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Guest Para Astaroth


No.  It's because there are not as many 'exciting' games out for the DS anymore.  To be honest, I enjoyed Starfox Command while it lasted.

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I'm gonna go back to some Bayonetta. That is one fun game, and the difficulties are great, put it on very easy or easy, and the game plays itself, put it on normal, and you will get beat down occasionally, put it on hard, and you got a good challenge, put it on non-stop infinity climax difficulty, and get ready to pull your hair out. Also, how hard they tried to make it sexy is funny, such as pole-dance dodging in the first level's opening cutscene.

Also, it's not one of those "Beat and throw away" games, to fully beat it, you have to earn 9 million halos in game, and buy the platinum ticket from Rodin to face him as one PITA boss to beat, and if you defeat him, you earn the weapon also named Rodin, which is essentially every angel weapon in game.

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I'm gonna go back to some Bayonetta. That is one fun game, and the difficulties are great, put it on very easy or easy, and the game plays itself, put it on normal, and you will get beat down occasionally, put it on hard, and you got a good challenge, put it on non-stop infinity climax difficulty, and get ready to pull your hair out. Also, how hard they tried to make it sexy is funny, such as pole-dance dodging in the first level's opening cutscene.

That game doesn't appeal to me at all. It seems to me that they are mainly trying to sell that game with sex appeal, and that doesn't really attract me to games. Plus it just seems too weird.

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Currently playing: Pokemon Platinum, Pearl, and Diamond.

In an hour or so: Heartgold!

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That game doesn't appeal to me at all. It seems to me that they are mainly trying to sell that game with sex appeal, and that doesn't really attract me to games. Plus it just seems too weird.

They did try to sell it with sex appeal, but that's not what makes it good. I tried the demo for it, not even knowing what Bayonetta was, and it was surprisingly fun, even for a demo, so when it came out, I rented it for Xbox 360, beat it several times and got all but 2 achievements for it. Then after I had to bring it back, I went and bought it for PS3, meaning I had to do everything all over again, and I beat it several more times. Essentially, the sex appeal isn't what sold the game to me. It is just a thing that's funny that they added in, if they had put in any less of it, would have just been annoying, but they reached that point where it's so blatant it's hilarious. But what sold it for me is that it has great replay value, the cutscenes are enjoyable to watch, the dialogue is usually amusing, the characters are interesting. The bosses are unique, difficult, and awesome looking, haven't heard a bad piece of music in that game, and it's one of the games that takes skill to play.

Also, you can do a barrel roll in it. (The game has a level that's essentially a rehash of that Afterburner game or so, and to dodge and activate witch time, you have to barrel roll.)

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Also, you can do a barrel roll in it. (The game has a level that's essentially a rehash of that Afterburner game or so, and to dodge and activate witch time, you have to barrel roll.)

I am getting the feel that  :peppy: will likely aprove the game.

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Guest FoXXX

Also, you can do a barrel roll in it. (The game has a level that's essentially a rehash of that Afterburner game or so, and to dodge and activate witch time, you have to barrel roll.)

And this would be the main soundtrack!

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Speaking of soundtracks, this is actually my favorite song in that game, the infinity climax version of "Fly me to the moon."

It actually sounds like it could work for Krystal, in fact... must reply to a certain post by Julius with that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quake, Quake II, Quake III Arena, Quake III Team Arena, Geometry Wars, Outrun 2006: Coast 2 Coast, Resident Evil 4 (Krystal mod), Osu, Team Fortress 2.

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Currently playing:

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. Getting frustrated  :hehe:

Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Trying to beat boss battles on intense. Equally frustrating  :hehe:

Star Fox: Assault. Having fun on that trying to collect everything  :D

Team Fortress 2. Servers have been down lately so i can't really play it  :hehe:

I've learned that sometimes its the frustrating things in video games that hook you in and make you play it more  :D

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Currently playing:

For DS, I'd say:

Star Fox Command (just 2 more Endings to unlock!)

Megaman Star Force 3 Black Ace

Transformers: Decepticons

For PSP:


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Guest Para Astaroth

For PS3:

Just Cause 2

Batman:  Arkham Asylum (I've beaten the story (TWICE!) and am now working on Joker's challenges)

Battlefield:  Bad Company 2 (Multiplayer)

Just a little bit of Team Fortress 2

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Currently playing:

Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Trying to beat boss battles on intense. Equally frustrating  :hehe:

I still can't beat the mode on that difficulty and turns out I gave up.  :P

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Champions of Norrath. (I'm going old school. Oh, if anyone knows all the Dark Allience engine games, help me out.)


The Last Remnant.

It's good, but quite confusing.

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Quake Live, ordered Doom 64, will be playing that soon :)

It's good, but you could have got it for nothing for one of the fan based doom engines. They remade it with mouse control.

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Guest FoXXX

It's good, but you could have got it for nothing for one of the fan based doom engines. They remade it with mouse control.

I'd rather get the original game.

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