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ok since my cousin has let me borrow his ps3 im playing call of duty 4 i never thought id love a FPS so much.

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...I've been seeing you play on PSN >xD

Yeah, that's the only thing I've been playing for over a week. :P

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Chitty try tf2 or l4d. i've been playing pocket god.

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I picked up Orange Box this weekend.

Hanven't played HL2 yet, not sure if I will. I mainly bought TOB for Portal and TF2.

Portal was cool and a bit of a challenge at points, but it was way too short.

I enjoy TF2 much more than COD4. Mostly because only the demoman can nade whore, and it takes actual skill to do it effectively. COD4 is a nightmare. You can't take three steps without being blown away with a grenade. After a few tries, I quit playing it and haven't touched it in quite a while.

Plus, TF2 us funny. I haven't enjoyed an FPS this much since the Desert Combat mod for Battlefield 1942. If only I had more time to play...

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I picked up Orange Box this weekend.

Hanven't played HL2 yet, not sure if I will. I mainly bought TOB for Portal and TF2.

Portal was cool and a bit of a challenge at points, but it was way too short.

I enjoy TF2 much more than COD4. Mostly because only the demoman can nade whore, and it takes actual skill to do it effectively. COD4 is a nightmare. You can't take three steps without being blown away with a grenade. After a few tries, I quit playing it and haven't touched it in quite a while.

Plus, TF2 us funny. I haven't enjoyed an FPS this much since the Desert Combat mod for Battlefield 1942. If only I had more time to play...

Glad to see you are enjoying Team Fortress 2....

I haven't had a chance to get it and run a risk of either having it run at such a low resolution that it's unplayable or at such a low framerate that it's unplayable, hey, It's only 30 bucks, might as well risk it...

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Guest Para Astaroth

I picked up Orange Box this weekend.

Hanven't played HL2 yet, not sure if I will. I mainly bought TOB for Portal and TF2.

Portal was cool and a bit of a challenge at points, but it was way too short.

I enjoy TF2 much more than COD4. Mostly because only the demoman can nade whore, and it takes actual skill to do it effectively. COD4 is a nightmare. You can't take three steps without being blown away with a grenade. After a few tries, I quit playing it and haven't touched it in quite a while.

Plus, TF2 us funny. I haven't enjoyed an FPS this much since the Desert Combat mod for Battlefield 1942. If only I had more time to play...

Which platform?  Xbox 360?  PS3?  PC?

Anyways, I just picked back up on Red Faction Guerrilla today.  Kind of hard to get back into a game you haven't played in months.

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Most valve games can run pretty well on low-end computers. I mean, we have this old 07-08 labtop that can't even run most games. However it ran the Half life demo pretty well, with only minimun lag.

But that's probably just HL2, Maybe TF2 need higher settings or something...

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I completely despise Sony, and will NEVER give them money for ANYTHING. Not TVs, Not computers, not MP3 players, not game consoles, not cellphones. NOTHING.

I avoid Microsoft where I can, as I am not a big fan of them either. I'm tied to Windows for other shit, so I don't consider it a violation of my principles to play PC games.

But as far as consoles, the only "clean" company left in the business is Nintendo.

FPS's suck on consoles anyway. Now I need to qualify this, I haven't played The Conduit yet, so I cannot 100% call it for the Wii. Thus far, implementation on the Wii has left some to be desired. Especially with the potential the Wii controls have. But, as of yet, nothing I've used has rivaled the Keyboard and Mouse.

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Recently, I've gotten back to my PC, I've been playing Quake Live and Skulltag, and also Trackmania Nations...

Speaking of which, I'm working on a car skin as a semi-fanart for a certain site...


(Click it for bigger image, I don't know why Imageshack does that)

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I picked up Orange Box this weekend.

Hanven't played HL2 yet, not sure if I will. I mainly bought TOB for Portal and TF2.

Portal was cool and a bit of a challenge at points, but it was way too short.

I enjoy TF2 much more than COD4. Mostly because only the demoman can nade whore, and it takes actual skill to do it effectively. COD4 is a nightmare. You can't take three steps without being blown away with a grenade. After a few tries, I quit playing it and haven't touched it in quite a while.

Plus, TF2 us funny. I haven't enjoyed an FPS this much since the Desert Combat mod for Battlefield 1942. If only I had more time to play...

The orange box for XB360 has sort of an "add-on" with more levels and challenges. I think valve may give the PC this add-on.
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FPS's suck on consoles anyway.

"Right you are, Ken" -MXC

I find that using the Analog stick to snipe or folow a moving target is harder than heck for me. It sticks to a certain position until you move it, then it becomes a waste of ammo trying to tag or folow that person. With the mouse you can easily folow somebody and get good sniping accuracy.

In The Conduit, it depends on how good you are with aiming with the Wii-remote, or how much sensitivity you got on. That's where the custom controls come it, its a great deal of help.

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Guest Para Astaroth


I completely despise Sony, and will NEVER give them money for ANYTHING. Not TVs, Not computers, not MP3 players, not game consoles, not cellphones. NOTHING.

I avoid Microsoft where I can, as I am not a big fan of them either. I'm tied to Windows for other shit, so I don't consider it a violation of my principles to play PC games.

But as far as consoles, the only "clean" company left in the business is Nintendo.

FPS's suck on consoles anyway. Now I need to qualify this, I haven't played The Conduit yet, so I cannot 100% call it for the Wii. Thus far, implementation on the Wii has left some to be desired. Especially with the potential the Wii controls have. But, as of yet, nothing I've used has rivaled the Keyboard and Mouse.

Well, I'm on opposite ends on the platforms part, seeing that I literally stink at FPS PC games for some reason, and I'm not taking sides with neither Sony, Microsoft, nor Nintendo.

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^ Team Fortress 2?

I"ve been playing a lot of Halo ODST.

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what does tf2 stand for?


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Guest Para Astaroth

Battlefield:  Bad Company... with teammates that don't understand the meaning of "Defend your Gold Crates." :lol:

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Battlefield:  Bad Company... with teammates that don't understand the meaning of "Defend your Gold Crates." :lol:

I know exactly how you feel. I have teammates who dont know the meaning of "Shoot the enemy not your buddy next to you sniping"
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Guest Para Astaroth

I know exactly how you feel. I have teammates who dont know the meaning of "Shoot the enemy not your buddy next to you sniping"

Two snipers is better than one.  In that game, there's NOWHERE to hide!  Nearly EVERY wall is destructable!

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Guest Para Astaroth

Battlefield:  1943... People on my teams are... quite arrogant.  :oops:  I join a game, the opposing team has all the flags, we gain almost the whole map, our reinforcements are about half of the opposing teams, and they gain back all the flags, and we lose. 

Oh, and I've been playing a little bit of Call of Juarez:  Bound in Blood.  Most of the matches are LLLLAAAAAAGGGGGYYYYYYYYY

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DZ and cat, what's your steam id's?

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