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Characters Improvement.


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How will you make better the looks or abilities of any character you want.

PS: there is a chance I may send it to nintendo because i have a uncle that is a supervisor of something there i am not sure.

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Fox needs to get a personality. "Level-headed morallistic do-gooder" isn't really working for me, considering that makes him the equivalent of like EVERY HERO EVER.

Krystal needs to take up her quest to find out what happened to Cerinia, while in the mean time grow a spine and stop being so dependant on Fox. Their romance is horribly played out; it has no substance.

Andrew needs to do more in the way of plot instead of just appearing as a filler villain every so often.

Wolf needs to decide his accent.

Panther needs to stop speaking in third person and get a backstory.

Katt needs to revert back to pink.

Fay, Miyu, Fara, Herbert, and the Free Birds need to make an in-game appearance.

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Slippy= Deeper voice, less childish, more lovable.

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Wolf: Needs to stop talking like he's from Texas

Leon: Needs his ol' voice back, have a more mature attitude towards things but at the same time crazy, and have a bigger role in the plot

Panther: Needs to die and go STRAIGHT to hell stop being a flirt with Krystal and flirt with some one else


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Fox: Needs to learn how to tell his wing mates to do a summersault when enemy are behind them

Falco, Peppy, Slippy, and Krystal: Need to learn how to do summersaults.


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Hmmmm...character improvements eh?

Well, there are a couple of things...

Panther: Stop talking in 3rd Person. Plain and simple. Brawl was a recovery from Command however the voice? Ummm...Nothx.

Krystal: Her overall character is mixed (as well as everyone's in a little sense) however, I'm not sure of what to think of her overall. I mean she was coming off as a damsel in distress in Adv. then in Assault she's ummmm....(I can't really think of anything), in Command she's rebellious and a killer-esq type as so they say (Didn't see that one coming. :falco:) and in Brawl she's...yeah. I can't think of anything. If developers want to put Krystal through a personality change that's all fine and dandy but to do it constantly from game to game and even mid-game gets really confusing and annoying.

Leon: He should actually keep his Command/Brawl persona. Yes, I said it. (What are you going to do about it :leon:) I like his voice and the quotes. Oh Gawd, I thought it was too kyute! :leon: Many stereotypical assassins are cool and level-headed when they are portrayed in media. His SF64 style was so serious and it's a popular candidate to bring back however I feel that this change for me was a new and awesome change.

Falco: Improvements...? FUGGEDDABOUDIT! j/k I just hope Falco gets his Arwing groove back when he flies with Fox and co. Assault was a big No-no. I like his Joey Wheeler impersonation.

Andrew: I would just like to take him seriously for once.

Slippy: FOR THE LOVE OF....LET HIM BE AS USEFUL AS HE WAS IN COMMAND! (But, that's not probably not going to happen. Pfft.)

There are more but I don't feel like typing. Maybe I'll continue later.


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Actually, Falco kinda reminds me of TMNT's Casey Jones. Now all he needs to do is get a goalie's mask, grab a hockey stick, and bash Raphiel's skull in. How does that not sound like Falco? He's a reckless idiot from Central Park.

They could do something crazy like give the "Do a barrel roll!!" line to Krystal, since she's kinda in Peppy's former position right now. Can you imagine Krystal telling Fox to do a barrel roll? Well, it's better than him bossing her around. Besides, after all the sh@# she's been through, I thought she could use a turn for the better.

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^ The old one or the new one?

I remember the old one and he sounds nothing like Falco.

Edit: Never mind. I see what you mean. And yes, you're right. :leon:

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Slippy:  FINALLY go through puberty.

Peppy:  Make up his mind about retiring.  And ditch his Brawl voice.

Wolf:  Change the eyepiece to a mechanical implant, get a backstory, grow some longer hair, and engage in hand-to-hand combat with Fox (in a series game)

Fox:  Engage in hand-to-hand combat with Wolf (in a series game), and develop some unique character.

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Slippy:  FINALLY go through puberty.

Peppy:  Make up his mind about retiring.  And ditch his Brawl voice.

Wolf:  Change the eyepiece to a mechanical implant, get a backstory, grow some longer hair, and engage in hand-to-hand combat with Fox (in a series game)

Fox:  Engage in hand-to-hand combat with Wolf (in a series game), and develop some unique character.

i agree with everything you said exept for wolf the eyepacth makes him look more evil

i also think fox should stick with his command uniform because the one in assault sucked.

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i agree with everything you said exept for wolf the eyepacth makes him look more evil

By mechanical implant, I mean something that makes him look like a cyborg.  That would REALLY look evil.

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By mechanical implant, I mean something that makes him look like a cyborg.  That would REALLY look evil.

Yeah i know it would but I tend to be a traditionalist so i like things to stay the same

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