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I stated a Pokemon Emerald Nuzlocke challenge. Up to the 6th gym and only lost 2 Pokemon so far.

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I played Skyrim, and got bored of it again.. :(

Everytime I play a mage that's what happens..

Plus, I somehow screwed my leveled lists so some kinda important spells aren't spawning in vendor inventories :/


I stated a Pokemon Emerald Nuzlocke challenge. Up to the 6th gym and only lost 2 Pokemon so far.

Nice! What did you lose ? And what's your team ?

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Nice! What did you lose ? And what's your team ?

I lost my Wingull when I was fighting the 1st gym leader's Nosepass. I lost my Graveler when fighting the 4th gym leaders Torkoal, and today I lost my Voltorb while fighting a lvl 35 Marill while training for the 6th gym.


My team in training is a lvl 49 Blaziken, lvl 31 Manectric, lvl 31 Magneton, lvl 30 Kecleon, lvl 26 Crobat and lvl 21 Gyarados. Might change the lower level ones, but my training priority right now is Manectric and Magneton so I can destroy the flying type. Shame I lost my Voltorb, could have had 3 electric types.

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Recently I revisted Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Man, the game has a certain charm that does not exist anywhere else!

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I got this free game called You Have to Win The Game the other day on Steam. It won't work on my computer, but my friend kindly let me use his comp if ever I'm about in town and I swing by to play it. It's this sort of old Commodore 64-like game, and you what that means... old retro sound effects. Power-ups. Hard-as-rocks difficulty. And I love it.

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Yesterday, I got Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon for the 3DS. It's a lot of fun, and it even has multiplayer. If this had online multiplayer, and so did Mariokart 7, then why didn't SF643D? I just see wasted potential.

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Contra: Hard Corps, Burnout Paradise, and Growtopia. (Yes, that's a real game. Look it up.)

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Contra: Hard Corps




Fortune be with you on your quest!




I'm currently replaying all of the Phoenix Wright games. One of these days I'll cave and pony up the cash for a 3DS so that I can buy Dual Destinies and future installments. Maybe when that new 3DS revision comes stateside.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

Filthy casual. The PC version of Minecraft is superior to the shitty mobile port in many ways. Little kids play Minecraft Pocket Edition. Real men play Minecraft on their PC.


Does it seriously matter what version of Minecraft you're playing? Minecraft is Minecraft. Yes, the mobile version doesn't have all the same stuff that the PC or console versions do, but c'mon. Harsh.

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Filthy casual. The PC version of Minecraft is superior to the shitty mobile port in many ways. Little kids play Minecraft Pocket Edition. Real men play Minecraft on their PC.


Congrats, I guess you are a real man then. At least little kids know how to play nice.


Good manners go a long way, folks, let's keep it civil.

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Congrats, I guess you are a real man then. At least little kids know how to play nice.


Good manners go a long way, folks, let's keep it civil.

Well, most of the guys I know at school have actually rage quitted playing MineCraft. Well, I did say not to play

on Hardcore without surviving (and counting) a full in-game year in normal Survival...

Back on-topic, I'm going back through all of the MegaMan games, from the ones on my emulators to digging out my old

copies of X4 and X5 I had back in the 2000 days. Hardest of them all? Mega Man 2, without a doubt. Least I haven't

rage quitted. not yet, anyway.

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Megaman 2 hard? I don't know, I just recently played through it on difficult and it still wasn't as hard as say 1 or 3. Try using the Metal Blades all the time, there are only a handful of enemies and bosses that won't fall to them and they almost never run out.

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Megaman 2 hard? I don't know, I just recently played through it on difficult and it still wasn't as hard as say 1 or 3. Try using the Metal Blades all the time, there are only a handful of enemies and bosses that won't fall to them and they almost never run out.

Alright, I'll do that. Thanks for the tip.

I forgot to mention: Another game I've been playing a lot recently is a DS RPG called The World Ends With You.

That game is one of the most original RPG's I have ever played, taking place in an alternate dysotopian Shibuya,

as you play as this boy who finds out he was killed, and was reincarnated and forced to play a game that, if he wins,

earns the right to be resurrected. Except it's not as easy or simple as it sounds...


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Nintendo gave me some download codes for the Smash Bros for 3ds demo, so I have been playing that and Kingdom Hearts 3D.

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Megaman 2 hard?

Love that game. Just got Mega Man Anniversary Collection last night.

Anyways, I'm playing Star Wars Battlefront 2. It's INSANELY fun, and I would recommend it to anyone.

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Anyways, I'm playing Star Wars Battlefront 2. It's INSANELY fun, and I would recommend it to anyone.

I'm kinda divided between both games. I mean, I prefer the 1st Battlefront, because it's got a smoother frame

rate and that Kashyyyk - Docks map, where I can do a bit of sniping in peace), but I prefer the 2nd because

it's got a proper story, and better vehicle levels. I have the PS2 versions of the games, in case you were


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And here I am still working on fighting Deadeye Joe's semi-3D mech on an early 3D highway in Contra: Hard Corps. I also experienced a sniper war in TF2 using the map of Hyrule from Ocarina of Time.

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Whenever me and my friends aren't busy revising/doing our late homework and the bus runs to and from school,
my mate Matt whips out his smartphone and we have a game of Subway Surfers. The current record between us?
Mine, with a garguantal scord of 571,398 points that has lasted for 7 months. Muhahahaha.

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Completed Saint's Row 3. Current playtime is a mix of actual pen-and-paper dungeons and dragons with my dormmates and probably more Saint's Row.

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I am quite active in Tomodachi Life, and I have been practicing for SSB4 using the demo. Only a few more days, and I will be smashing other players off my screen!

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 Current playtime is a mix of actual pen-and-paper dungeons and dragons with my dormmates and probably more Saint's Row.

Oh, hell yeah, I've got a ton of those kind of books at my home. Those are great; my personal favorite is Freeway Fighter.


I've been playing some Freespace 2 recently, to refresh my mind on all the info in the game, like the ships, the cruisers, species, all of that.

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