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Oh, I forgot. I purchased Wii Fit on Tuesday. Been doing that once a day for about 30 minutes a pop. Really working up a sweat, but can't seem to make my body's rating to go below "Normal" BMI. I guess it'll just take a little more time.

Is normal not the goal?

EDIT: OOOPS that's really old, I didn't realize that since the site update it reset everything to viewing the very first post...

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Finally managed to finish OKAMI on the Wii. Still I need to get the last 7 fishes I missed there. Other than that... Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands on DS and Pokémon SoulSilver, trying to get most of the legendary pkmn as shiny version, Articuno is my victim at the moment.

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Finally managed to finish OKAMI on the Wii. Still I need to get the last 7 fishes I missed there. Other than that... Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands on DS and Pokémon SoulSilver, trying to get most of the legendary pkmn as shiny version, Articuno is my victim at the moment.

I salute thee

On completing Okami! cool, that rhymes.

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A whole bunch of random Atari games. I'm not sure if I should be impressed or frightened by the Journey game though, all I know is that drugs were involved during its creation.

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I'm currently playing Sonic 4: Episode 1, for both Xbox360 and iPod Touch. I've pretty much mastered it for 360, iPod version is another story. Still playing Rock Band 3, and I picked up NFS:Most Wanted again.. Bought a new car and am working on upgrading it.

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not currently play at this very moment, but iHAVE been playing BFBC2's Vietnam; nad it is AWSOME and in my opinion, bette than it's host game. It is soo fun! I personally think it is awsome be be on the USA team! (and blast some commie bastards xD )

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Gonna try out the Master System version of Ghouls 'N Ghosts. Apparently its a little different from the other ports.

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Left 4 Dead 2, TF2, HL2: Episode 2, RockBand 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, and Lost Planet 2.

Lots of sequels.

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Left4Dead2 is a good game I haven't tried it in a while (actually LoneWolf now that you mentioned that game on here I'm thinking of starting that up again, so thanks for reminding me. :lol: ) Lately a game I've been playing though (and I hope I don't get criticized as some sort of typical person playing the new game that came out for this) is CallOfDutyBlackOps mainly the only reason I've been doing that though is because my cousins who live out of my state like to play that game alot and since I rarely get to talk to them or see them besides txting sometimes, BlackOps is kind of a way of communicating and so it's kind of like family time instead of actually playing a video game so it makes the game a special memory instead of just a typical game. :)

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I've been playing a bit in Saints Row 2 and some of Black Ops recently, though Black Ops is feeling more like a chore rather than an enriching experience.....I guess sequel fatigue caught up :)

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Sunset Riders on the SNES. I always pick Cormano, mostly because I always got stuck with him when I played the arcade version at Chuck E Cheeses all those years ago.

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I finally got a chance to install Warcraft 3 onto my iMac.....So yeah...I'm playing Warcraft 3.

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I played a little bit of Soul Blazer today, Its about time too since I've played and beaten Illusion of Gaia a million times but have never got to play Soul Blazer or the Europe/Japan only Terranigma.

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just finished playing Vietnam with a great friend of mine and some of his clan mates. About to play WIC in a few mooments with him.

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Shin Nekketsu Kouha: Kunio-tachi No Banka. Pretty okay story driven beat 'em up, Its no River City Ransom though despite being one of its sequels. The translation could be better, way too much unneccesary swearing.

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