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I got New Super Mario Bros. Wii.  :D

It's better than I expected.

good to hear its better then expected.

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Along with my current addiction to StarCraft: Brood War and obcession with getting all the trophies (four to go I think) on Batman AA, I am playing a lot of Super Mario Bros Wii and Galaxy (Playing as Luigi)

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I've been playing alot of battle for middle earth 1 with the massivE mod and I've been messing around with the kings of the west mod.  BFME with MassivE is like the BEST strategy game I've ever played

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Darn it! I forgot to get New super mario bros.Wii...well thats what im gonna do this weekend. Hey thunderStar do you have wifi in animal crossing city folk? Does anyone else have wifi in animal crossing city folk?

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Darn it! I forgot to get New super mario bros.Wii...well thats what im gonna do this weekend. Hey thunderStar do you have wifi in animal crossing city folk? Does anyone else have wifi in animal crossing city folk?

I do. 

I've been playing Skulltag and New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

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currently playing: dragon ball: revenge of king piccolo, spore hero, rabbids go home (playing with my brother in the 2 players mode) and battalion wars.

going to play: a boy and his blob.

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I do. 

I've been playing Skulltag and New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

Send me your friend code for accf and we can wifi! Anyway time to get off the off topic train. :lol: Is dragon ball rokp any good? i was thinking of getting it.
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Well Super Mario Bros Wii is completed, very fun game.

All the trophies on Batman: Arkum Asylum gained

28 Stars to go as Luigi on SM: Galaxy

I'll be getting Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time this weekend.

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Modern warfare 2


PS3: BlazBlue


SF: assault

Wind Waker


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I bought Resident Evil the Darkside Chronicles on Thursday, beat it just moments ago. IT IS AMAZING!!! Despite being a rail shooter, it does a very fine job of recreating Resident Evil 2 and Code Veronica, and the new scenario Operation Javier was just awesome. Plus some of the songs in the game's soundtrack are done by a full orchestra, which sound beautiful, definitely much better than Umbrella Chronicles.

I recommend picking it up, but only if you really like Resident Evil's story, otherwise you might get bored with it.

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Gears of war 2

SF adventures (for the fifth time XD)

Ragnarok online

lineage II

Starcraft Brood war on iccup (pm your tag if u play there)


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Guest Para Astaroth

BF:  BC 2 Beta on PSN.  People on that game are too good and are higher in ranks than me.  (I'm a rank 12 while they're like rank 23-30)

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Playing Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (RE) for the Gameboy Advance. My friend ShinigamiHoshi16 couldn't beat the level where you fight Captain Hook, so I'm trying to beat it for her. :3

My friend used to play that back in the 6th grade.  I've been unstable and switch between games several time, especially on my PC and with all the non-Steam games I've added to Steam, I feel sorry for friends getting all the "Fox-Shot is playing so and so" pop-ups.
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Playing Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (RE) for the Gameboy Advance. My friend ShinigamiHoshi16 couldn't beat the level where you fight Captain Hook, so I'm trying to beat it for her. :3

godoluck with that


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I would play brood wars, but i gotta get a little bit more aggressive, less defense first,

So today will be a mix of Starfox and Starcraft, a fun mix.

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Guest Para Astaroth

I'm going to switch over to my xbox for a little while.  Might go play some Halo 3 for the heck of it, since I haven't played it for a good month or so.  Anyone wanna join, just send an invite to my gamertag in signature. :wink:

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Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam

It is the most fun combat sim ever. Challenging, too.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Got Borderlands for PS3 today and have been playing it all day long.  Its fun, hard, and frustrating if you know what you're doing.  Also:  Advantage, enemies in a glitch and are sitting targets; Disadvantage, enemies 3 or more levels higher than me (Calls for A LOT of Critical Hits((AKA:  Headshots)))

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Playing Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (RE) for the Gameboy Advance. My friend ShinigamiHoshi16 couldn't beat the level where you fight Captain Hook, so I'm trying to beat it for her. :3

He is pretty annoying. I got so tired of him chucking bombs all over the place.

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