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James McCloud Dead or Alive


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I have a theory about James McCloud. (Fox's Father) In StarFox64 after you beat Andross James will apear and leed you out of the base.He then dissapears.I think he might have ecaped captivity and somehow got his Arwing back. This means he abandoned Fox.

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There is more evidence in support of his death than there is for him being alive. SF64 Player's guide, in-game dialog, and writings by Nintendo staff suggest it.

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There is more evidence in support of his death than there is for him being alive. SF64 Player's guide, in-game dialog, and writings by Nintendo staff suggest it.

So if hes not alive than is he a ghost?


and whats with his apearance in command?

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Guest Chiro-Chan

I think he's alive.


Because everyone else thinks he's dead, and because I'm weird. xD

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Guest Chiro-Chan

Because, it seems like he's not really dead to me. I dunno, but there's something about him that makes it seem like he's not dead. It more seems like he's just letting Fox do his own thing, and watching from behind, and helps when he needs it. It also never exactly explains how he dies, like whether Andross blew him up, he was shot down and killed, nothing. I dunno, I just don't think he's dead.

He could also be neither dead, nor alive. Maybe just caught in some strange void... xD

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He's not dead. Why? Because that would be too easy. :wolf:

Seriously, anyone can say someone's dead, and believe it fully, if the person faked their death well enough. Despite what it says in NP, you can still beat the final boss in Command with someone who's supposed to be dead.

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Wait, Wait, Wait. I never said I thought he was dead I was just saying that there IS something out there from Nintendo that officially states that he is dead.

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Yes, but is SFC canon? No. At least not that far into it. Since the developers refused to make an ending Canon, nothing that happens after the game starts is canon. Plus, no one seems to notice him when he appears. I would think everyone would be like "OMG! JAMES!"

It has been stated multiple times that he is dead in Nintendo sources (SF64 guide, SSB64, etc.), and hinted tons in the games.

I am of the opinion that the James we see is a figment of Fox's imagination.

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I am of the opinion that the James we see is a figment of Fox's imagination.

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I am of the opinion that the James we see is a figment of Fox's imagination.

But how can a figment of someones imagination fly an awring and shootdown ships?

if u ask me i beleive james is like a goast hes alive in a way but hes also dead.

Think of it like how only certain Saruians could see Andross in Star Fox Adventures, but others couldn't. He may still be alive in some way.

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Think of it like how only certain Saruians could see Andross in Star Fox Adventures, but others couldn't. He may still be alive in some way.

I think you're onto something.

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James faked his death because HE IS THE NEXT VILLAN IN SF WII!!!!1111!!!!1!111 He eats babies

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James faked his death because HE IS THE NEXT VILLAN IN SF WII!!!!1111!!!!1!111 He eats babies

what the he@# are you talking about?

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James faked his death because HE IS THE NEXT VILLAN IN SF WII!!!!1111!!!!1!111 He eats babies

It all makes sence now!

Also krystal will will come out with the news that the baby is not foxs, but peppies. *doof doof, d-d-d-doof soap orera theme*

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ohhhhhhhhh nooooooooooo

im levin you ;)

no come back ;)

no you filthy skank  :fox:


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:wolf: oops.....

:fox: Drunkin ho bag

:fox: .... I know.....

:fox: slut *leaves*

:krystal: Oh poopy dooky...... I was supposed to marry him. Now I am stuck with this loser...

:wolf:And his friend  ;) and  :leon: if he wants any

:krystal: any what?....

:wolf:;):leon: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

:krystal: NOOOOooooo I'm sorry fox! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

:fox: *drinks a mountain dew* What a ho bag....

Thus kursed was born and James was LAUGHING in his grave

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