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Nothing to play tonight except Titanfall and maybe the Champion quests from Pokemon X? I'm not sure. May just stay on the web tonight.

Grab HAWKEN from Steam. It's free, and is an amazing mech game.

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As I continue to sink all of my free time into Deus Ex: HR. Also a little bit of Risk of Rain.

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As I continue to sink all of my free time into Deus Ex: HR. Also a little bit of Risk of Rain.


DXHR is one of the best time sinks, so this is very good, you know.


I need to buy the Director's Cut version, however, I'm not sure if it will overwrite the original DXHR game... Hmm.

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I had just picked up the new Kirby: Tripe Trouble on Saturday, a day after it's release. It's a pretty cool game from what I've seen! Don't believe IGN or GameInformer on the review, they say the game is "too easy", which it's not. I think it's at a fair difficulty. Plus, Kirby games are not supposed to be hard.

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So yeah, I finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky yesterday.


I really, really, really, really, never expected that this game would make me cry.. more than once to top it all..

Its a pokemon game, yet the plot is coherent, beautiful, unhindered, full of charm, hope, and it has a satisfactory happy ending even though these kinds of ending don't turn out that way these days ! The main characters even develop through the plot !


The way the story works is that it first sets up a comfort zone, a routine you get accustomed with. But it really takes its time to do that. And when you think its just going to be only a bunch of minor scuffles and adventures, things gets more and more complicated ! And by then, you'll have developed a liking in your character, and mainly in your companion. And the plot takes fully advantage of that ! Did I mention that, the ending is flawlessly executed ?


Most of the soundtrack of this game, outside treasure town is great and full of surprises !


And, once you learn how to play the game properly, and get the hang of it, its quite fun ! Though, as with most RPGs you may want to grind a little early on, to have a good headstart. Because at one point the game becomes really tough without warnings. You might find yourself leaving the game alone for a while, but then pick it back up. I think its the kind of game you have to give a chance at first, given the pacing is a little slow.


Seriously, this game is one hell of a ride ! And don't be afraid to use a cheat to get to play as your favorite pokemon, or a pokemon you'd feel bad about if bad things were to happen to it !


As long as its the only thing you cheat for :P

Well, you might have to change the initial moveset in that case, if you don't want an unfair advantage with having moves you shouldn't have ! Given the way the cheat and game works ! And some animations will be replaced with the running anim, and some emotions for the character's avatars aren't available for some pokemons. But as long as its your character and not your companion you're changing to another pokemon than the official starters, it shouldn't be too bad !


Also, don't read walkthrough, unless you really must. Or at least, only things that are spoiler free, and for only specific things. Because, while plot twists are fairly well unexpected, an innocent tidbit of information could let you deduct things you'd wish you didn't.. 


Oh and when you begin the game, put all the valuable stuff you get from the guild in storage ! Because, you'll probably faint in the first dungeon, given its forced and kindof a rough start.. Well, not all that much, but still.. You'll be glad to have those things to help you out after that, given you lose some items and money when you faint ! Unless you put things in storage, or in the bank !

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Just got Kid Icarus: Uprising for the 3DS, woot woot!

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I am currently playing every Starfox game I own, Super Smash Bros Melee, Super Mario 3D World.

And...Pokemon X where I actually hunt shiny pokemon by chaining.

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Goddammit, I wish I had a better graphics card so I could play Ridge Racer: Driftopia without slowdown...



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I decided to replay Paper Mario: The thousand Year Door, mainly because I've been watching Mic the microphone play it on Twitch and the fact that the last time I played it I didn't know what I was doing. Currently just got my yoshi who I named Li'l Ben.  ;)

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TF2: Mann VS MAchine is fun, but I just wish we'd get stuck on every wave or so. Makes everyone Rage Quit.

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Out of nostalgia I started playing Breath of Fire IV for the first time in a quabillion time units. Brings back good memories.


Also Skyrim. Mods mods mods mods mods--

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got around to getting all the HD versions of Angry Birds. The one I'm playing the most? Angry Birds Rio,
quite naturally. Wonder when that next update for it is gonna come out...

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Well I beat the Marine Campaign in AvP 2 pc on Hard mode  :cool:

Now about that Xenomorph one..that comes later.

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Mario Kart 8.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been playing Minecraft, Burnout Paradise, Team Fortress 2, Star Fox Adventures, and Mariokart 7!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my mitts on the demo of Portal the other day. If I had to describe that game in one word, I would describe it as 'strange'

rather than 'wierd'.

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You'll learn to like it once you get the whole thing plus the second masterpiece.

Oh you will.

And if you don't I'll stop posting GMod pics. :V


As for me, I've been in a spree of FTL: Faster Than Light again. Playing Spiral Knights again, too.

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And here I finally picked up Skyrim and GTA IV during the Steam sale. I also got BeamNG.drive, a soft body physics car sandbox thingie that is in alpha.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

Been playing mainly Minecraft (FTB). I play a bit of GTA5 on 360 too. 

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You'll learn to like it once you get the whole thing plus the second masterpiece.

Oh you will.

And if you don't I'll stop posting GMod pics. :V


As for me, I've been in a spree of FTL: Faster Than Light again. Playing Spiral Knights again, too.

Completed the first one. Ever so slightly bewildered by the ending. Can't wait to buy the 2nd one.

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Recently, I started playing Castle Siege on the Mineplex server in Minecraft. I love being a defender, I am so good at archery in game!

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One word: EarthBound!!!!!!!!

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01000101 01001101 01010000 01010100 01011001 00100000 01010011 01001001 01001100 01000101 01001110 01000011 01000101


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Super Smash Flaaaaasshh!

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