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Guest FoXXX

Doing a replay of Starfox Command and not understanding why so many people hated it.  The game itself was fine; the endings were just a little crummy :|

When you're a big fan, and truly love the series, you'll understand.

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When you're a big fan, and truly love the series, you'll understand.

Starfox Command doesn't suck that bad as a DS game, it just sucks HORRENDOUSLY when compared to every other Starfox game in existence. 

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Guest DRL

O-Kay, let´s do not turn this into a

"I Love/Hate Command!" Thread.

We all had different views about

Command. I myself do not like it

much, mainly due to the bad controls

and sad endings.  But come on, we

are Star Fox Fans after all. We are the

ones who must help keeping the franchise

alive, and if that means to buy a game not all

of us enjoy such as Command, then I will do, and

hope that the next one would be better

(And by the look of things, it DOES looks like

it is going to be better  :cool:). All fandoms

have good and bad games; even if we do

not have as much SF games as the Trekies,

we *are* going to have both good, bad, terrible,

great, and *AWEcool* games... You just be patient.

Now let´s get back On-Topic, or at least, we

should try to...

What I am currently playing?

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II

(in my brother´s PC. My XP died due to my own

stupidity, althrough I am going to solve it, it

will take time ultill I recover the load of stuff

I had in it...)

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Guest krystal08

Like I've said before... I liked Command. :D

i second!  i'm playing Dirt 2, i basicaly destroy my cars on every tracks XD kidding, i ain't that bad!

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I'm currently playing Fallout 3, but something strange is happening with my computer.

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If anyone wants to trade friend vouchers in Prime Trilogy, shoot me a PM. I only need 2 credits to get a Mii bobble head in my cockpit. :P

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I'll likely be playing more Unreal Tournament 2004 since I found out it had a Krystal mod (as well as a KitFox and Anubis).  I also just finished installing Urban Terror.

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Getting closer and closer to pulling my hair out by playing Turok: Shadow of Oblivion on Oblivion difficulty, while not dying in the attempt to unlock Joshua Fireseed (the Turok in Turok 2: Seeds of Evil).

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Halo Combat Evolved: Blood Gultch, got multiple kill streaks using shotty and sniper.  :lol:

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Fellow DSi owners, download Photo Dojo. It's free for a month.


Haven't seen you in ages man! Where ya been? lol

I've been playing Ninja Gaiden and Super Castlevania IV on the SNES. Both of them are pretty cool so far.

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I beat Brawl I can say what the secret characters are but I don't want to spoil it.Hint:When you beat the game go back to The Forest,The place where you get charzard,and the swamp.

Well I've been playing Splinter cell Double agent and spore galactic adventures.

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I finished up Corruption on Monday. Great game, but final boss was a little disappointing.

Time to start Super Metroid!


Haven't seen you in ages man! Where ya been? lol


Yeah, just needed a break I guess.

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Just Cause 2; taking over territories.

Too bad the game doesn't have online, or I'd be playing with you :D.

Still actually playing Battlefield Bad Company 2.  Trying to get the M14 at rank 21.

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Halo 3.  after beating odst in one night on legendary, I decided to play Halo 3... it's pretty good so far

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Silent Hill: Shattered memories. Its scary as heck. I mean think of it, getting chased in the cold by faceless naked pink things, and the worst part is...NO WEAPONS! Gives me the chills. O_o

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Final Fantasy XIII. Stuck on *possible spoiler averted* the annoying bastard.

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Just the one:

Spyro: Shadow Legacy (DS)

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I stayed up 'till 3 AM last night to beat Super Metroid. That game was a blast.. such a climatic ending.

I s'pose I'll play Okami now until Mario Galaxy 2 comes out.

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