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FEV's screenshot edits!

Four-eyed Vulpine

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This is the branch off of the Starfox Spoof thread.  Here's a bunch of screenshot edits from Star Fox games, and I will update this as I crank them out.  Here we go!

Here are the links for the entire thread.

Tricky and Fox

Fox and his Staff

Redeyes and Chicken

Thorntail and Spider

Evil Krystal

.....What are you looking at?  :(


I wonder what would happen if I....*ZAP*


Never stand between a Redeye and his chicken.


Oooh, what's that?  AHHHHHHHHH!!!!


Uh...Krystal?  What are you doing with that thing?  O_o


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The evil Krystal pic is my favorite.

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