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Back in the Street Fighter Days...


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Back in the day we all played Street Fighter either on console or arcade, or we still play it now! *Can't wait for Street Fighter IV*

Anyway to get to the point, what Street Fighter Character(s) did you use back then or now?

Me? Well I used...




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I thought everyone has played SF2 on snes. It was his sled named rosebud ect. (btw, Ive never seen those films)

Ken and Ryu, sometimes Blanca.

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I tended for Dhalsim. You know. The guy who had to work for his victories? XD None of this 'Hadoken Corner Trap' nonsense.

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Work for his victory? he shot his stretchy arms and legs across the screen and punched me from the start of the match! 'Stretchy arms/legs Corner trap'

Anyway anyone tried to use Dan?

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Never played :wink:


You must play it! NAO! Or whenever you can. Try it. Please?

As for who I play with (SF2),

Cammy, Ken/Ryu and Blanka (lolcheapelectricution)

I play more Street Fighter 3 and a lot of SNK fighting games. I recently caught SNK fever so yeah. <3 <3 <3 KOF98 UM YEARGH!

I also can't wait for SFIV. C.Viper, w00t!

EDIT: Heck naw, Dan's like a waste of time for me. I fully respect anyone who can and win with him.

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Work for his victory? he shot his stretchy arms and legs across the screen and punched me from the start of the match! 'Stretchy arms/legs Corner trap'

Sure he could try, but Hadoken has FAR faster recovery than his pokes. =P Plus, then you just can play a Shotokan and SRK your way out.

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That's about it really. Cammy is alright too.

SFIV just looks like a 3D SF2 to me though >_>

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SFIV just looks like a 3D SF2 to me though.

Thats the point, any change, no matter how small causes whinging among fanboys.

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Thats the point, any change, no matter how small causes whinging among fanboys.

Especially if the Tier list changes in any way.

(Argh, Only Ken and Chun Li are viable, tournament wise. >.<)

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Especially if the Tier list changes in any way.

That's part of the reason I think people wont play the Supreme Commander Add On. You can't use the res farming cheap tactic.

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That's part of the reason I think people wont play the Supreme Commander Add On. You can't use the res farming cheap tactic.

Yeah... tier-whores appear in any competitive setting. (GG's Eddie players, 3S' Chun Li/Ken players, Star Craft's Terran players, SSBM's Sheik players, SSBB's Marth players, etc, etc...)

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ah I don't care about tiers for street fighter or any other games... just gonna beat down everyone with Vega!

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^SFIV is gonna have online matches. I'd like to see you back that up Ramuza. :( (Please tell me you have an Xbox.)

Yeah, I never go by tiers but rather who I feel comfortable with. Hell, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl I got my ass kicked by a skilled Jigglypuff. A FREAKIN' JIGGLYPUFF! (I think I read somewhen that Jiggly's mid-tier or mid-high tier. All I know is that she's somewhere in the middle) I was Pit.

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Tier only represents how easy it is for a person to win. It doesn't take into account skill or anything like that. (If I was gonna go by tier lists, why would I wanna main Wario?) Heh, like how I main Faust in GG... It's a play style I'm nice and comfy with. Absurd fighters are what I do, ergo why I tend to pick Dhalsim and the like. XDDD

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