no more of that,'i missed my tgt by half an inch!'stuff. :leon:

lol, the nintindo producers should come and take a peek at what the fans are comin up with,cause it is really cool to have ideas like this.

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well you may not like ace combat,but just think of all the free roaming the star fox team can do if the didnt have the 'mario method' in the missions.i think it would be really fun do do what ya want in an arwing.destroying bogeys s fun,but doing so while free roaming and  toying with your enemies is fun too. O_o:(:x

btw,defintition of mario method:

constant scrolling through a mission or level without going backwards as the player would want to.they can only move forward.

your thoughts,saber?you have some very intresting things to say.im actually having fun talking here. :lol:

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