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I've been replaying the first Sly Cooper game recently - I never was skilled enough to 100% the game in my adolescence, so I suppose that I'm making up for lost time now.  I can't believe that it still picks up and plays so well considering that it has been nearly thirteen years since its release.  The stylized graphics and music have generally held up pretty well too.  I actually dug my PS2 out of a box in the attic being that The Sly Collection on PS3 cut the level commentaries (that you get as a reward for beating the time trials in each level) out of the game.   

The Greatest Hits version of the boxart looks better than the game's original one IMO.  Good thing I have both in my collection.


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Well. I recently just played the new update to LISA, 'LISA: The Joyful'. 

While the first game definitely had its issues, it was a pleasant, bittersweet rollercoaster that had an, overall, earthboundy style feel due to combat, but a bit/much more mature theme. Almost to the point you questioned "Are you trying too hard oorrrr....?"

The DLC which tells the aftertales with a small girl you basically do your best to save/protect in the first game leaves quite a lot to be desired, along with frankly lacking gameplay. Had Buddy been a playable character in the last game, I would have been much more appreciative as she was cool combat wise. But she brought nothing to the table sadly. On top of the story just flat out never answering many questions in the end and having a confirmed ending by the creators. 

Still, I think they guy is definitely doing a lot of good material and I would gladly play his next game, so I don't regret the $5. Now back to League of Legends. WOO.

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Soon as it installs, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.


Go green bar, go!


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Soon as it installs, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.


Go green bar, go!


Apparently it's really, really good.


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I got all of the games in the Bit.Trip series, and man, I am getting rekt. I mean, how the hell did anyone managed to get a perfect score in the Growth level of Bit.Trip Beat?! HOW?!

I'm also playing Tales Of Monkey Island as well. Loving all of the references to the previous games in the series. :yes:

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Doesn't seem so hard. Then again, it's only 'cos I haven't played Runner 2 yet.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, been playing Undertale for the past few days, beat it not too long ago, and given that I did the good ending and it still feels like someone ripped my heart out and beat me with it mercilessly. I mean, I cried, and I don't mean I got a little teary eyed. I mean full on snot bubbles and tear stains on the pillow crying, literally. And I do not cry (from emotions) easily. And I full on refuse to accept the existence of the other endings, especially the "genocide" run's. Nope, the only possible outcome is that everyone lives pretty much happily ever after and I will stab anyone who says otherwise.


But, I mean, this game is, quite literally, the wildest emotional rollercoaster I have ever experienced. It can go from heartcrushingly depressing to side-splittingly hilarious in minutes. Each character is an absolute gem and that you could have killed any of them just... I dunno, makes them even more endearing. Not to mention that they are largely the most huggable damned characters out there, except Udyne and Alphys, who I don't think would appreciate hugs, but the thought still counts and applies. And I mean all characters are fantastic, even the "villains." 


And the artwork and soundtrack are just fantastic, I couldn't have imagined you could get that much emotion out of sprites like this:



But each character has a unique "voice" that's kinda like Star Fox's, it's just "bluhbluhbluhbluh" as the text is typed out, but the expressions they get with the text really sells the emotions of the scene.


And the fuckin' soundtrack is just so damned good.

Case in points:


And what makes the good ending so sad is... it's over, the game is over,


everyone lives happily ever after, and if you load the game up again a certain character will beg you not to reset the save because everyone is happy, just let them live in peace now.


God I hope he makes another game with these characters, I would be 110% with an Animal Crossing style game where you just interact with them, no fighting, no major drama, just catching snails with Toriel or watching Anime with Undyne, Alphys, and



That would just be fine and dandy with me.


But yeah:



This game is on a rather short list of my all-time "must plays."

Edited by Vy'drach
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I just started the Star Wars Battlefront demo today. I'm slowly getting the hang of it. This could turn out to be great.

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Just polished off BIT.TRIP Runner on my Wii and have swiftly moved into BIT.TRIP Fate.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I've also been playing Plague Inc. on my tablet. I never thought that a game about you being an evil b*****d could make you feel so evil and good about yourself.

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I don't play video games too often anymore, but I have been playing StarWars BattleFront 2 rather frequently, having high hopes in the new StarWars Battlefront. I love messing around with cheats and map glitches. I also might get a PS4

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Playing me some Shovel Knight on the 3DS. It is exactly what everyone says it is! One of the greatest Indie titles of the current generation.

Also playing me some Moon Chronicles on the 3DS. Pretty much the only FPS title I know of other than Metroid Prime Hunters that uses the touch screen to look and aim. Seriously! Why don't more games use this!? Resident Evil Revelations would have been a MASTERPIECE with that kind of control!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Started to play Undertale after Vy'Drach personally recommended it. The only thing I can say is this: My f*****g God, that game is beautiful.


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I'm currently playing South Park: The Stick of Truth.  I don't think I've laughed this hard while playing a game in a long time. 

The deal was even sweeter considering I picked it up on sale on Steam for $7.

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The new update for SpeedRunners dropped last night, and it's the craziest thing ever. Why?

It's not because you can play as a transvestite man who dresses up in a unicorn suit.

It's NOT because you can play as a cat who speaks only in emojis.

It's not EVEN the fact that you can play as the Scout from TF2.


It's the fact that

YOU CAN PLAY AS F*****G MARKIPLIER and PEWDIEPIE, among other Youtubers.

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Been breaking out some childhood classics lately...

Anybody else play the Syphon Filter games back in the late '90s/early millenium?

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Been varying out a little the past few days. Pulling Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War from the nether realm again, and playing Vector Thrust as well as Endless Space, DX: HR, XCOM: Enemy Within and PSO2.

Also Garry's Mod in between times.

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I've fallen back in love with Crusader Kings 2. Too bad it keeps crashing though...

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  • 1 month later...

Finally decided to start playing Morrowind for the first time. Had it as a kid but my computer back then was too shithouse to play it so I never did. Very fun, but I had to get a few mods to make it more playable as I have been spoiled by Skyrim.

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So I nabbed myself Star Wars Battlefront 2 on PC after seeing it was on sale. The sheer amount of mods and custom maps you can find for it is staggering.

Also, me and my older brother have started playing Assassin's Creed on his PC. The free-running in that game is so much fun.

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I bought three (technically four, but the fourth one I already had) new games in a Steam sale for $25. Here's the thing... They're all really complicated.

Europa Universalis IV, Hearts of Iron III, Victoria II. All of them grand strategy games, all historical, all big on information overload, yet all fun once you get into it.

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