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And here I put a Sega Genesis emulator on my tablet so I could play Sonic 2.

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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (must get every bit of Brachydios gear), Swordsman, and bits of League of Legends now and again.

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I played through and actually finished the main quest of Skyrim and Dawnguard. My game is heavily modded, and that's the only reason it's kept my attention. :P Also unfortunately, I think the Ultimate Follower Overhaul is causing my game to crash randomly, so I need to figure out what's going on there. Le sigh.


But Serana is my waifu and few things make me happier so there.

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I have all these wonderful games for PC, yet all I do most of the time is blow stuff up in Minecraft.

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Mercenary Kings and the spectacular Shovel Knight have been eating up my time.

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Recently I have been playing GTA IV. I mostly drive cars into things and cause trouble. GTA IV has my favorite driving mechanics in any open world game, other than Burnout Paradise. I also like that ability to insert your own music into the game as part of a radio station, something more open world games need.

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Here are some sounds featured from me playing Super Hexagon last night:


Begin.Line.Game Over.Begin.Line.Triangle.Game Over.Begin.Line.Triangle.Square.Pentagon.COME ON!!! YES!!!!Game Over. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

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Yoshi's Island

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Filthy casual. The PC version of Minecraft is superior to the shitty mobile port in many ways. Little kids play Minecraft Pocket Edition. Real men play Minecraft on their PC.

My computer is slow. Too slow to play anything. I usually play Minecraft on the computer whenever I go to my grandparents house though, because their computer is fast as crap.

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Back to Skyrim (again). And finally looking how I wanted it to.



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^ I see that someone is using the Vaalsark mod. :P






I'm currently playing through DLC Quest on Steam. It's...interesting for a lack of a better term.

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I recently winged Killer Instinct on the first two difficulties since it's been a while since I've played it. Almost knocked Eyedol out on the first try but lost it by an inch.

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Started animal crossing over again. Also Freedom Planet, Shovel Knight and Zeno Clash.

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If you go on a road trip, I highly recommend GTA Chinatown Wars for the DS. Warning, just because it is on a Nintendo system, does not mean they toned down the violence, language, or innuendo!

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Recently bought Dual Destinies on 3DS. Pretty good so far.

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Recently, OrbiKitsune recommended Robocraft to me. I will say, it is awesome.

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I got a little indie game called Papers Please. It's actually really compelling.

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I can't believe I didn't get into Hotline Miami until now, despite me getting it back at the Winter Sale. It is fucking awesome. This game is not for those who rage quit too easily, however. Prepare to die A LOT. It's so satisfying to complete a stage and see those big letters counting your score, though, and the game is easy to get into if you have a controller. The combat is satisfying, and this game laughs at health systems, for most hits are 1-shot kills, and you have the same health as your enemies. They also have quick reflexes, forcing you to out smart the AI. I highly recommend Hotline Miami.

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I can't believe I didn't get into Hotline Miami until now, despite me getting it back at the Winter Sale. It is fucking awesome. This game is not for those who rage quit too easily, however. Prepare to die A LOT. It's so satisfying to complete a stage and see those big letters counting your score, though, and the game is easy to get into if you have a controller. The combat is satisfying, and this game laughs at health systems, for most hits are 1-shot kills, and you have the same health as your enemies. They also have quick reflexes, forcing you to out smart the AI. I highly recommend Hotline Miami.

Sounds good. Is it on Steam?

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It's been on Steam for ages. Right now, it is part of the Indie MEGABOOTH Solid Gold Collection, which is $85 worth of awesome games for $20. Other titles in this bundle include Guacamelee, Stanley Parable, and Octodad: Dadliest Catch, among a few others.

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